Online Library Management system of ACLC College

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- Category: Library Management
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The library has been around for years; where ever we go we see books. Libraries are designed to give people a place where they can read books in a convenient way. By which we mean, when people are in the library they are given a variety of choices. But that was before the internet was created hence the availability of eBooks and PDFs not hindering people from reading books, not hobby per say but a necessity as well to read a particular book without going to a library.
Through this observation, the researchers came up with the idea of developing and implementing a system where in people can read books where ever they may be through the use of internet. The proposed system will serve the user in many ways through a speedy and dependable system.
We the researchers chose our school, ACLC College of Tacloban to be the respondent of this proposed project.
The researchers do not mean to abolish or replace the library of the school because that is not possible, instead the group wants to enhance the management of the books in the library, suffice the lacking books and increase the student’s productivity. It is more likely that the group will be creating a library inside a computer therefore the process will still be the same, putting the same categories and grouping the books as to which the book will fall on to such as history, literature, fiction, etc. Books have their unique code that serves as its identity using the Dewey decimal system; the books are stored in the database through the use of the said code, its title of course, author and category.
The librarian who logs in as the admin will upload this “eBooks” and “pdf’s”, keep records on borrowed and returned books, keep track on the status of books, place books in a reserve list if need be. Since books are still available in the library, students who borrow or return the books shall have records, the librarian inputs the code of the book and at the same time it appears to the student’s profile. Hence the librarian will update the status of the book. There is another user, the students who logs on as a user, but before they log in the have to register first and input the details required. After they register, the students can now read books online. Project Rationale
It has been observed that the users and operators anticipate for future development thinking that technology marks the end of manual operations. At the library of ACLC College, manual procedures are still followed, thus the researcher proposed to automate the process in order to reduce human errors to eventually increase the productivity of both the librarian and the student.
The researchers planned to develop an online library management system they believe would ease the work and improve the library’s management. It will certainly reduce stress, consumption of time, money and effort. Human errors will be lessened and users, either students or librarians will enjoy a more carefree environment making the said system highly recommended.
Basically, the librarian and the students will benefit from this project. To the librarian of the school, she will be greatly benefitted with this Online Library Management System because she will no longer need to manually process every transaction and the system automatically load the eBooks online once the guest wants to read the desired book. All she got to do is to add the book and its other details such as book title, book author, etc. and it will be saved to the system’s database. To the students, they will have a more convenient time in reading books without going to the library to borrow or read books. Instead, they access the website and browse for the desired book.
Personal/Professional Expectations
This project would be of great help with regards to preparing ourselves to what comes in the near future, after college, “what’s next?”. Through the creation of this project each of the members of the group shall learn how to work hand in hand, trust one another and establish a good communication among themselves. The group hopes to gain those values and use them when they become professionals. The project shall provide the researchers huge experience on how work is really done when they face the “real world” out there. Thus, they can now apply the experiences gained during the study and use them. And to the recipient of the project, the group hopes that the project will be of great use to them. And if so, the group then may gain relief and success. Ultimately, we are hoping that the project will come out as planned and work as it is designed to for it will determine if we are ready to do such on our own.
Prior to the proposed system many have already conducted this kind of project. What the researchers did was they try to add more features to the existing research so that it may serve other purposes. During the gathering of data the group came across to an existing project where they used Visual Basic to create the program. The system was more of an inventory. Now, we the researchers have proposed, why not make the system available online where students can read and at the same time the librarian as the admin, she can also manage the library inside the system. Similar to what the existing project where the librarian inputs her transaction to the computer, the proposed system also applies the same process but they have added books to be read on the system making an online library.
Project Goals
The project must be consistent.
The group will see to it that the project shall provide library functions and services to the students or faculty members of the school. User Friendly
Necessary book information must be presented well and organized to add user friendliness to its user. Secure
Access to the system must be easy but at the same time does not comprise the system’s security. Provide ease of work and efficiency.
Allows a faster and more accurate processing if data to reduce the librarian and her staff’s burden of work. Manageable
Through the creation of this system, the librarian can save, update, and delete books on its storage which is the database.
Let the work speak for its worth. For as long as the project serves its purpose it will be able to justify its significance. The library is essential to the school. The Online Library Management System being available online shall be of great help to the students for it is just a click away and as for the librarian she can manage inside the system such as update the roster, edit and check status of the book.
