Online Billing and Reservation

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- Category: Internet
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Online Billing and Reservation System is one of the most in-demand systems all over the world. It’s because of the grossing industry of hotels and resorts. There are many advantages in this system like security for the owner, easy to use, and gives convenience to the customers.
Security helps the owner and its crew to assure that the customers will not waste their time in reserving some facilities and owners can make plans ahead of time. It is also easy to use because it is user-friendly. The forms are readable and easy to understand. Also, this gives convenience to the customers because they don’t need to go in the place just to reserve a day or event. The system has the information about the company but there is a hotline so that the customers can contact them for further information. Reservation is the most important part in hotels and resorts. This helps the establishment to know the capacity of the guests, when it will be held, the rooms and the things needed in a particular event.
Manual reservation is a risk. Why? Anytime, the one who is getting the information of the guests may have some error and this will be a down to the business. Making this manual reservation to an automatic way is a big impact to the business. This will lessen errors; avoid bogus guests and especially, a more convenient way to the guest and also for the owner. Getting information from the guests through phone may result in errors. This may happen if the one who got the information misheard or forgot any information. So, in automatic reservation, the guests will input their information in an online form and all the information will be sent to a database on the company. This may avoid getting errors and missing data. This will also help avoid bogus customers because the company can contact the guest with the full information they inputted in the form. This is more convenient for the guests and the owner because they don’t need to write manually all the information about the reservation because it is fast and more secured than any manual process.
This study is for the 5k Resort in Buncal, Laguna. It is owned by The Jordan Family mainly Mrs. Marites B. Jordan. It is likely to be a modern vacation spot that gives a relaxing ambiance to all the guests.
The resort was first planned to only be a rest house of the family. Mrs. Jordan’s husband knew the place because of his friend. They bought a lot in Buncal and planned to make a rest house for them to enjoy in vacation. The time came when they thought of making a business instead because the house will be used only once in a year. So, after a month, they renovated the rest house plan to a resort to make it profitable. It is a 3-floor modern house with and infinity pool. The infinity pool have 12 shooting fountains, falls, 4 bed benches and pool lights that is lit by night. It has 3 air conditioned rooms and 2 air conditioned family room that is suited for group of persons. It has other amenities like videoke, billiards, and gazebo. There are 2 function areas: the Terrace Function Area and the Pavilion. The Terrace Function Area has bars, tables, chairs and disco light but is used by night time. This area can be occupied by 50 persons and best to use for simple meetings and gatherings. The pavilion can be occupied by 100 persons and is best for weddings, debuts and other events that need more space.
5k resort was finished last December 2011 and the family used it first. They opened it to the public by January 2012 until now. The 5k Resort’s mission is to give customers a time for them to enjoy but will not let them waste big money just to get or experience the luxury of being with others while relaxing.
1.2 Statement of the Research Problem
Based on the researched conducted, the researchers found out that the company has only manual reservation which led them the difficulty to identify if the customer had back out from the reservation that had been made. The resort has been dependent on phone calls and walk-ins to gather enough information from the customers who want to make a reservation in the resort.
The problem of the study is that the manual reservation of 5k Resort is prone to errors or inaccurate information because the information is written in a paper or receipt can be overwritten. Customers who made reservations through the line would sometimes not show up on the reserved date, which is unpredictable because of having inaccurate information from reservations. Another problem is the availability of rooms is not prompt when a customer checks it. It is not efficient and costs much time on the part of the customer. The resort also has the difficulty in notifying the customers who made reservations because of the lack of information because the customer can only make reservations through the phone or walk-in. Lastly, the resort has low security in keeping the data from a customer. When a customer made a reservation, the details are not stored in a system which means the resort can’t keep track of the data and might have the possibility to be lost.
Problems considered:
* Time monitoring
The resort can’t keep track of the check-in and check-out time of the customer because it hadn’t been stored in a system so the staff needs to do it manually. * Inaccurate service
The staff of the resort had the inaccurate of service in terms of being able to immediately give the availability of rooms and prices when a customer ask for it. * Lack of information
The customers who are from Manila or farther who wants to have an early reservation can only get through the telephone. This results to lack of information about the resort because the customer can’t see/view the resort’s facilities and amenities. * Difficulty in searching and retrieving files
The records or files are not stored online which meant the resort don’t have a database which can backup files when a problem occurs. Because of this, a possible loss of record may occur. * Inconvenient for the customer
By having manual reservation, the customers could only go to the resort to check the resort’s facilities. It is really inconvenient for the customers if they were from Manila or farther from the resort’s location.
