Recruitment and Selection Process

- Pages: 5
- Word count: 1102
- Category: Employment Humanities
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This project is titled as study of Recruitment and Selection Process of MOE. In this project the readers will come to know about the process of Recruitment and Selection procedures of candidates in the organization. 1.1.1 Recruitment:
Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or post that has been announced by the recruiters in an organization. Commonly jobs are being advertised by using different sources of recruitment such Internal and External Source of recruitment 1(Employment Agencies, Advertisement, and Promotion etc).Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. Communication Skills, Work Experience, Qualification etc. The candidates for the job are requested to submit their Curriculum Vitae and those candidates who matches the job criteria are assessed first of all by a written test also they will be assessed by an interview.
1.1.2 Selection
The aim of selection is to find a person who accepts the position and who gives satisfactory service and performance in the organization. The system approach starts from the position of well-defined job and clearly analyzes person’s specifications. Selection is not just a question of interviewing it is very much a process of deselecting that is gradually eliminating candidates until finally one is left on the list for a vacancy. Selection is about trying to minimize risk and maximizing certainty of making of the right decision. Starting from the position where the recruitment process as produced a number of applicants, 2the important steps as follows: Short listing the candidates for the next stage. Set up test for the short listed candidates. Interviewing the candidates and choosing the successful candidates, obtaining references, offering the position,
1.2 Research Question
– How to hire the best employee whose skills fits the company values? – What is the aim of selection in an organization?
1.3 Objectives of the research
– To determine how to hire the best employee in an organization. – To find out the goal of selection in an organization.
1.4 Significance of the study
This research help organization to find the most suitable candidate for the organization and to understand what sources are best for selecting the skillful candidate for the post announced that in future they must not face any single problem from their hired candidate. 3Must be so much care in selection process where they choose right person in right position otherwise a huge confusion will cause the business.
2.1 Background
Our vision for the Afghan education system is to develop human capital based on Islamic principles and respect for human rights by providing equitable access to quality education for all to enable them too actively, participate in sustainable development, economic growth, stability and security of Afghanistan. 4The Ministry of Education strives to accomplish this vision by implementing an inclusive plan that aims to enhance access, quality, relevance and management of educational delivery mechanisms in the years to come. Decades of war, civil unrest, internal conflicts and political instability in Afghanistan have destroyed the basic social service delivery mechanisms of the country. Education, being the most vulnerable social sector against insecurity, violence and discontinuity, has been severely affected as a result. Afghanistan’s education indicators are some of the worst in the world. The Ministry of Education, with the support of its development partners, aims to address these challenges to ensure that Afghan children enjoy a bright future. The education targets set in the updated National Education Strategic Plan are intended to directly contribute to the Afghanistan Millennium Development Goals.
2.2 Previous Literatures
Odiorne (1984), Effective recruitment and selection, California Management Review 41(2): 79-94.
According to Odiorne, (1984) 5one result of effective recruitment and selection is reduced labour turnover and good employee morale. Recruiting ineffectively is costly, since poor recruits may 15 perform badly and/or leave their employment, thus requiring further recruitment. In a cross national study of recruitment practices, suggests that, in reality, recruitment practices involve little or no attempt to validate practices. Personnel managers tend to rely on feedback from line managers and probationary periods and disciplinary procedures to weed out mistakes. Firms with high quit rates live with them and tend to build them into their recruitment practices and they do not analyze the constitution of their labour turnover.
Kaplan and Norton, (2004), Issue in recruitment and selection is poor HR planning, Prentice Hall Incorporated, 8th Edition, and Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
According to Kaplan and Norton, (2004) a common problem in recruitment and selection is poor HR planning. Rigorous HR planning translates business strategies into specific HRM policies and practices. This is particularly so with recruitment and selection policies and practices. The key goal of HR planning is to get the right number of people with the right skills, experience and competencies in the right jobs at the right time at the right cost. Detailed and robust recruitment and selection policies, such as recruitment and selection procedures, assessing criteria, talents auditing and processing the information about the labour market are important in recruiting and deploying appropriate employees at the right time. Past research shows that the competency level of HR managers has a major influence on recruitment and selection and experienced HR experts within the HR department will not only shorten vacancy duration, but also improve the quality of the applicants. Moreover, effective recruitment and selection is possible only if there is a dedicated and competent HR team (Kaplan and Norton, 2004)
Research Methodology:
The type of research will be descriptive research
The approach will be Qualitative
The population for this study will be Telecom sector
The sample for the study will be Etisalat Telecommunication Company 3.5 SAMPLE SIZE:
The sample size for the study will be consisting of 120 employees and questionnaire will be distributed among these 120 employees. 3.6 SAMPLE TECHNIQUE:
Simple random sampling technique will be used.
Keeping in view the nature of the study the following tools i will use.
1. Primary sources (questionnaire from employees)
2. Secondary sources (published articles, books, and websites)
Data Analysis:
Percentage method will be used for analysis of the data.
1 Ministry of education (2009), Recruitment and Selection process in MoU. 2 Alan Price (2008), Human resources management, 3 Kaplan, R. S. & Norton, David, P. (2004), Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets Into Tangible Outcomes, Boston, Harvard Business School Press. 4 Kaplan, R. S., Norton, David P. (2004), Measuring the Strategic Readiness of Intangible Assets, Harvard Business Review 82(2): 52-64. 5 Odiorne, George, S. (1984), Human Resources Strategies for the Nineties, Hax.