Above all the features mentioned, the web based factor pushes the project to success. We see students with smart phones, tablets and laptops everywhere in school that means students are more likely hooked in surfing the net. Thus, the system is so easy for them to access thanks to the school for providing wi-fi connection.
In this kind of system students will be more encouraged to study, in a way that they can read EBooks through the use of internet. No need to carry heavy and bulky books, with just the use of their Smartphones, tablets, and laptop it will be hustle free.
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Chapter I
As science and technology continues to advance, most of the manual tasks have been transformed into cyber net operation in order to cope up with the trend of the age. The fast pace makes any invention obsolete in a few years’ time. Today, people at work and in whatever field of the study consider the computer as a huge help. For instance, in storing and printing documents in mathematical operation, a computer could provide fast tracking work within this area, unlike in manual operation wherein access is very limited. Libraries are always present in institutions; it may be secondary, tertiary and so on. There are even public libraries which are bigger, and then there are also smaller ones like those in coffee shops. Having two campuses means having two libraries. The school library is about a size of two average rooms. They are spacious, enough room for students who want to go in and read, maybe some faculty members also who borrow books.
The Online Library offers subject based electronic resources. It is offered as an additional library service to supplement collaborative centers’ library resources. Inspired by the continuing effort raised by some pre need agencies in giving opportunities to some people in securing their future; the researchers come up with the idea of conducting a study about the current Library Management System of ACLC College. It is designed for the convenience of the management on keeping track and storing information. The proposed system will serve the user in many ways through a speedy and dependable system. Proposed system is Online Library Management System. Through our software the librarian can add books, search books, update information, edit information, and manage the borrowing and returning of books in quick time and for the students, they can read books online and or reserve them if need be.
1.1 Project Context
The capstone project entitled “The Online Library Management System of ACLC College” is a web based system which emphasizes on helping the library of ACLC College enhance its management and help its students by automating the manual process.
Through the implementation of this project, we the researchers believe that this system will be of great value to both the librarian and the students. The researchers’ aims to offer a solution to the problems regarding library procedures such as the borrowing and returning of books, suffice lacking books by upload eBooks, furthermore to provide a user-friendly system for their ease and comfort.
This project started last November 2014 and is expected to be done by the end of March 2015.
1.1 Purpose and Description
The project entitled “Online Library Management of ACLC College Tacloban” is meant to develop a web based management system to automate the activities of the library. The group proposed to computerize the process in order to reduce human errors to eventually increase the efficiency.
To the Administration. The school could be known as one of the schools in Region VIII using an Online Library System establishing a good image to the future college students or transferees. Using an Online Library System can be added as an asset of the ACLC COLLEGE. To the Librarian. The librarian of the school library will be greatly benefitted with this Online Library System because they will no longer need to manually process every transaction and the system automatically load the eBooks online once the guest want to read the desired book. The librarian has to input the details of the book and upload the PDF and it will be saved to the system’s database To the Students/Instructors.
They will have a more convenient time in reading books without going to the school library to borrow or read books instead they will just access the online library management of the said institution from the internet. To the Researchers. The researchers are benefited in this study as well mainly for having to develop employability skills, implement a career plan, and sharpen each skill and participate in career pathway with regards to the preparation for the researchers’ future in the industry. To the Future Researchers. The information in this study is precise and accurate making it a good source or reference for the upcoming researchers of the future conducting similar studies.
1.3 Objectives
The Online Library Management System of ACLC College Tacloban’s main objective is to provide library functions and services to students or faculty members of the school. Another is to allow a faster and more accurate processing of data to reduce the librarian’s work. Necessary book information must be presented well and organized to add user friendliness to its users. Access to the system must be easy but must not compromise the system’s security. This project aims to:
Develop a web-based system that has a user friendly environment. Develop a web-based system that is reliable.
Create a day to day report of the library’s transaction.
Easy access of information such as borrower’s information, status of books, reserved books and book list. Develop a web-based system that is available for 24 hours.
1.4 Scope and Limitations
The researchers had to know the current Library Management System of ACLC College, determine easier ways to improve the current system and develop an automated version of it to lessen the amount work of both students/instructors and of the librarian.
The proposed study is about the development of Online Library Management System of ACLC College. The system has the capability to upload, manage and view eBooks online, secure the eBooks and make sure that it can only be viewed and not downloaded by any unauthorized guest or client. A search index is also added for the users to easily track the available e-books. With this system the librarian and other personnel in-charge of the library will have a less stress in work and the clients or students can read eBooks anywhere. Login account for different users will be created for database security purpose. The users that can access the system are the librarian, working students in the library and students of the institution. The system will have a database that can able to upload eBooks, modifying and deleting eBooks. The system can able to upload eBooks in PDF format. On the other hand the system limits guest, guests can only browse books but cannot access staff or student information pages as well as perform administrative tasks like manipulating book records.