1.3 Statement of Objectives
1.3.1 General Objective
To develop and design the existing website for the use of 5k resort to facilitate online billing and reservation for customer convenience and satisfaction, and to promote the resort online. 1.3.2 Specific Objectives assess the existing facilities of 5k Resort necessary for the design of the web. make the company more competitive and productive, especially in terms of accommodating customers by proposing an online reservation system. sort all the information about the services and facilities of 5k resort in order to design a website that will cater the online billing and reservation system.
1.4 Significance of the Study
The researched study aims to make the manual reservation more accessible and efficient by changing it into an online reservation. Also, this study will help solve the issues or problems that occur.
* To the company. The researched study will help the company lessen the time consume during manual reservations. It will also spend less time in searching and retrieving the files that had been recorded. Lastly, it will be easier to know the availability of rooms.
* To the owner/manager. The researched study will help the owner/manager of the company to have more profit because people will be entice to make a reservation because it is organize and is easier to access.
* To the employees of the resort. The researched study will help the employees keep track of the records that had been made by a customer. It will enable them to have accurate records of the reservations that had been made.
* To the customer. The researched study will help the customer have an easier access to the resort and less time consuming in checking the availability of rooms before making a reservation.
* To the proponents. The researched study will help the proponents have a broader experience and knowledge in making a reservation system for a company. Also, it will serve as their reference for future system developments.
* To the future researchers. The researched study will serve as a reference for the future. 1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study
This study is mainly focused on providing online reservation and billing reservation only for room, function rooms and amenities. It included reservation of customers for rooms, monitoring of reservation and generalization of reports for the management. The customers could reserve their desired rooms or use of the amenities before a week for their arrival. The management has no reservation fee required. The Down Payment depends on the customers. The standard rates would only be in peso value. The mode of online payment is thru credit card and for walk-in reservation the resort only accepts cash as payment. For customers who want to cancel their reservation, the 50% of payment is refundable if the reservation is done a week before the reserved date, but if it is done a week after the reserved date, the 50% payment is non- refundable. For rescheduling, the customers can call over the resort a week before the reserved date. If the customer wish to reserve venue’s for a big event, it could be transacted directly with the management for formality. Any remaining account of your stay will be due at time of check in. No late check – out is permitted if someone is checking in on your day. There will be a charge of Php 500.00/hour applied for all late check outs. There are promos and discounts offered especially during rainy days for customers.
Limitations of the Study
The study did not focus on the payroll of employees, computation of profile, sales and inventory of items, marketing and job application of the resort.
Review of Related Literature
The following literatures about online billing and reservation system were compared with the proponents’ proposed system. Each contains information about the flow of the system and its functions and how it became similar to the proponents’ proposed system. This also serves as a basis for making the proposed system more customized, improved and competitive.
2.1 Local Literature
2.1.1 Online Billing and Reservation System for Kalipayan Incorporated
By: Josefine Ramos and Joseph Ramos 2007
The online billing and reservation system of Kalipayan Resort Incorporated was developed by Ella Marie A. Ramos and Kinsky P. Ramos. Obrski is a fully function online system that covers the processes for scheduling, monitoring and billing of hotel including the other commodities that are reserved. The study also added the inputs needed for transaction receipts for online billing and reservations, and the security and privacy of the resort was also included. The users’ account were only limited to four, the front desk officers takes care of reservations, the time of checking out and checking in of guests, compute and prints the guests’ bills. The resort’s servers also have a limited access. The restaurant’s cashier is only allowed to input the full value of the pending bill and the tip given. However, the hotel manager can perform every action performed. Guests are also limited in receiving amenities and services that are still available in the resort.
It gave the proponents the ideas of security and access on users’ account of the system develop. By including this on the system, the information that the customer will input if he/she will be made into confidentiality.
2.1.2 Online Reservation and Billing System for Alpha Pack Travel and Tours
By: Angela, Ambid, Irene, Rosas, 2007
The online reservation and billing system for Alpha Pack Travel and Tours was developed by Ms. Jenina Rousse P. Ambid, Roma Kristina M. Columna, and Rizalyn C. Rosas. The system’s purpose is for domestic flights, hotels, tours, and tour packages reservations. The online reservation and billing system is also the official website of the agency. Its system is focused on gathering information and details from the clients. These clients are the ones who want to make a reservation request online. The system also allows one package to choose. For example, a client can choose to reserve a flight only or a combination for a hotel and tour. The computed bill of the reservation made by the client will be given as output. The Online Reservation and Billing System for Alpha Pack Travel and Tours is a transaction system that accepts data inputs from the user then saves the inputted data for processing the client’s reservation to the database. The system is also used for monitoring the operations of the agency. Also, a verification code is given to a client when a reservation had been made. This unique code will be used by the client when he verifies, pays, and claims his ticket.
