Importance of Mathematics

- Pages: 4
- Word count: 851
- Category: Mathematics Nature Philosophy
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Mathematics is an indispensable subject of study. It plays an important role in forming the basis of all other sciences which deal with the material substance of space and time.
What is Mathematics?
Mathematics may be described as the fundamental science. It may be broadly described as the science of space, time and number. The universe exists in space and time, and is constituted of units of matter. To calculate the extension or composition of matter in space and time and to compute the units that make up the total mass of the material universe is the object of Mathematics. For the space-time quantum is everywhere full of matter and we have to know matter mathematically in the first instance.
Importance of Mathematics
Knowledge of Mathematics is absolutely necessary for the study of the physical sciences.
Computation and calculation are the bases of all studies that deal with matter in any form.
Even the physician who has to study biological cells and bacilli need to have a knowledge of Mathematics, if he means to reduce the margin of error which alone can make his diagnosis dependable.
To the mechanic and the engineer it is a constant guide and help, and without exact knowledge of Mathematics, they cannot proceed one step in coming to grips with any complicated problem.
Be it the airplane or the atom bomb, radio-communication or nuclear power, anything that has to do with anything concerning matter in any form, a knowledge of the principles of Mathematics is the one thing absolutely
Of course, it goes without saying that an elementary knowledge of the simplest branch of Mathematics, arithmetic, is the daily requirement of every man and woman in the ordinary affairs of life.
Intellectual Value of Mathematics
Mathematics has a most important bearing on the intellect as such. Study of Mathematics promotes habits of accuracy and exactitude, and prevents a man from being careless and slipshod.
It sharpens the reasoning powers of a man and increases his mental alertness.
On the whole a mathematically minded man is usually more dependable than one who is otherwise disposed. That is why the study of some Mathematics is compulsory up to the secondary stage of all education systems, and its habit has to be sedulously fostered.
In the modern age, the intensely abstract nature of pure Mathematics has brought the science nearer to philosophy. Knowledge of Mathematics is indispensable both for the man in the street as well as for scientists and philosophers.
It is said that Mathematics is the gate and key of the Science. According to the famous Philosopher Kant, “A Science is exact only in so far as it employs Mathematics”. So, all scientific education which does not commence with Mathematics is said to be defective at its foundation. Neglect of mathematics works injury to all knowledge.
One who is ignorant of mathematics cannot know other things of the World. Again, what is worse, who are thus ignorant are unable to perceive their own ignorance and do not seek any remedy. So Kant says, “A natural Science is a Science in so far as it is mathematical”. And Mathematics has played a very important role in building up modern Civilization by perfecting all Science.
In this modern age of Science and Technology, emphasis is given on Science such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine and Engineering. Mathematics, which is a Science by any criterion, also is an efficient and necessary tool being employed by all these Sciences. As a matter of fact, all these Sciences progress only with the aid of Mathematics. So it is aptly remarked, “Mathematics is a Science of all Sciences and art of all arts.”
Mathematics is a creation of human mind concerned chiefly with ideas, processes and reasoning. It is much more than Arithmetic, more than Algebra more than Geometry. Also it is much more than Trigonometry, Statistics, and Calculus.
Mathematics includes all of them. Primarily mathematics is a way of thinking, a way of organizing a logical proof. As a way reasoning, it gives an insight into the power of human mind, so this forms a very valuable discipline of teaching-learning programmes of school subjects everywhere in the world of curious children. So the pedagogy of Mathematics should very carefully be built in different levels of school education.
In the pedagogical study of mathematics we mainly concern ourselves with two things; the manner in which the subject matter is arranged or the method the way in which it is presented to the pupils or the mode of presentation. Mathematics is intimately connected with everyday life and necessary to successful conduct of affairs. It is an instrument of education found to be in conformity with the needs of human mind.
Teaching of mathematics has its aims and objectives to be incorporated in the school curricula. If and when Mathematics is removed, the back-bone of our material civilization would collapse. So is the importance of Mathematics and its pedagogic.