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Systems
This chapter includes the purpose of the review of the related literature and studies. The chapter highlights literature and studies relevant to the development of the proposed system.
Review of Related Literature
An Integrated Library System (ILS), also known as a Library Management System (LMS), is an enterprise resource planning system for a library, used to track items owned, orders made, bills paid, and patrons who have borrowed.
The article presented basic features of Library Management System essential for the development of the Online Library Management System of ACLC College. According to Mercy Okeowo of Moshood Abiola, Integrated Library Management System is an aspect or branch of information management system that keeps the records of both the library users, book in the library and the activities that is going on in the library, activities like borrowing books and returning books. It basically defines what Library Management Systems are all about which gave the developers information on how the ACLC College library should operate. An article entitled Overview of Integrated Library Systems of Marcia Deddens of the University of Cincinnati provided the developer’s ample knowledge on how library systems are involved from its early forms to the present library system available now.
The author stated that Integral Library Systems have been part of college and university computing system. Since the early 1980’s and would seem to be “old technology” and part of text-based mainframe systems. Nothing could be further from truth. Today’s ILS is a multi-function Web-based multimedia content information management system, generally built on a standard relational database structure. While the system architecture remains grounded in bibliographic citations presented via structure indexes is moving beyond the MARC field designed for the text information to include metadata descriptions for multiple digital file formats and content. Moreover, the one outstanding ILS system that emerged during the 1990’s is the linkage between bibliographic citations and content they represent. This content initially came as Table of Contents records linked to the citations. It has now become linkage to full content with that content going beyond text to sound, images and full motion video.
ILS systems provide indexing at the bibliographic unit level but also allow indexing within and across full content. Through common cross database indexing and inquiry structure, a single query can retrieve citations and content for multiple database on variant software platforms. What makes the multi- database searching ILS vital to efficient information retrieval is the combination of structured results sets, elimination of duplicate responses, and retrieval from indexing interior to content files. If this ILS of functioning seems unimportant, try using any of general Web search engines and consider the chore faced as you select from to many thousands of responses. Integrated Library Systems continue to do what has always been the critical value of libraries. The provide access to vast amounts of information and enhance access through drill-down organized indexing.
Similar to what the author have mentioned above, the Online Library Management System of ACLC College has the capability of storing books in databases, though it may not provide the aforementioned general web searching engine it still helps the library gain more resources. According to Elisabeth Robson a Product Manager for Online Computer Library Center, the catalogue has become a way to pull together different resources, including commercial resources and web links. The system also allows circulation such as monitoring fines of books which are returned late. According to Chad (2009), consulting is at a major point of change in the wider information economy within which library systems form part of a larger whole. He was writing in a briefing paper about the study in library management systems. This study examined the systems used in higher-education libraries across the UK and came up with some significant observations and recommendations. It noted that the LMS market in UK higher education is already mature and that four main vendors (ExLibris, Innovative, SirsiDynix and Talis) have almost 90 percent of the market. This market maturity means, according to the study authors, that the benefits to libraries of changing LMS provider are limited.
Library users expect to find everything together says Stephen Abram, vice president for innovation at SirsiDynix, the leading provider of software solutions and associated services for libraries. According to her, the library management system or integrated library system (ILS) was responsible for running libraries efficiently and effectively. Over the last few years, the role of the ILS has been expanding from meeting library needs to delivering user experience.
Eugenio F. Bansalaso of Central Colleges of the Philippines during the academic Year 2008-2009, Library Director of the Central Colleges of the Philippines has expressed that it is difficult to find materials to help new public library manager cultivate their professional development. Most of the research and writings on library management have focused on academic libraries and only recently has there been more interest in the administration of the public libraries. The author points out that these library managements systems are frequently present in schools. According to Eden (2011), most libraries are forced to work with fewer staff because of the having a more improved and modernized system for their library. According also to the study, the library administration need to emphasize to their staff that the organization has a vested interest in providing them with the tools and training they need to assist the organization in the new information marketplace. These may include search engines, circulation systems, and the reading of books online.
