Research Methodology

- Pages: 6
- Word count: 1308
- Category: Researched Sociology
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Order NowIn today’s business world employees work together as a team and are dependent on each other. Organisations now appreciate the concept of teams and are able to comprehend that people are the most valuable resources (Blake et al, 1987). A team consists of individuals that work together to achieve a common objective with each individual making an impact in the team (Belbin, 2000). Several authors have written on the literature of effective t Research Methodology eams and how to managed people. This has helped to improve the awareness and need for efficient teams in organisations. The aim of analyzing the role of team work in an organisation is to determine how effective the team is and to provide constructive feedback (Maylor, 2010). The Public Sector in United Kingdom is currently experiences budget cuts. According to the Office for National Statistics (2012) the Public Sector net borrowing was £15.4 billion in December 2012 with an increase of £0.6 million from the previous year.
The Public Service expenditure now equates to about half of the economy with a gross domestic product of 53.4 percent (Peev, 2010). Public sector employees will bear part of the consequences of this cut with a sustained 1% pay cap as government strives to reduce expenditures (Dudman, 2013). It has become imperative that managers in this sector are able to manage their teams effectively and build good team spirit amid fears of job insecurity and pay cuts. This research will aim to give an insight into some of the issues that may hinder good team building and therefore suggest better ways of dealing with them with the purpose of helping other organisations implement such tactics.
Research Questions
This research will try to examine the following key research questions: What level of team synergy exists between team members that work within a team? What are the motivational factors that contribute to building an effective team? Do teams have set performance targets?
Research Design and Data Collection
For the purpose of this research I will be conducting a case study on a local council. I will make use of qualitative and quantitative methods to collect my data which will comprise of questionnaires, interviews and observations. Questionnaires will be designed using closed ended questions which will include likert scale and categorical questions. Likert scale questions will analyse the degree of acceptance on statements while the categorical question will group participants into various groups. Interviews will be conducted using the semi structured interview technique. This will enable me get useful information about my research and get open ended answers from my participants (Denscombe, 2010). Observations will be carried out using the participant observation method in a natural setting, making sure not to compromise the ongoing research (Denscombe, 2010). The proposed research will include employees that cut across the four service areas as the research population.
The average employee record at Location Borough Council was 208 as at 2011(Disguised source, 2012). This research will make use of an exploratory sample which will give me a better outlook and knowledge on new issues that may arise (Denscombe, 2010). Non- probability sampling method will be used to select my sample. The sample size will be scaled down to about 100 employees. A total of 40 questionnaires will be distributed to senior and middle level managers in the Council while the remaining 60 questionnaires will be distributed across departments. I will be designing 100 questionnaires for this research purpose with a response rate of 50%. This research is proposed to be a six month project which will run from April 1, 2013 to 27 September 2013. The research will be conducted within the premises of Location Borough Council. I also aim to be flexible in scheduling my interviews to fit the interviewee time and location.
Methodology Rationale
The proposed research is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative research involves iterative, logical and exploratory process that gathers the views of participants with the objective of analysing the facts that relate to the study. On the other hand
quantitative methods comprise of deductive ways of studying the data collected (Bryman, 2004 cited in Heath and Tyna, 2010; pg 10). The interviews and observations will provide my qualitative data while the answers to my closed ended questions will provide me with the quantitative data. The strategy for this research is a case study approach. This strategy is likely to address my research questions because it will enable me have an in-depth analysis on the organisation been researched. A case study concentrates on one or few areas and can study this areas in more detailed content therefore it can understand the relationship that exist between the variables(Denscombe ,2010).
The demerit of a case study is that their conclusions are based on assumptions and lack integrity, therefore I aim to justify my findings by comparing with similar cases (Denscombe, 2010). The selected data collection methods will give a better perspective on my research. Questionnaires consist of various questions that involve structured responses (Marshall and Rossman, 2006). Questionnaires will give me a good view of the participant’s opinions but may be flawed by dishonest response. Interviews are the most common form of qualitative research (Mason, 1996). This method will enable me come face to face with my participant and therefore get valuable answers, however, the major issue in interviewing is transcribing and translating the data (Marshall and Rossman, 2006). Observations are a unique way to collect data because it draws conclusion from evidence seen but it can be flawed by ethical concerns (Denscombe, 2010).
The research will be conducted in line with the Government social research service ethics conduct. Participants involved in the research will be given clear information on why this research is conducted to assist them in making decisions on their opinions. Consent forms will be issued with a clause included stating that you can withdraw at any time and that it is voluntarily. My interviews will be aided with a recorder and each participant will be asked for permission before I use the recorder. I will also be aware of confidentiality issues and ensure that I abide to the data protection act principle and other government security requirements. Codes and Numerical symbols will be used to represent my data and not names. There will be no form of deception or personal harm during this research as the research will aim to be impartial and transparent.
Belbin. M. (2000), Beyond the team, Elsevier Butterworth –Heinemann publication, Oxford. Blake .R, Mouton. J and Allen. R (1987), Spectacular teamwork, The Garden City Press, Letchworth. Billy Bateman, F. Colin Wilson, David Bingham, (2002) “Team effectiveness – development of an audit questionnaire”, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 21 Iss: 3, pp.215 – 226 Denscombe. M. (2010), The Good Research Guide for small scale social research projects, 4th edition, Open Press University Publications, location. Dudman .J. (2013), Public sector budgets and staff bear brunt of chancellor’s spending cuts,The Guardian , 20 march, available from assessed 1 April 2013
Government Social Research Uk, GSR Ethics Checklist available from,, accessed 5 April 2013
Heath .M & Tynan.C , Crafting Research Proposal, Marketing Review 10, pp 147-168, Business source complete, EBSCO HOST viewed 28 March 2013 Location Borough Council, (2012), Labour Turnover available from http://www.disguised source.pdf accessed 31 March 2013 Marshall. C and Gretchen .R (2006). Designing Qualitative Research, 4th edition, Sage publication, Location. Mason .J. (1996), Qualitative Researching, Sage Publication. Maylor, H. (2010) Project Management, 4th edition, Pearson Education Limited
publication, Harlow Office for National Statistics (2012), Public Sector finances, Statistical bulletin, available from , accessed 1 April 2013 Peev. G (2010), Public sector now 53% of economy as record 6.09million Britons work for the state, Daily mail, 23 March , available from , accessed 31 March 2013