Roles and Responsibilities of Advanced Practitioner

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Order NowMain responsibility, when I go to work is to check, how many children we have and make sure ratio is not compromised in accordance with Section 3-safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Statutory framework EYFS. We sign in children and if there is a child, who did not come, but was expected, we call parents to find out what is the reason for their child’s absence. That is for safeguarding reason as a pattern of a child’s absence could be cause for concern. All children have their key person who is responsible for observing them and providing activities to meet their next steps in all seven areas of development according to Section 1 of the statutory framework of EYFS – the learning and development requirements. We make sure the environment is welcoming and safe by filling up risk assessments twice a day and for outings. We do not leave staff without DBS, or unqualified staff unsupervised with the children. If a child sustain accident during their day at nursery, we make sure first aid trained practitioner provides treatment and fills up accident report and inform parents, if it is a head injury immediately by phone call.
If a child comes with injury from home, we fill up existing injury report, where parents inform us what happened. We revise incident and accident reports monthly as they may show patterns, which could be cause for concern.
Senior member of staff will give medicine if needed only with parents consent and when the medicine is prescribed by doctors. Parents of ill children are asked to keep them home for 24 hours for cold and flu and 48 hours for sick children and with diarrhoea, to prevent spread of infections. Staff undertake different training to make sure we safeguard children properly and we are up to date with the legislation.
Children with special educational needs are provided with equal opportunities and children are encouraged to socialise and be nice with each other. Records and important information are kept securely in the office; We conduct parents meetings every month to inform parents about their child’s progress. We track children, in accordance with Section 2/Assessment of the statutory framework EYFS, to make sure they develop well and to provide early intervention if needed.
We work in partnership with other agencies as we have four children with special educational needs and three others are in the process to be assessed. Partnership working is one of the main aims of EYFS along with providing quality and consistency for learning and inclusive practice.
The food for the children is made at the nursery, according children’s dietary requirements and children are provided with water and milk and not allowed drinks and snacks from home.
In order to safeguard children in my setting, we make sure the ratio is fulfilled. That means one member of staff for three babies and 50% and over of the staff in baby room to be qualified; one member of staff for four children aged 2 to 3 years old; and for pre-school one member of staff to 8 children and a qualified teacher can have 13 children over 3 years of age.
It is our duty to report concerns about children to a competent professional, for example if a child comes to nursery with existing injury and the parents have not got a reasonable explanation, or do not make anything to prevent of child get injured again, we report to the local safeguarding children’s board, which is MASH for my area. If the concern is about a member f staff, we contact LADO.
If a child comes to nursery very hungry, inappropriately dressed for the weather, not offered medical or dental care, uses inappropriate sexual language, is frightened and withdrawn, is absent often with not a reasonable explanation, it is a cause for concern. We also attend training to be up to date with safeguarding children and to be up to date with the policies and procedures. We make sure all member of staff knows the signs and symptoms of physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect. We consider domestic violence or witnessing domestic violence as an abuse. We write down any existing injuries, injuries which happen in the setting in Accident/Incident report and Existing injury report. When the injury is significant and the parents haven’t got good explanation for it, we report it to senior member and MASH.
In my setting we have a policy for the use of mobile phones and cameras and the staff and the parents are not allowed to use mobile phones while in the nursey with the children and we ask for the parents’ consent to take pictures of their children.
Our manager and the room leaders are designated safeguarding leads (DSL) and we provide support and guidance for those who have a concern. A member of staff is not left alone before they show their DBS and when we are changing nappies, there should be another member of staff present. All members of staff should have DBS check, appropriate qualifications and training and undergo induction in order to make sure everyone understands their role and responsibilities. We aim all members of staff to be first aid trained.
When children are sleeping, we check them every ten minutes; make sure they do not wear hooded clothes or bibs, when they go to sleep; our policy states not to cover children’s heads when they are sleeping and for babies not to have pillows. Babies also should be supervised when drinking milk from a bottle and never left alone in the bed with a bottle.
At mealtime we make sure allergy and food preference requirements are fulfilled. We have a Food requirements book in every room, and we have all the children with allergies included, so if there is a new member of the staff, they will also know what the food requirements of the children are. For babies, fruits like apples, pears, should be with no skin and cut on small pieces; grapes cut at least on half, as they are choking hazard. We have first aid box in every room and the staff is trained in paediatric first aid.
Our doors are locked securely, and unknown people are not allowed in the nursery. Medicine is given only by senior member of staff, after a Medicine form is filled up and signed by parents, and the child should stay at home the first 24 hours after taking a medicine for the first time. If a child becomes ill while at nursery, we contact parents and ask them to collect the child as soon as possible. If a child has an infectious disease like ear infection or sickness and diarrhoea, they should not come to nursery for at least 48 hours been well.