According to Lopez (2002), University of the Philippines Mindanao when UP in Mindanao accepted its first batch of students in 1996, the Main Library collection was integrated with the core collection of the School of Management (SOM) Library at the Stanfilco Bldg., Ladislawa Avenue, Buhangin, Davao City. The Filipiniana and General References were housed together with the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) collection in Room 2 of the Philippine Coconut Authority. In the Second Semester AY 1996-1997, the CAS Library moved to its main campus in Bago Oshiro. Upon the recognition of UP in Mindanao by the Board of Regents (BOR) as a constituent unit (CU) of the UP System, the CAS was split into two (2), namely:
College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) and the College of Science and Mathematics (CSM). The Main Library transferred to the newly renovated building where the main collection was set-up beside the books of the CHSS and the CSM. In July 2002, the library established the Library Educational Media and Information Technology Office (LEMITO). The LEMITO handles the audio-visual services, internet and the connectivity of the library. It currently holds office at the Elias B. Lopez Hall Dormitory. Later, the Main Library collection which grew from 100 titles to 6,191 volumes at the end of May 2004, and was transferred to the Administration Bldg. today, the Main Library occupies the former UP in Mindanao Cultural Center (UPMCC) building.
Review of Related Studies
The study entitled “The Centrality of the Integrated Library Management System a Strategic View of Information Management in an E-Service Environment” by Laura Maquignaz Manager, the developers was able to know different flaws that exist from past Integrated Library Management System and prevented these flaws to exist in the Online Library Management System of ACLC College of Tacloban. Library Information Resources Management Victoria University stated that in many ways the ILMS is being overlooked rather than “bypassed”. Some libraries appear to be choosing to look for solutions in other systems, even when their ILMS can accommodate the function they are attempting to implement. It would take an additional study to determine the reasons for this, but it may be possible to speculate that they include local specifications and integration, cost and ability to interface with other systems.
For the future, and particularly for end users, the ILMS will need to offer more than the presentation of the library catalogue. ILMS vendors and developments must continue to incorporate more of an ability to customize, to allow client-centred development to reflect new learning styles and expectations. JISC & SCONUL Library Management System Study said that the integration of the LMS with other business systems was the most significant institutional issue identified by many survey respondents. Increasingly, libraries recognize this might involve the disaggregation of LMS services and integration with other corporate systems for learning and teaching, research and administration. A key issue is the extent to which the advantages of LMS functions, such as purchasing or borrower records, justify continued independence from other business systems in the increasingly integrated corporate environment.
The positioning of the Library Management System (covering traditional modules plus relatively recent add-ons such as Electronic Resource Management and Vertical Search) relative to the perceived landscape is therefore central to this study. A number of interferences can be logically drawn, which may have a domino effect. The Online Library System (OLS) for EPA’s National Library Network consists of several related databases that comprise the shared library catalogue. Use OLS to locate books, reports, journals, and audiovisual materials on a variety of topic. Then contact your local public, corporate or academic library to arrange for a loan. The material on OLS is updated every two weeks and may be searched in many ways, such as by title, author, and keyword. In addition to the primary catalogue, there are databases in OLS associated with special collections.
According to Charuasia (2010), connotes the term library with use of automatic data processing machines to perform routine library activities. It implies a high degree of mechanization of various routine and repetitive tasks &operations and processes are left to be performed by human beings. The study stresses library automation as the application of computers and utilization of computer based products and services in the performance of different operations and functions or in the provision of various services and output products. In addition to computer advancement, telecommunication and audio-visual technologies gives away to new possibilities in information processing. Local
Library System study under the guidance of Mr. E. Mitra supplied the developers solution on common problems that exist on Library Management System today, it also concluded that after they have completed the project they were sure the problems in the existing system would be overcome. The “LIBRARY SYSTEM” process made computerized to reduce human errors and to increase the efficiency. The main focus of this project is to lessen human efforts. The maintenance of the records is made efficient, as all the records are stored in the access database, through which data can be retrieved easily. The navigation control is provided in all the forms to navigate through the large amount of records. If the numbers of records are very large then the user has to just type in the search string and user gets the results immediately. The editing is also made simpler. The user has to just type in the required field and press the update button to update I.D. no. so that they can be accessed correctly and without errors.
