How to Write an Interview Essay
15 Jun 2018
What is an Interview Essay
Completing an essay based on the interview can be very different from other traditional types of writings. In order to comprehend how to write it correctly, there is a need to remember some important aspects, including interview essay structure, topics to cover, paragraphs to add, and some guidelines to consider.
It should not be difficult for a student to deliver an interview essay, but it definitely would take more time to complete a very good paper. It is obvious that for an interview essay there is a need to conduct an interview itself. For many people, it can be very hard, but, with the help of good outline and structure in mind, it should not be as difficult as it seems. Consequently, all students who are interested in receiving a higher point should not only be prepared for finding a person they want to interview. They also need to come up with a list of questions they want to ask, to decide how they will record their interview, and, finally, to evaluate and analyze all the information they received in order to complete a high-quality interview essay.
Interview Essay Topics
For a student to come up with an interesting interview essay topic, it is essential to consider the interests of the person who will be interviewed and the interest of the future readers. With this two points in mind, it will be easier to deliver a high-quality paper that will be relevant and engaging. It is a mistake to think that finding an interview topic might be easy, but there are a lot of aspects that should be considered. For example, discussing some topics can result in dicots or conflicts, and that is why it is highly recommended to avoid asking controversial or provocative questions.
To be exact, speaking about such topics as politics, religion, wars, abortion, prostitution, euthanasia, obesity, or even presidential section can be dangerous in case a student does not know for sure how another person will react. In order to avoid various awkward moments during an interview, it is fundamental to make a list of questions for a conversation to keep in mind what should be better for discussion. In order not to get into trouble, it is worth paying attention to the age of the person who will be interviewed, as well as his or her education, culture, origin, relations, and even religion.
Guidelines on Writing Interview Essays
Writing interview essays will not be challenging for a student who knows what aspects should be covered and what structure should be followed. Eventually, for those people who are interested in completing an interview essay within the shortest deadline, it would be useful to remember some tips for writing.
First of all, organizing notes for the future interview can help to avoid asking unnecessary or awkward questions or raising provocative and controversial topics. At the same time, with the help of the notes or some draft, it will be easy to ask the questions that are important and engaging.
Secondly, during the interview, it is better to stay focused on the central topics that should be discussed, trying not to discuss unnecessary issues or paying much attention to useless aspects.
Thirdly, before starting to write an interview essay, it is essential to re-read or re-listen the whole interview to comprehend how much information is there. Then, it is better to decide what information will be explained in the essay and what parts should be omitted. It is a mistake to include as many details as possible because then it will be very difficult to present a high-quality work.
How To Start an Interview Essay
First of all, in order to meet all the requirements stated by the professor, you need to understand which format you should be following. Deciding whether to write your interview essay in a question and answer format or to write it as a narrative will help to come up with a correct structure of the work.
Following incorrect structure will eventually result in numerous revisions or the need to re-write the paper completely. Nevertheless, if you understand what format should be used, you will be able to focus on it, developing a high quality paper. For example, in case a student is required to deliver a question and answer essay, it is essential to make it as detailed as possible, indicating almost all questions and answers. However, again, it is better to filter information that should be added or excluded.
On the other hand, if a student is required to deliver an interview essay in a narrative format, such paper will be less detailed. Then, more attention should be paid to the structure of such work for a reader to understand it easily. In such type of writing, highlighting the central goal of the interviewer is essential and that is why it is better to highlight the main task of the interviewer in the introduction.
Essay Body Paragraphs
Every essay should be properly structured and here interview essay should not become an exception. Understanding what paragraphs should be added to such writing will help to cover all important aspects, avoiding mistakes and repetitions. If the main topic of the interview essay has to be indicated in the introduction, the body paragraphs should reveal as much information as possible. it does not mean that the essay should be long, but it should be full of engaging facts and exciting details. In order to avoid boring parts, it is better to exclude unnecessary parts of writing.
To decide which parts are less important than others, it is better to identify which questions and answers are connected to the topic that was discussed and which ones are not necessary. It is also better to come up with several body paragraphs in order to present a complete paper and to develop it in a logical way. Every paragraph in an interview essay should be focused on a certain topic or issue and, eventually, if some new questions are raised, a new paragraph should be started. Information in such paragraphs should not be repeated and that is why it is better to re-read the final version of the interview essay several times.
Interview Essay Conclusion
All academic works should end with solid conclusions that have to summarize the main points of the work. For an interview essay, a student should also complete a good conclusion that will not simply paraphrase what was discussed in the interview but will highlight the most important points for a reader to remember. In a case with interview essays, conclusions are needed for a narrative writing only, because then the last paragraph summarizing the main points from the interview will be required.
Interview Essay Outline
With an interview essay outline in mind, it should be easy for a student to reveal as many details in his or her writing as possible. in many situations, completing an interview takes a long time, and, after such process, a student receives great among of information that can be very difficult to manage. However, with the help of the outline, she or he will find it easier to decide what details can be deleted and which ones should be saved or even expanded.
Based on the outline, interview essay will be simple to write because it will have a proper structure, with all essential parts included, such as introduction, main body paragraphs, and, of course, conclusion. Depending on the topic, a student has to select whether he or she wants the writing to be longer or shorter. Nevertheless, if he or she has a lot of data to be presented, interview essay will likely to be a long one. In such situation, a lot of unnecessary details could be included, even when they are not needed at all. As a result, with the help of an outline, it will be easier for a student to see what parts should be excluded and which ones should be left for a reader.
Interview Essay Examples
It is fair to suggest that writing interview essay should not be difficult for the students who know how to write essays in general. Even while there are some main characteristics of the interview essays that are not typical for other types of writing, it is possible to comprehend that its structure is clear and easy. In case a student has to provide an interview essay in a question and answer format, he or she can use any well-known interview from the magazines as an example because it is the most popular format. On the other hand, if you need to write an interview essay in a narrative format, all questions and answers should be presented as a part of a research.
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