In my setting we do In the moment planning, that means, that the resources are at children’s level and the play is always child initiated, according child’s interests. Teaching and learning happens at the moment, for example, if a child enjoys playing with building blocks, the practitioner would enhance learning by encouraging the child to share space and toys with their peers; teacher will describe Lego blocks like, red Lego block; or count Lego blocks for promoting math, or add Lego blocks at painting activities for expressive art and design, etc. Even though we plan in the moment, we think of and set up warm and safe environment with learning opportunities. That happens, by observing children, finding out what their interests are and use this to promote learning. By observing children, we also make sure their needs are met and everyone is included in the activities. We have strong relationships with the parents and share information about children’s interests, needs and areas, where they need support and encouragement.
For children under two years of age is very important, that they have enough time to rest, that’s the sleep time. We have a quiet space, where babies can sleep, when they are tired. At that age a strong bond with a special adult is important for the baby to feel secure and this adult should provide warm and nurturing care. Physical and sensory stimulus are important too. When I plan environment for babies, I aim to include stimuli for all five senses – touch, smell, see, hear, taste.
It is important for us that the babies feel loved and secure and if there is unsettled baby, we cuddle them and comfort them, as they will not start playing if they are emotional. We aim our room to look close to the children’s home environment and we ask parents to provide pictures from home, which we display around the room for the babies to be able to see them and remind them for home. Our furniture is at the children’s level and the practitioners go at children level too.
We have space for the babies to climb and be physically active and take some risks, but we have safe mats around to avoid accidents and supervise them all the time. As part of planning physical activity, I put different soft objects for them to avoid as obstacle course. I often use walkers and push toys for supporting babies walking. We check the environment and fill Risk assessments to make sure our children are safe all the time. Safety is important, but so is health, that is why I make sure, that children are changed, fed and not tired. I make sure the toys and equipment are clean and we sterilise everything once in 10 days and keep records.
We have Black and white area with pillows, soft toys and mirror for the young babies. I would put a treasure basket to make the activity more enjoyable. I made a cosy den for the babies and they enjoy playing behind the curtains. I set it up with dolls, books, teddy bears to provide different opportunities. For tummy time we use a soft carpet. I set it up with different sensory materials, so the baby to enjoy tummy time. We set up a table with mark making tools, we change them, one day is pencils, another day is crayons, paint, corn flour or flour, etc. When I change the writing tools, that keeps babies interests and they spend extended period of time engaged.
When I set up the book area, I take out the soft toys and puppets to make the reading sessions more interesting. We have The hungry caterpillar set; For We are going on a bear hunt, I use the tuff tray with different sensory materials for grass I use the broom, ice for the storm, water for the river, shaking water bottles, rice crispies to demonstrate mud “squelch squerch”. We share our everyday activities with the parents and give support and ideas of how they can continue and do the activity at home. We use Wow cards in which the parents write down how the activity at home went and what their child has achieved from the activity.
Before going to the garden, I make sure, that there is appropriate toys and activities, for example, I check the sand area for broken toys; when set up water play, make sure that babies are wearing aprons; I make sure there is a mat under the slide, to protect children from accidents. Appropriate clothing is important too (jackets; hats; sunscreen-according to the weather).
When I plan environment for babies, I make sure, the activity is suitable for their age and stage; there are objects of their interest present; there is possibility for them to take measured risks and there are opportunities for them to solve problems. For example, one of the baby’s schema is transportation and he always has something to hold with him. When he try to climb up the stairs for the slide and finds it difficult to carry his car with him, I do not take the car for him, so he would leave the car on the step in front him, climb a step up after, which is an example of him problem solving. We use lots of objects from the real life, like whisks, colanders, twigs, pinecones, etc. With this we aim to encourage children’s creativity while giving them opportunities to engage in open ended heuristic play.
Planning the environment in my setting is very important as we do In the moment planning. Instead of adult-led activities, we make sure, that environment provides opportunities for learning and development. We follow the children’s lead in choosing activities and then we join in with interactions, support and modelling language and play. That happens by constantly observing children and finding out their interests, needs and areas for support.