Our main aim of the project is to get the correct information about a particular students and books available in the library. The problems, which existed in the earlier system, have been removed to a large extent and it is expected that this project will go a long way in satisfying user’s requirements. The computerization of the Library Management will not only improve the efficiency but will also reduce human stress thereby indirectly improving human resources. Cavite Maritime Institute Online Library Management System, this study presented a brief scope that the developers used as a guide to develop the Web Online Library Management System of ACLC College. Any person can become a member of the library by filling a prescribed form. They can get the book issued, so that they can take it home and then return them after use. In this system, there are three major components. These are Stock maintenance, Transaction entry and Reports.
This system provides better and efficient service to members, reduced employee workload, and faster retrieval information about the desired book, proper monitoring, reduced paper work, and data security. Fe Angela M. Verzosa of Ateneo De Manila University said the Library computerization project is in full swing. It showed how universities and schools all around the Philippines supported the development of Integrated Library Management Systems for their libraries. It served as a motivation to the developers’ to develop the Online Library Management System of ACLC College. According to Lou (1986), a survey on the computer application in 223 libraries in Metro Manila. The study revealed that they prioritize the three library functions to be computerized as cataloging, indexing, and circulation. However, the plans for automation for the libraries cannot be implemented due to financial incapability of the libraries, and the lack of funds from the government. Despite of this drawback, the libraries are not turning their backs unto the automation of their libraries. Chapter III
Technical Background
The ACLC College of Tacloban has two libraries; one for each campus and both of these libraries has one librarian.
Librarians, they are the ones in charge of the operation in the library. They keep records of books; borrowed and or returned. Add some books, and even put away those worn out ones. In short, every transaction that occurs in a library goes through a librarian.
The school library still follows the traditional way of running the library. This manual operation consumes time, money and effort. The keeping of records in hard copies which is sometimes lost or misplaced these falls under time consumption and effort. When natural catastrophe struck, we lost books and records, tables and shelves wrecked. Ultimately, we see students who have little time in going to the library.
Upon discovering those problems, the researchers chose to develop a system that could help not only the librarian but also the students and faculty of the school. Through the automation of the school library, the librarian can now manage the library on a computer such as storing books and keeping records. The lacking books shall be provided through eBooks which will be uploaded on to the system so that students who have no time in visiting the school library can read books by just visiting the website.
3.1 Organizational Chart
Victor P. Sevilla is the standing Sr. Asst. Vice President – COO of the ACLC College. A vice president usually reports directly to the president or CEO of the company and is a member of the executive management team. Melchor E. Enguera Area Director. The Area director usually reports directly to a Vice President or to the CEO in order to let them know the progress of the organization. Eddie S. Uy Managing Director. A managing director is employed by the business, often by the chairman. Other roles include running the business and producing salaries. The managing director manages the board of directors and oversees the performance of the business thus reporting back to the chairman. Raquel Cecilia S. Chua School Director. The Principal is responsible for the management and day-to-day operations and business of the school. The authority to exercise managerial powers is delegated from the Board, which retains responsibility for the overall governance of the School.
The Principal oversees the educational programs and developments in the school (and in the broader educational community) and must keep Board Members well-informed of these issues. It is critical that the Principal and the Board have confidence in one another. Toedora Arlene D. Cebu College Dean. In academic administrations such as colleges or universities, a dean is the person with significant authority over a specific academic unit, or over a specific area of concern, or both. Deans are occasionally found in middle schools and high schools as well. Madelina B. Gabumpa. Branch Registrar. Typically, a registrar processes registration requests, schedules classes and maintains class lists, enforces the rules for entering or leaving classes, and keeps a permanent record of grades and marks. In institutions with selective admission requirements, a student only begins to be in connection with the registrar’s official actions after admission. Faculty. a department within a university or college devoted to a particular branch of knowledge. Software Department.
Medical Department. A department in charge for the Healthcare of every individual that is in the school Business Administration Department. A wide field that incorporates many types of management positions. From major corporations to independent businesses, every operation needs skilled administrators in order to succeed. Hardware Department. This department caters all the hardware need of the school including fixing computers and maintenance, that is to be used by students HRM Department. A department that is involved for the course of Hotel and Restaurant Management General Education Department. An academic introduction to the university. It exposes you to the fundamental ideas and intellectual activities that scholars across campus – scholars in the arts, the humanities, the social sciences and natural sciences – draw on in their work. Staff.
A member of the faculty of a college or university usually having qualified status without rank or tenure. Admission Office. The once who are in charge of the students enrollment admission to the school Accounting Office. Accounting department provides accounting services and financial support to the organization it belongs to. The department records accounts payable and receivable, inventory, payroll, fixed assets and all other financial elements. Library. A library within a school where students, staff, and often, parents of a public or private school have access to a variety of books. Registrar’s Office.
