Management of Psu-Binmaley Campus Library Towards

- Pages: 5
- Word count: 1081
- Category: Library Management
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Order NowThe library is a depository of knowledge and center of educational system, books, journals, microfilms, audio and visual materials, computers, are kept and organized to support the cultural, informational, recreational and educational needs of the general public or specific groups of users. Recent advances in computers and communication technologies have transformed the contemporary library. With the emergence of high technology, the library is not only considered a repository but also an active member in a vast network of libraries and data banks through which users have access to a world wide store of recorded knowledge.
A library is more than a place of books, films and records. Basically, it is a place conducive to gathering of ideas and information put in order and shared by different groups of people like teachers, and students, youngsters and the elderly, the professional, politician, businessman, policemen, biologist and more. Each group, each person has different library needs. No one-library can handle all needs, there are different kinds of libraries that can share materials with each other. No two libraries are exactly alike but some have in common than others.
The heart of any library is it’s collection of books and bound magazines, but a library is more than a static collection of volumes. Learning to use the library intelligently will lead to a more exciting, less monotonous and most importantly for a richer life.
Libraries in institutions of higher learning – academic libraries – are as varied and distinctive as the institutions which they serve. There are the libraries in community colleges and in four-year colleges, and there are the central libraries in the universities and the more specialized libraries in the colleges within the universities like the Pangasinan State University-Binmaley Campus.
Academic libraries like PSU-BC library differ from each other in many respects but they all have the same basic function, which is to aid the parent institution Pangasinan State University in carrying out its objectives such as: 1.) To produce globally competitive and morally upright professionals in Pangasinan. 2.) To provide quality and relevant academic programs in the arts, sciences and pursues scientific and technological endeavors for the technical and holistic development of professionals to meet local and global demands. The Pangasinan State University Binmaley Campus mission such as: 1.) to provide scientific and professional leadership and training leading to the degree of undergraduate and graduate programs in Fisheries and allied sciences. 2.) to conduct basic and applied research and technology transfer through extension in fisheries, 3.) to primarily serve the best interest of the community.
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to determine the operation and management of PSU-Binmaley Campus library toward a more effective library service.
Specifically, it answered the following questions:
1. What is the operation and management system implemented by the PSU-BC Library? 2. What is the management system in implementing the library policies, facilities and rules and regulation of the PSU-BC Library? 3. What is the ratio of student library users from the total enrolment? 4. What are the problems encountered in PSU-BC Library?
5. What tentative measures maybe adopted to improve library services?
Significance of the Study
The library is a center of information supportive of the queries of an individual to a given topic. In this paper the researcher wished to convey the present management toward a better library service.
Thus, the study provides information about the operation and the management of the PSU-BC Library, library service to students, faculty and staff, and other researchers in the university.
Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study focused on the management and operation of the PSU-Binmaley Campus library service in carrying out the mission and objectives of the mother institution the Pangasinan State University. This includes the operation of the open shelf system, the floor plan of the different library sections, total library collections and library services, the strengths and weaknesses of PSU-BC library operation system as per recommendation by the AACCUP.
The study was conducted from February to May 2012 at the Pangasinan State University, Binmaley Campus, Binmaley, Pangasinan.
Definition of Terms
This is to define the terms used in this study:
E-library refers to all the library resources that are available on-line through computers and database Facilities are services or equipment that makes it easy to do something. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to technology that uses computers in communication and disseminating information. Internet is a worldwide collection of computer networks, cooperating with each other to exchange data using a common software standard. Librarian is a person in authority to manage and supervise the library operation, control and supervision of written documents and non-book materials. Library is a depository of treasure of the written word and the recording of thought in books, transcripts, pictures, records, and tapes films, etc.
Management refers to how things get done for the proper procedure or methods of effective use.
Management Information System is a system approach to the study of information needed by management, made possible by the use of computers, utilizing the creation of models involving the entire environment as well as internal information.
Multi-media Library when there is a presence and used of varied equipments aside from books, journals, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, clippings, maps, posters, directories, gazetteers, machine apparatus are available for use like computers with internet connections, audio-visual equipments such as radio, televisions, power point equipments, intercom, Xerox copier and others to supplement printed materials. Open-shelf system a library system adopted by most libraries to give the researcher all the freedom to access all references without time limit, free to browse from shelves to shelves. Operating System is the instructions and procedures for operating a devise. Is the action in a sequence indicated by a single instruction.
Operation is the action indicated by a single instruction or one of the specific processes or action in a sequence. Policies are selected planned line of conduct in the light of which individual decisions are made and coordination achieved. PSU –BC refers to the Pangasinan State University, Binmaley Campus which is an institution of higher learning offering degree courses in fisheries, teacher education, management and criminology and is the venue of the study. Service is the labor, assistance, attendance, benefit, utility or function rendered to serve clients. System is the method, order, or plan adopted for implementation Strength is the curricular offering having more references and more library users. Weaknesses course offering with limited references and with limited student researchers