The proponents’ proposal is similar to the Online Reservation and Billing System for Alpha Pack Travel and Tours that accepts data inputs from the user and saves it in a database. In this case, the information from the user will be saved in the database so it will not be overwritten at some point.
2.1.3 Philworld Online Cavite Billing Reservation (POCBS)
By: Bolotano, Rozelle C., 2000
Philworld Online is an internet service provider that is based in Cavite. The company is currently using a manual billing reservation. The POCBS is an automated of the billing system that is currently used in Philworld Online. POCBS has improved the way the tasks are done. POCBS is similar to online and billing reservation in terms of billing capabilities.
It gave the proponents ideas to improve the security and presentation of the billings’ of the customers.
2.1.4 Grotto Vista Resort Room Reservation and Billing System
By: Angcanan, Lozano, Oligario, Padulia, 2001
The Grotto Vista Resort Room Reservation and Billing System is focused on the reservations made for hotel and apartelle rooms in the resort. The system starts with a security system where the authorized user will input his/her username and password. This is for the protection of the records and the privacy of the reservation the customer made. The system is required to answer the customers’ inquiry on rooms that is available for his/her preferred date. It is also capable of generating reports on daily operations.
The proponents’ proposal is similar to Grotto Vista Resort Room Reservation and Billing System that has an effective security system wherein only an authorized person can view or manage the records. There will be a unique username and password. The purpose of the security is for the confidentiality of the records that was saved.
2.2 Foreign Literature
2.2.1 GPRS – Based Cinema Reservation System
By: Balan, 2007
The purpose of this MSC project is to create a location-aware service for GPRS-enabled mobile devices which is called Cinema Ticket Reservation System. This can determine the user’s current location; allow users to search movies in a given range at their current location, or reserve/ purchase tickets. Users can pay for tickets using credits cards that are saved in a secure wallet which is included in the application, e-money are received as refund for canceled tickets. An authentication mechanism based on the Needham-schroeder protocol is implemented. A user-centered design is considered. Workshop and interviews are conducted with real users to build and evaluate different low and high-fidelity prototypes. GPRS is used as a network carrier for all client-server requests. J2ME, J2EE, Bouncy Castle cryptographic libraries, and postgreSQL DB are chosen as implementation technologies. The marketing strategies for launching this service are analyzed. The proof-of-concept prototype shows of a web service, and how several technologies can be merged together to create a successful website.
2.2.2 Intention to use Internet Reservation System by Iranian Airline Passengers By: Manzari, 2008
The purpose of this study is to identify factors affecting intention to use the internet reservation system by the Iranian airline passenger.
2.2.3 UUM – Based Computer laboratory Reservation System
Demong, Rochin 2003
Online computer laboratory reservation system is a system that has been implemented to many education institutions especially at university level. This develop system is implemented using web- based application because it gives many benefits. The increment of the computer laboratory user’s, it generates insufficient computer distribution among the user in the computer laboratory. Therefore, the purpose of this prototype computer laboratory reservation system through web is to solve this problem and in addition it also will ease the management in updating the reservation record. The methodology used to develop the system is Object Modeling Technique (OMT) that consists five phases namely analysis, system design: object design, implementation and testing. Database used to develop the system MySQL with PHP programming language. Apache Server will be use a a server to run the system and Internet Explorer 6.0 as a web browser of the system. The main benefit of the prototype system is the user can view the availability of the PC through internet use at anytime and from anywhere during reservation. This system is enabling save time and cost. Proponents comprehend the significance of the web – based structure thru the said system. Although they use a different method, it instructs the proponents to improve their plans in developing the system on how to alleviate the administration/ management in updating the documents.
2.2.4 Develop a Campground Reservation System for Parks Canada
In Early 2004, tri- media’s interactive arm (then known as a was awarded a joint contract, valued to more than $10 million, to develop a national campground reservation system for parks Canada. Using our suite if digital marketing and ecommerce solutions, we developed the necessary technology of power the system. We also house the system’s technological infrastructure. “The project was developed in response to demands from campers for a national campground reservation system that would allow them to reserve campsite online”, said Andrew Campbell, information management and chief information officer, Pars Canada. The system will provide visitors with a new way to plan their trip to a national park of Canada, by visiting the website to enjoy the breathtaking scenery, outstanding wildlife viewing and wonderful recreational opportunities they provide.
National Campground has also encountered problems; this system helps the proponents on how to ensure the reservation in a good manner. Knowing the profit of an efficient reservation system carry out an encouragement to pursue the proponents to develop a precise Online Reservation and Billing that will help promote the company.
