Recruitment at Asda – Creating a Job Advert and Related Documents

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- Category: Job
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Order NowI have created my own documents. The documents I created are: –
* Job advert.
* Job description.
* Person specification.
* Application form.
* Acceptance letter.
* Rejection letter.
* Invitation letter.
* Interview Paperwork
My group decided to do a group project on ASDA supermarket. The job vacancy we chose for the position is for Check out Assistance. We believe that this level of position is not a high rank post and it may not require high skills to perform the job. The main job role for the position is to work in tills, have good communication skills and knowledge working in the retail sector. For the vacancy post we decided that the level of job required for the candidates to must have is a basic educational level of minimum GCSE in Maths and English grade C or above. Because these are the main essential skills needed as we fell that candidates main duties are to deal with customers and being at the till area as a result they need to speak English to communicate well with the customers.
We thought that a candidate should have a good personalities as it reflects the job that they are doing as they represent the company. So therefore candidate should be approachable, friendly, easy going and mostly flexible. They should be able to know how to handle with aggressive customers and be able to be flexible when changing shifts. We have discussed that the hour of work should be 37 hours per week and the wage should be �5.37 per hour. We think this is the national minimum wage a person is entitle to get as it is set by the law. It would have been illegal for us to just make up the wage so we had to comply with the law. The location of the vacancy is arisen in Nuneaton. We have all agreed upon those above decisions to further carry out the group task more efficiently and come up with the best documents. Basically we have discuss what should make up a good job description and a person specification.
The next step we did was to individually create our own versions of the following documents:
* Job description
* Person specification
* Job advert
For the job description, I felt that it was simply straight forward for me to create the document. I chose to produce my document in MS word because I am familiar with using the overall tools and designs. As I believe the whole point of the job description is to briefly explain to the candidate what the job entails and gives an overview of the job. So I assume in a job description there isn’t much needed to design the layout of the document instead I think it is extremely important to keep the information clear and readable for the candidate to actually read through it properly. However, I believe having a logo on Asda will enhance the look of my document as the logo represents the company. All this points I have mentioned are from my original documents which I have applied to it. I have got a table in the beginning of the document because I feel that it is important to give the important information in short sentences or in a table so that it will be helpful for the candidate to see the important points quicker as a result its not time consuming for them to find out the main points of the document. For the important points I applied them with bold headings and big font size so that it can be notified it easily.
I kept my document simple which makes it look professional and clearer to read. I also took some of the information from task 2 where I had said that I would consider and would applied to my document as I think it might be helpful for me to have a more professional version of the document. As those document are from a real company whereas my document is a first time attempt document. I kept my job description short and used bullet points which is to make it easier to understand as well as simple and clear to read as a the brief summary of the assignment. The description of essential job task and duties required the candidate to know. The language I have used is very formal and straight to the point which is useful for the candidate to easily read and understand making it not boring for them to read.
My group discussed about the good and the bad points of all our individual documents. All of our document were slightly different from one another. However, all of us had the same information that needed to be in a job description. The only main difference were the layout and the overall design of the document and how much information each document included. When comparing my document with my group members I found their documents of the layout design were quite interesting but I felt they had too much design making it look a bit unprofessional. I assume my layout design was lacking from rest of my group member documents. But the main important points of my documents such as the table information and the key task ideas were originally used from my document.
However, not only my information was being used, everyone information were collided bits by bits and created the privileges and holidays together with everyone ideas together. At last we also came up with a suitable layout and design for every document making the same design and layout thoroughly for every documents. So therefore we tried our best ability to put everyone ideas forward and produced the final job description together. So for this document we did not choose anyone document because we felt that in some point everyone documents were lacking such as the layout design which made everyone document look unprofessional so we decided to collied everyone information together to make a professional job description to make it attractive for the candidate to read as well as understand.
For the person specification I again used Ms word to created the document. I used Ms Word when creating my document because it is easier to insert tables. I state a brief summary explaining why it is important for the candidate to meet all the criteria the document is asking for. This makes it aware for the candidate to know before hand. This is why I have explained in detail so that the candidate can provide all the necessary documents and evidence he/she needs to have before applying for the post. The second thing I have is insert a table so that I can list all the information that candidate should have when they apply for the post. In the table I have mentioned how candidate would be tested on their skills. I think that it is important to test the skills and inform them earlier as candidate can prepare to be tested. I have used bullet points with short points telling what is needed.