An admin of a college or university who is in charge of registering students and keeping academic records Laboratory. In ACLC College, a laboratory is where the students apply their knowledge in computer education. There is also another laboratory for the HRM department where they apply their knowledge in cooking. School Nurse. School nurses provide a variety of services such as providing health and sex education within schools, carrying out developmental screening, undertaking health interviews and administering immunization programs. School nurses can be employed by the local health authority, community NHS providers or by a school directly.
3.2 Workflow Diagram
Chapter 4
Methodology, Result and Discussions
This chapter contains the methods and procedures in preparation for and developing the Online Library Management System of ACLC College. This chapter includes the requirement specification, analysis, evaluations, testing, implementation and methods. Furthermore, this methods provided the researchers a better way of understanding the processes and the flow of data.
4.1 Requirement Specification
4.1.1 Functional Requirements
A use case is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify, and organize system requirements. In this context, the term “system” refers to something being developed or operated, such as a mail-order product sales and service Web site. Use case diagrams are employed in UML (Unified Modeling Language), a standard notation for the modeling of real-world objects and systems.
The table below shows the peopleware present in the system and their boundaries. Table 1 USE CASE Diagram
4.1.2 Non-functional Requirements
It describes system attributes such as technical, performance, usability, and reliability and security requirements. They can also be constraints or restrictions on the design of the system. These requirements are just as critical as the functional features and user stories, as they assure the usability and usefulness of the entire system.
4.1.3 Technical Requirement
Many technical requirements can actually be thought of as constraints. In the researchers’ case, it will depend upon the discretion of the school. But still, the system shall be available 24/7 as long as they have internet access.
4.1.4 Performance Requirement
In order to assess the performance of the system the group has specified the following: Response time – The system being web-based, it shall rely on the internet connection of the user. The faster internet he/she has, the faster she can get a hold of the book /he she needs. Workload – The system tends to improve the manual library of ACLC College. In this regard, the amount of work an individual has to do is being lessened. Scalability – Through the automation of the manual library the librarian will be able to accommodate growing amount of work in managing. Platform – The physicality of the library will still remain and be followed according to its rules, the system only aims to manage its status and storage. 4.1.5 Usability Requirement
The aims of this system are to provide comfort for both the librarian and the students. Creating a user-friendly program where in users will be able to read books with easy access. 4.1.6 Reliability Requirement
The system shall have a database wherein the books stored in it are monitored if it is borrowed or returned. And so the librarian might see its availability. 4.1.7 Security Requirement
In order to read books online the students must register first, and if so they borrow manually then the librarian use its standard procedure.
4.2 Requirement Analysis
Upon approval of the proposal of this project, the researchers began to gather data through surveying, questionnaires and conducting interview to the school librarian. The feedbacks gave the researchers the idea of what to improve on the manual library of the school. In addition to, we the researchers have also identified the problem ourselves.
The group went through a lot of references in the internet about Integrated Library Systems (ILS), Library Management and Web development. Combining the ideas acquired, helped to improve the proposed system.
4.2.1 PIECES Evaluation Framework
The PIECES Evaluation Framework tends to identify the glitches during the previous manual library system of ACLC College. Evaluation is classified into six parts namely, performance, information, economy, control/security, efficiency and service. The evaluation is shown in a tabular form. The aim of the model is to guarantee the developers and the users that questions will be incorporated during analysis about each of these six essential matters as it relates to the problem.
Table 2 PIECES Evaluation Framework
Non-functional Requirements Types
Manual Operation
The librarian keeps her records the old-fashioned way. Hard copies of files are present in the said system. Information
Lack of information
Not enough books in present in the library.
Books are not cheap, the administration shall allocate a budget in putting more books in the library Control/Security
Lack of security
Through the automation of the library the control and security will be raised, we are talking about the borrowing and returning of books here. The system shows the status of the book and with the PDFs available, students and staff might as well not have the actual book. Efficiency
Lack of efficiency
Shortage of books due to typhoon damage.
Tedious and repetitive work
When records are lost, the librarian has to make another record but then the retrieval of formation is sometimes impossible hence, the process stops there.
4.1.2 Cause and Effect Analysis
This table shows problems in the manual system and opportunity for the proponents. The cause and effect and on how the researchers propose to eliminate those problems. This also includes the limitations of the project.