Hydrology: Climate Change and Dr. James W.

- Pages: 2
- Word count: 482
- Category: Change Climate Change
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Order NowThe research paper for this class should be no shorter than 5 pages, not including a cover page, figures or tables, or reference pages. It should be double spaced and properly referenced according to the format found below. There should be at a minimum of 10 references with a maximum of 2 internet references (i.e., the references must come from journal articles and books). The paper should have an introductory paragraph followed by the main body and conclusion; no abstract is necessary. You can use the ASU library or use Google Scholar etc.
The purpose of this assignment is to learn to write in a scientific manner. Be short and concise with your points—no “beating around the bush”. Do not procrastinate or the final product will not be adequate.
The paper is due at the beginning of class, April 7, 2010.
The reference format for this paper comes from the journal Restoration Ecology and is described below.
Literature Cited
In the text, unpublished studies should be referred to as such or as a personal communication and should include an affiliation. Example: (R. Davis 1999, Harvard University, Boston, MA, personal communication). References in the text should be inserted in parentheses, in chronological order as follows: (Johnson & Van Cleve 1976; Cairns 1981; Plafkin et al. 1989). The reference list should be in alphabetical order according to first-named author. Papers with two authors should follow those of the first-named author, arranged in alphabetical order according to the name of the second author. Papers with more than two authors should follow in chronological order. All authors’ names, dates, title of book or article, publisher and place of publication must be included. Do not use abbreviations. The following are examples:
Keto, J. 1982. Therecovery of Lake Vesijärvi after sewage diversion. Hydrobiologia 86:195-199. Keto, J., and I. Sammalkorpi. 1988. A fading recovery: a conceptual model for Lake Vesijärvi management and research. Aqua Fennica 18:193-204. Leverenz, J. W., and D.J. Lev. 1987. Effects of carbon dioxide-induced climate changes in the natural ranges of six major commercial tree species in the western United States. Pages123-155 in W. E. Shands and J. S. Hoffman, editors. The greenhouse effect, climate change, and U.S. forests. The Conservation Foundation, Washington, D.C. McKneeley, J.A. 1995.The interaction between biological diversity and cultural diversity. International Conference on Indigenous Peoples, Environment, and Development, Zurich, 15-18 May 1995. International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland. Newmark, W. D. 1986.Mammalian richness, colonization an extinction in western North American national parks. Dissertation. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Plafkin, J. L., M. T.Barbour, K. D. Porter, S. K. Gross, and R. M. Hughes. 1989. Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in streams and rivers: benthic macro-invertebrates and fish. EPA/444/ 4-89-001. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Climatic Data Center, 2002-2003. URL http://www.erh.noaa.gov/iln/climate.htm [accessed on 13 February 2003]