I believe listing all the necessary informing in bullet points makes it easier to see. If I was going to write the whole specification in long paragraphs then it would have been very boring and time consuming for the candidate to read. I chose to keep the document simple with bold font and clearer by being short and to the point with bold font to help enhance the look of the document. I believe in my document the main point that I think I stated was important is that applicant should be aged 18 or above. This is because candidate should be handling or selling alcohol when needed so therefore I complied with the Employment equality (age) regulations 2006. So therefore I think it is very important for the company to inform the candidate before hand so that they could know the legal requirements because if they don’t then the company could face the possibility of getting sued.
From the previous task two I took some of the information which I thought would be useful. So from that document I made quite a similar person specification according to the position as a check out assistant. First, I insert a table to make the document look more professional and use formal language so that the layout is satisfactory to both the company and the applicant. I also kept the document simple and in detail such as by presenting all the information, to be shown in a table to make the document look more professional and use formal language so that the layout is satisfactory to both the company and the applicant.
I personally think that my document was not that good from rest of my group members documents because there were some of the information points were missing and it was not designed to a very high standard document. This is the main reason it was not chosen. I only included some of the basic information that needs to be in a person specification such as the qualification, skills required and relevant experiences because the information I provided could have been added more to it. When making comparison to Arry’s document he has got all the information in a depth explanation on what the criteria of the check out assistant should have been. Also on the second page he has got a brief summary of what each criteria means and what short of candidate the company is looking for. By this it should be very clear for any applicant who is interested in the job position as it has all the necessary information that needs to be known by the applicant. Chelsea and my person specification had only the basic information and there were not explained in a depth information like Arry.
In the meeting we discussed the good and the bad points of each our documents so that we could come up with a final document. All of us had most of the important bits of information but we figure it out that Arry’ s document was the best among all of us as he had all the important bits of information and not only to that he had an extra page expending more on why all the criteria so that it make clear sense for the candidate to understand it even better. His document stood out best when comparing from rest of our document as well informative and it looked very professional to a very high standard. In his documents there were all the necessary information we had in our document but there were more on his document than ours. So therefore we all agreed that we chose Array’s document. We thought that we did not need to add anything to the document and that was the final document for the person specification. However, the layout of the document was created together.
For the job advert I produced using Ms Publisher because I believe all the job advertisement are produced there. As it has got the right format of the layout guides and custom layout to designed the document which in result can look professional in nature. The document I have produced is straight forward in informing the position of a job vacancy. The important information are in bold font and the font size is bigger than the normal size of the text. By doing this it makes my advert stand out and more appealing to a wider range of applicant and making it easier for the applicant to grab the main points and to see the main points.
I have taken some of the information from task two while I had created my advert. These are the things I have considered which are; I included a logo of my company to make it look more professional and eye catching as well as it enables for the candidate to see different ethnic staff ASDA employ. Also, I included a picture of ASDA staff as it helps the applicant to see the dress code and uniform that applicant should be wearing when they are working at the company. I used clear, simple language so that the font style and the size of the applicants would find it easy to read. I stated the main important information in the beginning with bold text, bigger font size with short cut sentences so that the document is attractive making it easier for the applicant to grab the main points of the advert. The second main point I included a brief summary stating the responsibilities with bullet points .Then at last I stated a brief summary of the job description and company description will be shown. I tried to kept my document simple to the point because it will help the readers to see the information much quicker. As I think that giving too much unnecessary information about the job position in a job advert will be a waste for the applicant to read and it does not help enhance the overall document rather it makes it look unprofessional.
I have created my job advert by using the help of task 2 where I considered some of the useful information applying in some of the useful bits and applied the information to my document where I thought it would be suitable.
Again all of us had some of the basic information that needed to be in a job advert like the details of the job vacancy for instance in a table everyone had included what the job is about and giving details of the location of the job, hours, salary etc. We thought these were the main important parts that needed to be included in the document as without it, it would no have made any sense for the applicant to understand what the purpose of the document and its job vacancy position.
Also all of us had included short paragraphs of what kind of candidate the company is looking for. We believed that stating a brief description would briefly tell them what the job entails and gives an overview. All of our document layout were clear and short making it interesting for the readers to follow and read. In everyone documents they have include the main responsibilities and key task, explaining in brief description of the job role and what kind of candidate they want to recruit. We thought It was important to state this because it will ensure that candidate have the skills to perform the job before they apply for the position.
