Swot Analysis Of Adidas
- Pages: 2
- Word count: 459
- Category: Adidas Brand Swot Analysis
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Order NowAdidas sports wear competes in the most competitive market. The sports apparel industry has been Nikes market. Over the past years Nike has gain a competitor in Adidas. Adidas is a growing company because it changed its strategy to deal with every major sport and not just tennis and soccer and the European market. Adidas was able to get some major colleges to use their equipment. Some major colleges to change are UCLA, Notre Dame, and Tennessee to name a few. Since the change Adidas has grown into a major competitor against Nike. Adidas has some major strengths but it also has some weaknesses. Adidas has the opportunity to over take Nike as the elite sports Apparel Company. In the quest to find the next Michael Jordan the two companies will be battling it out.
Adidas has certain strengths that Nike and other companies do not have. One of the strengths is that it appeals to the younger generation. Adidas is known for endorsing young superstars to take their company to the next level. Adidas has young phenoms such as Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady, and Michael Vick. These athletes are young and they bring a certain quality to Adidas that enables them to stay with Nike. A major purchaser of sports apparel is teenagers and with the athletes that represent Adidas it enables them to have a bigger chunk of the money from these consumers. The younger crowd buys a shoe or apparel that his or her favorite athlete wears and with the young superstars that Adidas represent it allows them to take the next step as a company.
The major player in the sports apparel market is Michael Jordan. Jordan has the most wanted apparel out there because many people believe that he is the greatest basketball player of all time. A sports apparel company is always trying to find the next Jordan so it spends millions and millions of dollars on summer camps and recruiting to find the next one. Jordan has turned Nike into one of the top businesses in the world so finding the next one can be a huge moneymaker.
Many scouts believe that they found the next Jordan in a high school junior by the name of Lebron James. Many scouts believe that Lebron James can be the first pick in the draft this year as a junior in high school. Every sports apparel company is trying to get their hands on this freak of nature. Many believe that he can get a contract for Twenty million dollars buy wearing a certain shoe. James is being pursued hard by Adidas and they have the upper hand because he has a lot of good friends that are endorsed by Adidas.