In these 8 literatures, we knew that computers and technology really helps us in our everyday life. Technology is given to us so we should use it as our advantage and not with bad motives. It is also a big impact in business like hotels and resorts. This can help the business to entertain many customers any day and any time without any difficulty. This can also avoid data errors and can save time.
Theoretical Framework
3.1 Statement of Assumptions
3.1.1.Study the usability of the online billing and reservation system of sample users.
3.1.2.Suggest improvement by implementing the proposed online system.
3.1.3.Analyze the current problem using data flow diagram. 3.1.4.Analyze also the existing online system of the 5k resort through the observation and inquisition. 3.1.5.Test the proposed system and conduct training to the users and also to implement the installed system.
3.2 Operational Definitions
3.2.1 Definition of Terms
1. Accommodation – something that meets a need of the customer; a convenience.
2. Amenities – any feature that provides comfort, convenience, or pleasure.
3. Availability – the current inventory of rooms, facilities and sheds that can be reserved or used.
4. Billing – the process of sending accounts to customers for goods or services.
5. Cash – refers to money in the form of currency, such as banknotes and coins.
6. Database – structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer system.
7. Down Payment – the amount paid by the customers whereby the payment is the initial upfront portion of the total amount due.
8. Inquiring – the term used to seek information by asking a question.
9. Security – freedom from risk or danger.
10. Manual Reservation – it is where someone physically makes the booking on the system (be that a spreadsheet or in book), as opposed to a system whereby an automated process completes the booking according to a preset algorithm.
3.2.2. Definition of Process
1. Inquiring – the customer will visit the website to see what the available services of the resort are.
2. Fill-out Forms – the forms that will be signed by the customer. This includes the personal information, contact details and what kind of event he/she will reserve.
3. Checking the availability – the customer will check if the amenities, packages and dates that he/she wants to reserve are available.
4. Registering the Customer – the front desk will now save the form of the customer and reserve the items.
5. Billing – the customer will pay a down payment to finalize his/her reservation. This also includes the amenities, foods, packages and the total bill.
6. Update of Rooms/Rates – the update of rooms and rates. Example if its peak season the resort may increase their rates.
7. Additional Amenities – the resort may add other amenities to make the resort more pleasing to the customer. 8. Report the Reserved Items – the front desk will now report the reserved items to the manager so that the manager can double check it.
9. Update of Reservation – if the customer wants to change the date, event, or amenities, he/she needs to contact the resort 2 days before the reserved date.
10. Checking-In – this is the time that the customer will go to the resort in the reserved date. Here, he/she can now experience the features of the resort.
3.3.3. Theories used in the System
Database management system
A database management system (DBMS) is a software package with computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance, and use of a database. It allows organizations to conveniently develop databases for various applications. A database is an integrated collection of data records, files, and other objects. A DBMS allows different user application programs to concurrently access the same database. DBMSs may use a variety of database models, such as the relational model or object model, to conveniently describe and support applications. It typically supports query languages, which are in fact high-level programming languages, dedicated database languages that considerably simplify writing database application programs. Database languages also simplify the database organization as well as retrieving and presenting information from it. A DBMS provides facilities for controlling data access, enforcing data integrity, managing concurrency control, and recovering the database after failures and restoring it from backup files, as well as maintaining database security.
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (often called TCP/IP, although not all applications use TCP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support email.
Most traditional communications media including telephone, music, film, and television are reshaped or redefined by the Internet, giving birth to new services such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). Newspaper, book and other print publishing are adapting to Web site technology, or are reshaped into blogging and web feeds. The Internet has enabled and accelerated new forms of human interactions through instant messaging, Internet forums, and social networking. Online shopping has boomed both for major retail outlets and small artisans and traders. Business-to-business and financial services on the Internet affect supply chains across entire industries.
Database normalization is the process of organizing the fields and tables of a relational database to minimize redundancy and dependency. Normalization usually involves dividing large tables into smaller (and less redundant) tables and defining relationships between them. The objective is to isolate data so that additions, deletions, and modifications of a field can be made in just one table and then propagated through the rest of the database via the defined relationships.
Entity–relationship model
Entity – Relationship model (ER model for short) is an abstract way to describe a database. It usually starts with a relational database, which stores data in tables. Some of the data in these tables point to data in other tables – for instance, your entry in the database could point to several entries for each of the phone numbers that are yours. The ER model would say that you are an entity, and each phone number is an entity, and the relationship between you and the phone numbers is ‘has a phone number’. Diagrams created to design these entities and relationships are called entity–relationship diagrams or ER diagrams. This article refers to the techniques proposed in Peter Chen’s 1976 paper. However, variants of the idea existed previously, and have been devised subsequently such as supertype and subtype data entities and commonality relationships (an example with additional concepts is the enhanced entity–relationship model).