There was a tie between whose job advert to choose between Ben and Chelsie as both of their advert were equally good. It was quite a hard choice to make as the decision to whom to choose. But comparing twice made us pick Chelsie as her advert was more in an informative way such as she had used simple language, short paragraphs and bullet points. This makes it easier for both the candidate and the reader to read it more clearly and does not take time for them to go through such in detail because it is straight forward to the point on what kind of candidate the company is looking for . It has got all the necessary information of the job. What made it stand out from the rest of our document is that Chelsie document is simple clear to read and understand and short paragraph. Also the fact that she has state a brief summary of the company history like why it is so popular to have a career in ASDA and the benefits of joining the company makes it attractive and appealing for the candidate to have a career at ASDA because of their huge growing numbers of location ASDA has got.
After that, again we hold a meeting and discussed the following documents:
* Application form
* Letter inviting candidates to interview
For the application form I produced in MS Publisher, again I think all the application form are produced there as it enables to produce in a high standard and professional way because of the program offers such as the format and layout we can choose form which allows us to use in the document. Further to this it will give you all the requirements for the perfect print. Making it easier for both the creator and the applicant person who will fill in the form. In my applicant form I designed a front cover which includes a logo, staff member pictures, brief summary about ASDA and the location of the company address. I think these points are very important to have in the front cover because it will enhance the look of the document making it professional form at the same time. My form is very detailed and has a detailed equal opportunities monitoring form so that it makes clear sense for the applicant that they provided enough information without leaving any question blank to process their form successfully.
At the first page I clearly stated data protection is complied, giving brief information about the law and how it is being protected. Also, a brief explanation on how to apply and fill in the form is explained. This is helpful information as it tells the applicant to use black pen and write in capital letters, making them aware that minors mistakes can ruin the whole form and make it look unprofessional even they if thy completed the form completely.
I have included all the necessary information that needs to be filled in the application form. For example I think that the most important to ask the applicant is that if they are eligible to work and if they can provide enough documents such as work permit, proof address etc, to back up what they have mentioned in the form to see if the information they have provided is true to themselves. Also, asking about whether the company could contact their previous employer and asking how many hours they will be able to work and on what days will help the company to know if they have vacancy for that work shift which would make it easier to choose the right candidate. That is why I have included them in my document considering from my previous task 2 which helped me to think more about this kind of issues as why to include.
I think comparing form my group members form, I have found out that my application form is slightly different from theirs. For example the design and the layout of the form, as my form is very simple with detailed information whereas my group members form has used quite a lot of text box which enhances the form and makes it interesting. However my form is quite lacking I mean the designs because my group members form has included logo in every pages and page numbers in their documents . As a result I think that my form is not that attractive and when comparing form my group members form it does not stand out and it looks a bit boring as well as unprofessional.
However I have got all the information that needs to be in an application form as I believe only the design is lacking. The good points of my document from is that I have provided a large amount of space for the applicant to fill in their qualification, skills and other relevant questions that company ask to answer. In addition to that I have state that if they want to add more to the information but have got no space to write then they can use additional sheets if necessary. This would be even better for the company because they can get much more information about the candidate which will help them to choose the best and the right candidate for the position. I also made my equal opportunity form optional so applicant have a choice and are not offended in any way.
In the application form, again all of us had the basic information that needs to be in an application form. However, the only thing that was not the same was that how each one of us had created different layout and designs of styles like for example the logo of the company and the font style, headings and the format of the questions. The only thing was different from all our document was about the question part where candidate needed to answer more about what they can bring in to the company. As all of us had state different questions for the candidate to fill in. The last thing I would say that non of us had included was about the work experience is, in my opinion, one of the most important sections of the application form because it reflects on all of the skills the employee has gained and what he has learned. The more relevant experience the employee has, the more successful he will be in the job role.
Comparing all our documents we had all the relevant information but some of us had quite different from one another and it was pretty hard to chose whose document was the Best . Because we thought that everyone’s document were equally good, only the layouts and design made us think different as to whose documents meets to a high standard application form. As I personally think that choosing the application form was the hard part as everyone was equally good. The only difference it made us choosing the final document was with the design of the application form as we took in consideration of the design and the layout of the document because it will make the application form more appealing and eye catching as well as understandable for the candidate to fill in the form completely and properly. This is also useful for the candidate as they may not find it boring and make them fell off tack while they fill in the form because of too much and unnecessary information being asked.
