Fossil Fuels Essays

Background Objectives (i) To be sensitised about the judicious use of energy fossil fuels. (ii) To think and suggest ways of conserving fossil fuels. Fossil fuels which are one of the basic sources of energy for all our activities are exhaustible. For example, coal, kerosene, and LPG are sources of …
Using the textbooks, the University Library, or other resources, answer each of the following questions in 150 to 200 words. 1.Select a fossil fuel. How is this fossil fuel used? What are the adverse effects on the environment? The fossil fuel I would like to use and is the most …
“The clear and present danger of climate change means we cannot burn our way to prosperity. We already rely too heavily on fossil fuels. We need to find a new, sustainable path to the future we want. We need a clean industrial revolution” (Ban Kimoon). Fossil fuel is the most …
Bio-ethanol is manufactured from fermenting starch, wheat and sugar cane. Ethanol is also made from the hydration of ethylene from petroleum, though the majority of ethanol is produced by fermentation. It is considered an alternative fuel source as it is regarded to be renewable and more beneficial to the environment. …
Much of the worlds energy is produced from Uranium. This energy is commonly referred to as “nuclear energy” because uranium reacts in nuclear reactors to form heat. When fossil fuels are used for heat, they are just simply burned instead of reacted, so they create only mediocre amounts of heat …
Many modern countries are relying heavily on nonrenewable resources nowadays. One common example of nonrenewable resources is fossil fuel. They are finite resources that will eventually dwindle, becoming too expensive or too environmentally damaging to retrieve. In contrast, renewable energy resources are constantly replenished and are important because of the …
Describe and explain how the use of Fossil fuels may affect the environment and discuss measures, which could be taken to reduce the harmful consequences Fossil fuels include gasoline, oil, coal, or natural gas. Whenever we burn them, more pollutant gases are emitted into the atmosphere. They are burned to …
Green Engines Development Using Compressed Natural Gas as an Alternative Fuel: A Review Semin, 2R. A. Bakar and 2A.R. Ismail 1 Department of Marine Engineering, Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Campus ITS, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia 2 Automotive Excellent Center, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang, Locked Bag …
A good resource must include a creditable author. Meaning that the author should either have bben present during the subject, have a degree in the subject, and/or be the most recent information possible. Being up to date on information is important because something could have changed in the last month …
How can alternative sources of energy be harnessed effectively? Finding Alternative energy sources is a significant issue from all over the world. In contemporary society, due to the lack of fossil fuels and environmental problems like air pollution, alternative sources of energy have being utilized widely for different domestic and …
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