Homemade Glue

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Paste is the chief topic in this article. Paste is widely used worldwide. From schools to offices, from homes to buildings, paste is always present to help individuals in their daily lives. This material can be used in simple works or as an emergency utensil; from torn books to stripped parts of paper works; this tool is very significant in our lives. Paste is a thick, soft, moist substance, usually produced by mixing dry ingredients with liquid. It is a substance which is used to attach light things, such as papers, together just by rubbing it to one object to the other. This substance has only limited grip when used for it is not that sticky but is suitable to be used in fastening papers and such.
This study talks about the problem of some people nowadays, especially to parents. This study is focused on the problem of children who often eat everything they touch or possess, which can cause their body sickness and even death. This study helps this problem that is common to parents who are very busy at work that they can’t even look up to their innocent children. By this study, parents should worry no more about these problems their children might cause. This project has a unique quality that makes it differ from the usual pastes we use every day. These qualities of our project, the homemade paste, really come in handy to our fellows with problems about toxics in their homes. This project isn’t only helpful to us, but is also easy to organize in times of financial crisis and emergencies to come.
1. Does this project show cohesiveness?
2. What are the significant differences of the study to the commercial ones? 3. Is the product safe to the consumers?
We hypothesize our study to be a bit successful in terms of its quality supposed to be achieved. The project is well but does not show cohesiveness in its feature. This project is quite satisfying for it still has the quality which it takes advantage to commercial pastes: edible. Even with less cohesiveness in its structure and appearance, it is still edible for us, especially to the children, to whom the project was made focus. Still, the project has a significant difference between the commercial ones.
Coming up with this study is quite useful to some people. This study talks about the significance of a homemade paste, which is not just a paste that every person knew. This kind of paste is different from the paste from markets and advertisements, which states about their high standard qualities. This kind of paste is different in terms of quality and ingredients. The quality of this paste is quite poor, not like in branded pastes which have stronghold and high standard of stickiness, but in terms of ingredients, this type of paste might be better to our health, especially to the children. These branded pastes consist of toxic chemicals that may harm our body if used incorrectly. On the other hand, homemade paste has the ingredients of only pure home condiments which mostly can be found at home. The ingredients of this paste are quite astonishing: merely vinegar, water, baking soda, and milk. These ingredients, obviously, are edible to us, especially to children. This paste doesn’t only have the quality of sticking papers together but is also harmless to our body and is edible. This study is very handy in times of situations of ignorant children who don’t know what these pastes might do to their weak bodies. By this study, we can only worry less if the children have plans of eating these kids of pastes because, as stated earlier, these are harmless to the body if eaten.
This study covers about the safety of the homemade paste to people, especially to children, such as infants and toddlers with no knowledge about these things around them. As tackled in parts of this study, it is focused on its contents, how important it is to know this, and how it affects each individual. This study covers the advantages of the homemade paste, even in poor quality, to those commercial products of branded pastes with high standard qualities. In this study, and in all things, there are always limitations. This study cares about the safety of the children in case of accidental events such as eating these kinds of pastes. But even though the homemade paste had advantages compared to commercial ones by safety, it has also its disadvantages.
The homemade paste, even though essential in being edible, is not that strong in terms of sticking and holding papers together. This paste has only limited hold on papers and should be used properly to make it stick thoroughly to both papers. One disadvantage of this also is that the paste only last a short and limited time, and changes to its expiration state. One of the ingredients, vinegar, acts as a mild natural preservative of the paste. But because in the methodology section, that will be discussed later, the vinegar is only 3 teaspoon of the product and its preservation can’t last long enough. It is stated in the research that there are also substitutions for vinegar when you really want to make the paste last long. You may use grapefruit seed extract or tee tree oil (5-10 drops) to naturally preserve the glue. But if you want the paste to be still perfectly edible to the children, you should stick with vinegar.
PASTE (n.) — a soft, wet, sticky mixture of a substance and a liquid, which can be spread easily. Some types of paste are used to stick things together. COHESIVENESS (n.) — something consisting parts that fit together well and form a united whole.TOXIC (adj.) — poisonous.COMMERCIAL (n.) — involving or relating to the buying and selling of goods.EDIBLE (adj.) — safe to eat and not poisonous.HOMEMADE (adj.) — has been made in someone’s home, rather than in a shop or factory. Chapter 2
2.1 Related studies
This study of homemade glue involves many branch of science to come up with an excellent result.
2.2 related literature
This study was primarily from the internet. We had browsed several webpage like google to gather data for our project. We also use books. Chapter3.
3.1 The subject of the study
The primary subject of this study is to make a glue which is safer for children unlike the commercial glue which is toxic. This study is made to help save more. Not just save but we can also find another use of milk.
3.2 The procedure
1½ cups milk
3 teaspoons white vinegar
1 tablespoon baking soda
The process is simple. Heat the milk in a pan until warm, then add the white vinegar. Keep heating and stirring until the milk separates into curds and whey.
Image via science-sparks.comStrain the mixture, keeping the solid part. Mold what you have left into one big, slimy ball.
Image via science-sparks.comNow, put it back in the pan and add the baking soda and enough water to get the right consistency. Heat it up until it starts bubbling, then turn it off and let it cool. That’s it!
3.3 The statistical treatment
This product’s statistical treatment clearly states how this product is much recommended to many Chapter4.
The study of the project of homemade paste is somewhat the same as what it is supposed to be. The product is sticky and has quite the same qualities as the sources we have been researched and found. It doesn’t have the appearance of the research but it is still edible for we have used the same elements to construct the product. It tastes sweet at first but has a bit fairly poor aftertaste. This chapter presents the interpretation of the data gathered. The sequence of the data is based from the statement of the problem and is shown in tabular form. 4.2 Results
On our first try on making this homemade paste, it doesn’t resulted that nice but on our second time we already made it perfectly. Although it does not look as good as commercial glues but it can still be use as a paste because it can hold but not as strong as the commercial one. If we are going to choose between the commercial glue or this homemade glue, we are going to choose the homemade one because it is safer than the toxic commercial glues.
Chapter 5.
5.1. Summary
Glue is important to us, especially in schools, offices, and copier center and etc. because it is very useful for the students. The homemade glue that I’ll be making is organic and it’s easy to find the materials and it is convenient rather than buying commercial ones which are expensive. Not harmful to the environment and to the people. 5.2. Conclusion,
These are the conclusions we gathered so far in this study:
1. The ingredients for this product is simple to find and can be done easily in times of sudden emergencies.
2. The product has a poor quality and has less cohesiveness to the commercial ones.
3. A unique value of this product to the commercial ones is that it is edible and is safe from toxic that is safe to us especially to children innocently eating anything they possess.
5.3. Recommendation
These are some recommendations we suggest to improve that quality of the homemade paste: 1. Further study should be observed to improve the quality of the homemade paste, especially to its cohesiveness. 2. The product should have more ingredients to develop the product’s taste for the children, the quality from the ingredient’s contents, and appearance of the product. The study is very essential to us because it can help us lessen our problems with our children, especially when we are at work and we can’t look up to them. This study helps us not to worry much about our children doing anything they can do to things they have in their hands. Having this study is important to let us know that anything toxic can be safe to us. By this, we can be more confident when the children get to eat the product.