Finally we decided to choose Arry as his design of the application form was the best among ours. In his document he has included all of information that needs to be in an application form and because of his design and fonts of the form stood out from the rest of ours documents. Also, his form looks more professional and organised as how the information are layout according to its order numbers and position like personal details then vacancy details etc. Making it very organised for candidate to feel in with clear instruction given. In the application form we have included a brief summary of ASDA and followed the law acts. Also there is an equal opportunity questionnaire on a separate page. This is important to know about candidate basic information for health and safety reasons. I think that it is important to include the general details because the equal opportunities form is detached from the application form in a lot of cases and therefore they will need to know who it belongs to.
The application form has its company logo and picture of the ASDA people, which makes it even better as it makes the application form more professional. The use of the text with colour enhances the appearance of the form and making it interesting. I believe the form is not discriminative as we have followed the laws. So therefore we have all agreed with Arry application form.
For the invitation letter we decided to choose Arry but also add some of the missing information from my documents to give more detailed information so that it looks professional to a high standard. Everyone invitation letter was good but again the amount of detail everyone had put was different as some included more then one another. My and Arry were in a tie between whose documents to choose. Because Arry document it looked more professional and clear and the layout and design made it more stand out and attractive. Therefore my document design was quite lacking and it did not have any special design like Arry. However, my informative was detail as equally as Arry’s, only some of the informations were missing form his document such as This is why my document did not seem as attractive as Arry but my information was quite explained in detailed summarising what the candidates need to know before they come to the interview.
From the help of my task two I have used some of the information bits that I thought were useful for me to consider including in my invitation letter such as kept the letter short, simple, readable and formal, state all the necessary information in bullet points such as, date of the interview, time, location etc. I also gave sufficient information and document on what to bring in the interview, making it easier for both the interviewer and the candidate on the day of the interview.
For the interview paperwork I had produced three documents which are test, question and material for the interview to take place professionals and successfully because these documents help the interviewer to know more about the candidate abilities to what they can bring in to the company and also if the answer they give are true to themselves when comparing with their application form.
For the interview document I have all the main points that needed to be asked to the candidate. For example, when producing my interview question I considered things such as don’t ask leading questions, don’t ask questions for the candidate, allow the candidate to answer the question, ask unexpected questions to catch the candidate off guard, and try to encourage longer questions for the candidate to answer rather then yes or no answers. I believe those information will help us during the interview so that we gather enough information that we need from the candidates.
I have included some warm up questions which I think is not that important for the overall document, rather it will make the candidate feel comfortable. The important questions we will be assessing to the candidate are on the ones relating to describable characteristics to see if the candidate fullfills any of these.
We also made sure that we did not ask any questions about the candidate age, religion, disability, gender or race so that we complied with the laws.
For the short listing document I have included a tables listing all the things that will be assessed on the candidate. For example it is important to have a scoring system because it allows the us to compare the candidate easier. It also providers us with a solid form of marketing criteria. I have also included a extra column at the end stating whether the candidate has been short listed or not because it will allow us to quickly see who has been short listed and who has not without having to tally up the marks and compare them more then once. This would be very useful for us because we don’t need to go through it again in detail making our time less consuming.
For the level of job position for check out assistant, the test document was simply straight forward to give them a very short test about simple maths to test their knowledge on numbers and if they can solve problem easily or not. This will help us know about their educational level which is more than important for them to have a basic understanding of Maths and English. Because of the work environment they are working for as they need to use the computer and be able to communicate well with the customers.
In the document we have given simple maths everyday situation question to solve. For example asking how to find the percentage increase and decrease of a product.
We decided to carry out the interview process more professionally. We take in consideration that every panel of interviewer gets the chance to ask questions to the candidate. We also took turns to welcome the candidate so that it would be much interesting for the candidate to know all the panel of judges and the panel roles in the company.
For the dress code we decided to wear smart clothes so that we could make it a real interview process and every panel of judges looked professional which enhances us to perform the interview well.
Now that my group has finish creating the documents we have moved into sending an application form for the each of the candidates.
The application that applied for the job were: Alex, Alice, Lucy and Jamie here are the steps that they went through before we chose the appropriate one: –
The four applicants filled in the application form considering the job description, job advert and person specification into account they also gave a cover letter stating why their are perfect for this job role.
