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Human Relations Argumentative

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  • Pages: 4
  • Word count: 781
  • Category: Language

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1. Studying how people get along with one another
A. won’t help a worker become more productive. B. has little use outside the workplace. C. for most people is a difficult thing to do. D. can improve a person’s personal life.

2. Among the qualities listed on the Human Relations Scale, the most important one for building new relationships is A. self-confidence. B. a sense of humor. C. self-honesty. D. consideration.

3. In general, becoming a good listener is difficult for most of us because A. not-listening is a habit most of us develop during childhood. B. most of us are talkers, not listeners. C. most people have nothing interesting to say. D. listening to people requires us to pay attention.

4. According to your study unit, which one of the following improved human relations skills will allow you to more willingly take on challenging subjects? A. Listening B. Self-confidence C. Flexibility D. Communication

5. A benefit of using good human relations is that you’ll
A. try to outdo your friends. B. adjust to new situations better. C. quit your job and get a new one. D. forget old friends and find new ones.

6. What is the main reason that attitudes are more often revealed in spoken rather than written language? A. We speak far more often than we write. B. In writing, we can more easily conceal our attitudes. C. In spoken language, we are often careless in our use of words. D. In writing, we try to put the “best face” on what we write.

7. It’s easier to eliminate negative self-talk when we
A. ignore the fears that trigger it. B. let it turn into imagined risks. C. usually hear the negative thoughts we think. D. try not to think of the worst things that can happen.

8. A person’s beliefs and general outlook, which act like filters on the information they receive, is called A. consideration. B. attitude. C.
efficiency. D. motivation.

9. A reward that follows an action is called
A. reinforcement. B. human relations. C. risk-taking. D. self-talk.

10. Tone, volume, and pace are part of
A. spoken language. B. body language. C. written communication. D. sign language.

11. The main reason self-confidence is important in human relations is because A. the alternative to self-confidence is no confidence. B. forming relationships involves risk. C. self-confidence makes you seem more interesting to other people. D. self-confidence makes you appear important in the eyes of other people.

12. The chief goal of human relations is to
A. make people more politically aware. B. help people relate better with one another. C. show people that you know more about life than they do. D. make you an efficiency expert.

13. Another name for false productivity is
A. driving toward success. B. spinning your wheels. C. making poor decisions. D. filling your mind with negative self-talk.

14. Our attitudes influence
A. neither our beliefs nor our understanding. B. our beliefs and how we respond to them, but not our understanding. C. our beliefs and understanding and how we respond to them. D. our understanding and responding, but not our beliefs.

15. Which one of the following statements about attitudes is correct? A. Negative attitudes can’t be changed. B. Attitudes can’t be learned from other people. C. There’s one fundamental way of acquiring attitudes. D. Positive attitudes can help us learn quicker.

16. Because we often can’t choose who our coworkers will be, we should A. overlook their performance if it’s at least average. B. try to be tolerant, even of coworkers we wouldn’t choose as friends. C. not call attention to problems when things are going poorly. D. not worry about having a positive attitude toward them.

17. In human relations, imagined risks are
A. unaffected by positive self-talk. B. a kind of negative self-talk. C. a kind of positive reinforcement. D. harmless, because they’re imaginary.

18. When you complete a job, but use more time and effort than is truly necessary, how have you worked? A. Efficiently, but not effectively B. Both effectively and efficiently C. Neither effectively nor efficiently D. Effectively, but not efficiently

19. Which of the following statements about communication is most accurate? A. Expressing your enjoyment of hockey games reflects a basic attitude. B. Most body language is related to emotions and attitudes. C. Attitudes change day by day, while moods persist over time. D. Business letters should be sincere, to the point, and impersonal.

20. Standards of performance, or “performance goals,” are used to A. determine a worker’s attitude. B. measure effectiveness, but not efficiency. C. communicate nonverbally. D. measure productivity.

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