Weekly planning:
- MONDAY hello, how are you song scented water Five little ducks – puppet play going down the slide peek a boo
- TUESDAY The good morning train sensory bottles putting dolls to sleep free play in the garden Where is Puppy
- WEDNESDAY If you’re sad and you know it song mirrors dressing up pass me the ball number songs
- THURSDAY Five little speckled frogs look, hear, touch tea party play dough Five little men
- FRIDAY The wheels on the bus ice cubes painting my office-calculators, key pad head, shoulders, knees and toes Lego
When planning environment for 2-3 years old the same principle applies. A practitioner should observe the children to make sure their needs are met and to find out, what are their interests and how that can be implemented into the teaching. Although with the babies we focus mostly on the Prime areas of learning and development, with this age group is important, that all 7 areas are implemented into the activities but again, main focus is on the Prime areas. Strong relationships with the parents are paramount and when the child is settling, we try to implement as much familiar objects for the child as possible. For example, we had a little Indian girl settling into the nursery, who has just came from long holiday in India, we played Indian music, we used lots of bangles, we asked for pictures from home and familiar toy from home, to make her feel as secure and happy as at home. In my setting we use a planning the environment sheet and it includes Circle/group time, where children can share thoughts, ideas and feelings. We also use Circle time for reading and singing, so when we plan the environment, we consider children’s interest and the Long term planning, as there could be a seasonal or cultural festival, and we use soft toys, puppets or other toys or objects to support our topic, book, song, flash cards etc.
We have space for self-care and hygiene, where children wash their hands and help adults to set up the tables for mealtime. We also use that space to plan health and selfcare activities, to discuss healthy habits, healthy food. We use different objects from our everyday life, like sponges, soap, or some toys, for example, when feeding the dolls and soft toys with healthy food. We make play dough every day for physical development and gross motor skills. Children use different tools, help their teacher with measuring and mixing, we discuss colours and textures. The children share equipment and space and communicate ideas and ask questions.
We have Creative table, which is reel. This reel is set up with paint, crayons chalk, pens. We have real life objects like pinecones, twigs, leaves, flowers and we encourage children to use their imagination by either demonstrating, or suggesting, that they can use different objects, to make different marks.
We set up tuff trays with different objects according to the children’s interest, children’s needs and children’s next steps. It could be coloured rice, dry or cooked pasta, sault, representing a book, or other topic. We use the tuff tray for small world play too by setting it up with farm animals; wild animals; sea world; jungle; sea side; dinosaurs; cars and garages; insects; potty training with dolls and little potties; trains and train tracks; Lego and wooden blocks; sticks and boxes, etc.
We plan for the children to explore with music and moves by singing favourite nursery rhymes and dance, using tins as drums, banging sticks or toys; creating musical instruments from different materials like for example making own shakers with paper rolls and beans.
We have set times, when children in the different groups go to the garden. We set up the outdoor play in accordance with our Next steps and topics, which we are doing. For example, Water play with different containers for filling up and emptying, measuring, counting. We use the climbing equipment for physical development and also set up tires for Obstacle course, tires and a wooden plank for keeping balance, balls for throwing and catching, tricycles for pedalling.
At the book corner we set up with the book of the week and different props. There is also dressing up costumes available for the children to choose their character.
Week plan:
- MONDAY Hello…(name) song What’s in the bag-smell, touch, look That’s not my owl obstacle course in the garden match the shapes I spy with my little eye
- TUESDAY The Good morning train is coming, how are you? Walk to the sensory room Five little ducks hula hoops jumping number songs We are going on a bear hunt
- WEDNESDAY If you are happy and you know it Leaving prints on shaving foam We are pirates/dressing up bowling sorting objects by size Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see
- THURSDAY Ola, Ola herbs in water The tiger who came for tea music statues counting with wooden blocks making marks in salt
- FRIDAY show and tell Safe the dinosaurs from the ice pet hospital walk to the park Puzzles making marks with pencils
When planning environment for 3/5 years old again we should take time to observe the children and define what are their interest, to make sure their individual needs are met and the activities they are taking part in are suitable, safe and they challenge children’s thinking, learning and development. Movements for that age group are important, so it is good if the children have got enough space to move around. Again, we should consider indoor, outdoor, emotional and temporal environment and temporal environment is the sequence of routine and activities which we undertake during the day. Children should get enough natural light and the physical environment should be warm and welcoming, with natural colours of the walls and enough space for moving around. The resources should be preferably natural, so the children would use their imagination and creative thinking, rather than playing with plastic toys. While for babies playing with stones and pebbles is not safe, 3/5 years old would benefit from exploring with such materials. Letters and numbers could be written on the stones, they could be different colours, size and shapes, so the children could practice sorting, sequencing, balancing, counting, etc. It is important, that children are supported to understand how important the environment is and that they should look after it. These children are more able, so activities for mark making, sorting and counting should be present.