After the group received we went through and short listed the application form because it allows us to narrow down the number of candidate and helped us choose us to invite the best candidate for interview. When comparing all of the candidate application form we thought some of the candidate forms were lacking as how much information they answered in the ‘more about you’ section. So therefore it was quite easy for us to find out candidate weakness and strength just by looking at their form answers. We thought that Lucy form was quite lacking from the other candidate form because she did not provided as much as detail about why she thinks it will be best for her to get the job and also she did not have much experience in the retail sector which makes it harder for her to do the job if she gets the job. From all the candidate application form we thought Jamie form was the best among
others form as his form was filled completed with neat and clear writing to understand. Also his covering letter was in a detail and structured way as why he really wants to work for ASDA. He provided more than enough information with his best ability about all the company requirements such as the skills and qualification that the company is looking for in a candidate.
However, we thought we will give each candidate the chance to come for an interview even though if their form were not to a high standard because there were not many applicant that applied for the position. So therefore we decided to take a big risk in inviting all the four applicant.
The next step was we sent an invitation letter to the suitable applicants stating the interview date and time where it will be held.
The interview took place in the class room (R5), where we took notes on the applicant’s behaviour and responses to important questions by using our own interview questions and observation sheet, this enabled us to find out the total score of applicants behaviour and analyse the responses of applicants and see how dedicated they are to the job role and how they meet out criteria.
All the candidate showed in time which made us think that they are reliable to come in time and they looked smart enough which was also a positive thing about them because it allowed us to judge on their overall presentation. However, one candidate did not turn up which was Lucy. This made a bad repetition for herself and us to think that she is not reliable enough for the job and there was no chance for her to get the job or re invite her to the interview as this would be a waste of time for us.
All the three candidate showed potential interest of what it takes to work in a busy environment and they answered questions to their best ability which made it harder for us to choose the right candidate for the post. Alice and Alex were better in answering the questions in the interview rather than their application form which is a bit lacking for them to not answer questions fully in the form.
After going through again the analysing responses of all of the applicants in a group we came to a conclusion that Jamie was perfect for the job as he received a high score in behaviour (observation sheet) and had perfect responses to the answers then the other two applicants. He also had more relevant job experience in the retail sector which makes it easier for the company to just give brief training which saves time and money of the company and also he know what the job task and responsibilities he has to be doing while he is at work. So therefore we have all agreed to recruit Jamie as the new staff member of ASDA.
Therefore this information leads us to sending a rejection letter to Alex, Alice and Lucy and an success letter to Jamie. Now we have welcomed our new employee and invited him to an induction day at ASDA where we can go through the motivational package and induction programme with our new employee.
For the success document I have created using Ms Word because I think that all the letters are created there and it is the best software to use when typing in letters. In my document I have all the relevant information that needs to be provided for the candidate to know such as the starting date and hour work required to do. This informs the candidate straight to the point on his/her job role making it easier for the candidate to know all the necessary information that he/she should know before they start their new job.
I kept my letter simple, short to the point and understandable for the candidate to read thoroughly. This makes it interesting to read and it makes it easier to get to the point for the candidate to know because if I gave too much information it could make the candidate confusing and put them off track as what the important points candidate should know. If I did not inform what candidate should know then they might find a problem in the first day of their work so therefore I think it is very important to make it clear and understandable approach. I have included a company logo which it helps enhance the look of my document and makes it stand out.
When comparing my document to the group members I found that my document was quite lacking because it did not have much detailed information on what the candidate should bring on the arrival of his first starting date of the job. Also, I think that my letter was not that formal as it should have been supposed to be because in everyone letter it has congratulated the candidate but my document hasn’t. Also they have provided a brief summary what the first day includes and what to bring on that day which makes it helpful for candidate to know. Whereas, I have provided non of the information making it unprofessional and not informative.
My letter was just a brief summary of candidate getting a job and it was simple and short. Whereas Ben and my other group members letters were long and in detail.
We choose chose Ben letter because he has got all the relevant information that needs to be in a success letter. In the letter it has got all the things that need to be informed to the candidate before he/she starts the job. For instance like, things the candidate need to bring in before they start a job such as evidence of Right to work in the UK, verification of identity and address etc. We chose Ben because his letter is in a detailed explanation and easy to read and understand. Also the use of bullet points make it short paragraph. It makes it stand out and quicker to read. Also the fact that his letter is two pages long with enough information will help the candidate to bring all the documents the letter is stating.
