Plate Tectonics Essays

To begin with we can see that many of the landmasses appear as separated jigsaw pieces with their complementary shaped coastlines. One example of this is how the North Western coastline of Africa could quite easily ‘slot into’ the North Eastern Coastline of America. This suggests that in the history …
Hello, my name is Ashley Stein and I am here to teach you some important information about earthquakes, the dangers of the plate tectonics and faults in the area, and the historical disaster as well as the future potential for earthquakes in the Los Angeles area. An earthquake is caused …
The Lesson Activities will help you meet these educational goals: Science Inquiry—You will conduct online research in which you will collect information, make observations, and communicate your results in written form. STEM—You will analyze real-world situations to grow in your understanding of science as a creative human activity. 21st Century …
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