Dell Essays

Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) Internal Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score Comments Strengths Wide product offerings Strong financial standing Zing 0.30 0.10 0.05 5 4 4 …
When the Texas-based Dell computer company started in 1984, its creator Michael Dell was interested in having a completely different distribution approach from his competitors. In order to keep costs low, minimize inventory costs and cater to customer needs, Dell sold directly to customers. By 1997, Dell’s distribution model was …
In the light of increased competition in the PC industry, there is a need to capture and maintain market share, not only be profitable but to be sustainable. The Acer Company has over the years moved from being a little known Taiwanese PC maker to being ranked among the world’s …
Executive Summary: The Ford Motor Company has been a leader in the automotive industry for decades and their dedication to maintain that ideology for years to come, they had to make some significant changes to their supply chain network in work to succeed. At the end of the 20th century, …
1. Why has Dell been successful at building a social media program? Dell developed a social media program that helped solve customers’ problems, improve Dell’s reputation, and educate customers. It depended on social media to improve sales, predict trends of the market and create the better brand perception online. The …
Over the years, Dell has devised very successful strategies to increase customer loyalty and reduce costs. However with the passage of time, the company has failed to have a proactive approach to capitalize the opportunities provided by the environment and sustained its competitive advantage. 1. Use of the direct selling …
For the fiscal year ending February 2008, Dell’s net revenue totaled $61.1 billion, and its net income was $2.9 billion. The company’s total assets valued $27.561 billion, with cash and equivalents making up the largest portion, which totaled $7.764 billion. The company’s cash flow in operating activities was $3.949 billion, …
Executive Summary Dell Computer Corporation was established in 1984 and today ranks among the world’s largest computer systems companies. Dell pioneered the concepts of selling personal computer systems directly to customers; offering build-to-order computer systems; and providing direct, toll-free technical support and next-day, on-site service. The company designs and customizes …
Dell was the first mover with its business-to-customer model and internet sales and services since Dell reinvented the value chain for PC industry. Although China would become the second largest PC market after US, Dell’s decision of positioning in this market was very crucial. Direct selling of business-to-customer model through …
Overview. It started 21 years ago, when he was ditching classes to sell homemade PCs out of his University of Texas dorm room. Michael Dell was the scrappy underdog, fighting for his company’s life against the likes of IBM and Compaq Computer Corp. with a direct-sales model that people thought …
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