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Sunset Beach

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  • Pages: 2
  • Word count: 465
  • Category: Beach

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My favorite place is called Sunset beach, It is a place to be free and have fun, enjoy the beauty, and happiness it brings. This place makes me feel welcome, I can enjoy the view, and relax on the sand. The feeling of just letting go of all my worries comes past me like whispering winds sway across the tree. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than Sunset Beach.

As I walked down the side walk my nose picks up the salty scent of the sea breeze. The pavement is full of sand from the beach from children running back and forth. Some have a look of excitement on their face like a kid in a candy store, but others have a look of sadness in their eyes because they have to go. I on the other hand am just always so blessed and grateful to be there.

I make my way up to a place that overlooks the whole beach, you can see the sun slowly going down the horizon. As it goes down the burning light of the sun gets dull and it looks like a huge disk of yellow and red. The scene is truly beautiful. The dull light of the sun somehow illuminates in a way I can’t even imagine. Everything is almost still and the effect of the light makes the scene look like one in a painting. As I got on top of the sandy hill I saw the gleaming beach in the far distance. Before me the tranquil city along with the endless blue sea sandwiched the golden beach that stretched across for miles. Even though I go there a lot my eyes are always gasped by the incredible beauty of the city sky scrapers. That stands hundreds of meters tall. This probably captures the sight of many other tourists as well.

On foot the quickest route to the beach is a long narrow staircase. The stairway seems extremely large! But that’s just my opinion, others may disagree. It reminds me of the staircase on the movie “Karate kid.” I may be exaggerating just a little but I think you get the picture. You can see a great ocean view from up there, and feel little small bits of sand between your toes every step of the way.

As I lay down on to the golden grains of sand, I look up to the vibrant yet soothing streaks of color that fill the sky. There are strokes of pink and orange that resemble the soft, supple skin of a perfectly ripened peach. The settings suns radiant face was mirrored by the shimmering clear blue waves of the sea. People are laughing and embracing under the sunset. I feel the sand squish slowly

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