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Hinduism and Monk Swami Vivekananda

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In this world of over seven billion souls, sometimes we feel the absence of one man and then suddenly we find that he is there in all men. That is our Indian famous monk Swami Vivekananda. He is regarded as the patriot saint of modern India. He was the greatest gift of God to the Indian society. His inspiring personality was well known both in India and America during nineteenth century. He was the India’s spiritual ambassador in America to create a bond between East and West.

His original name was Narendra Nath Dutta.He was born on 12th January 1863 in a Kshatriya family of Kolkatta.His father Biswanath Dutta was an advocate. His mother Bhubaneswari devi was a pious lady. She influenced him in the formation of his character.

He was a good scholar, a good actor, player and wresler.He was a lover of music and poetry. He also studied instrumental music and vocal music. He was popular for his knowledge in Sanskrit. Above all he was a speaker of truth. He was a leader among his group of friends. He passed BA in Kolkatta.After that he went to study law. By profession he was a lawyer.

He practiced meditation from very early age. From the childhood he was eager to see God face to face. He became disciple of Great saint Ramkrishna Paramhansa.Who taught him that God lives in every living creature. So by serving them we can serve to God.Narendranath was very much impressed. He passed through Nirvikalpa Samadhi and became known as Vivekananda to external world. After the death of his guru he took charges his disciples.

He went to America to participate in the Parliament of Religious held in Chicago in 1893. Swami Vivekananda explained to the world that God is one, and that the different religions are like different rivers to terminate in the sea. His speech was highly applauded. Many Europeans became his followers. He spent more than 3 years of his life in America and Europe and spread his message. After that he founded Ramkrishna Mission. The mission aim was to serve mankind without making any distinction of caste, creed and community. He taught through his writing and speeches. He wrote many books like “Jnana Yoga”. “Karma Yoga”, “To youth of India”. His vast knowledge of
Eastern and Western culture, deep spiritual insight, brilliant conversation, broad human sympathy, colourfull personality and handsome figure made him famous. He passed away on 4th july 1902 at the age of 39 after spreading the message of his beloved Guru.

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