For my rejection letter I have included all the necessary information that needs to be in a rejection letter. The first think I consider was that I made sure my letter was polite enough as why the candidate did not got the job and giving reason on to it. By doing this I believe that it will help satisfy the candidate more on why they did not got the job. Also,wishing them luck in the future is important because it is polite and makes the candidates feel that their efforts has not been wasted. The letter is straight to the point and I have not included massive of information. Because I think that it is not necessary as it will make it look unprofessional and a rejection letter is just informing candidate why they have not got the position. So therefore I decided for my document I kept it simple and did not included massive of paragraphs on explaining why the candidate did not got the job.
When I compared with my group members documents, we had the same format of explaining only the bits that were different was that how much information each one had included. Also I found that I did not included a telephone number whom to contract if the candidate is not satisfy with the result. This was lacking from my document as we though it is very important to give feedback if the candidate aren’t happy with the company.
We chose Chelsie letter because her letter stood out among us and she also explained in detail why the candidate was rejected in a very polite way and thanking the candidate twice one in the beginning and the other at the end. Also the fact that she has broken down into paragraphs explaining on the matter fact that why the the reason of not being successful. She has also stated that the company likes the candidate potential but there was another person who suited the best position so therefore she has explained that the candidate will be kept in a file informing when a vacancy arise the company will inform the candidate. By this it gives a little hope or a chance for the candidate that the company likes the candidate and they do not want to loose a potential candidate so therefore they kept the candidate to a hold position. Which I think will be easier for the company later on because they do not need to go through the interview process again when wanting to recruit a staff.
The use of short simple paragraph also makes us choose her document. In the rejection letter it has included a brief summary of why the candidate is rejected and wishes the candidate best of look in the future for further career.
For the induction programme I believe my document has included all the necessary information that needs to be included in an induction document. I included a logo and picture of the staff members. This is because it will help enhance the look of the document as well as represents the company staff which in a result it will look interesting to read and candidate know the company dress code. The company follows the legal legislation as ASDA employ all kind of people to give everyone an equal opportunity to work in the company. Which you can see in the picture.
I used bold and bigger font size for the main heading as it will make it stand out from rest of the document. Furthermore, I also used bullet points so that it makes a lot easier for the candidate to read and understand not only that they will be able to see it quicker and get the main points without having to read thoroughly which leads to less time consuming.
I divided the parts into sections such as what the first day will include and the second day etc. Which will be helpful for the candidate to know before hand as they can get to prepare earlier.
When comparing my document with my group members I found out that all of us had quite a similar documents. Only the layout and designs of the documents were different making it easier for us to choose. Taking it consideration about that we chose Arry document because we felt his document was very professional. This is because he has used text box and simple language with short paragraphs and bullet points to make it easier for the reader to read. Also dividing each of the information into three bits makes it more helpful to understand because it sates what each paragraph represents. The most important part that made us choose was that he included a time table for the candidate to follow which is very useful because it allows the candidate to follow what will be held in that day and it is less likely for the candidate to get lost in the place.
For the motivational package again I believe in my document I have stated all the information that needs to be in a motivational document. Again in the document I included a logo and a picture of the company main managers and supervisors. Which makes the document look attractive. I have included all the financial and non financial benefits that the company offers to the candidates. For example I have included them in using bullet points and in short paragraphs explaining in brief summary what each benefits counts and what candidate are able to get.
When comparing my document with my group members I think that my document is lacking with so many different points. For example I do not have a front cover for the motivational document which now I think it is important to have as it reflects the overall page of the document. I have not stated a brief summary about what benefits candidate can get and how they can apply to. I have just stated some and the very popular benefits. I also haven’t included all the benefits that the company offers to the candidate which in result candidate won’t be able to know all their benefits which I think it is a very serious matter to take action on to the company if they do not fully explain the benefits. There are many things that I need too improve in order for my document to look professional as good as my group members document. For the motivational package I personally think that I have created the worst document and it is not created to a high standard level among all other previous documents I have produced. I believe that is why for my motivational document it was not chosen by the group members as my documents information were too many missing.
So therefore, for the final document we chose Chelsie document. This is because her document is the best among us. Such as she has a massive detail about the motivation as how to encourage staff to work harder to earn the benefits that the company offers to them. We believe that the whole point of the motivational package is to encourage staff to work hard. Her document is well structured in informing the full summary of the benefits the candidate are entitle to which makes it very informative. The use of short and simple paragraph makes it even look better as you can quickly read and get the information fast and its quite straight forward. The rest of our document has also got the relevant information but not that detail like Chelsie. So therefore we chose Chelsie document for the final version of our group document.