Guilt In The Revolutionary War

- Pages: 7
- Word count: 1542
- Category: Language
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Order NowSome say the British were to blame because the British shot and killed 5 colonist in the Boston Massacre, the British had too many rules and acts, and the British shut down all the trades in and out of Boston, some say the British are to blame, and some say the colonist and British are to blame. About 73% of people think the British are to blame. Some reasons are because the British shot and killed 5 colonist in the Boston Massacre, the British had too many rules and acts, and the British shut down all the trades in and out of Boston. The first reason the British are to blame are because the British soldiers shot and killed 5 people in the Boston Massacre. The events in the heading to the Boston massacre might have tempted the British, but the British soldiers shouldn’t have shot into an unarmed crowd and killed 5 colonist (1 got shot and died instantly, the other 4 colonists had gotten shot and died because the colonist lost too much blood.) Another reason is that the British put too much pressure and by all the acts like the Tea Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Act ect.
All the acts the British did put too much pressure on the colonists to make them start fighting and boycotting. The next reason is because the British did too much rules and acts. The first piece of evidence is that they gave too many acts that taxed the colonist till the colonist were bankrupt, or stopped all the colonist from trading all together. The acts that the British made were the Stamp act (an act of the British Parliament in 1765 that exacted revenue from the American colonies by imposing a stamp duty on newspapers and legal and commercial documents. Colonial opposition led to the act’s repeal in 1766 and helped encourage the revolutionary movement against the Crown.), the Quartering act (On this day in 1765, Parliament passed the Quartering Act, outlining the locations and conditions in which British soldiers are to find room and board in the American colonies. The Quartering Act of 1765 required the colonies to house British soldiers in barracks provided by the colonies), Townshend act (The Townshend Acts were a series of British Acts of Parliament passed during 1767 and 1768 and relating to the British in North America.
The acts are named after Charles Townshend, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who proposed the program), and the Tea act (The Tea Act was the final straw in a series of unpopular policies and taxes imposed by Britain on her American colonies. The policy ignited a “powder keg” of opposition and resentment among American colonists and was the catalyst of the Boston Tea Party). Another piece of evidence is that in the Coercive Acts, or the so called “the Intolerable Acts” as the colonist called it. The Intolerable Acts let the British sleep and get feed from private colonist houses, and stopped all trades with the outside world. Another reason is that the British stopped all trades with the outside world. First piece of evidence is that the British stopped all the trades from boston, until the tea was paid for from the Boston Tea Party. Also during this the British called the stuff the British were doing to Boston the Coercive Acts, (also known as the Intolerable acts.) and that let the British soldiers to sleep and get feed from private families in Boston. There are some ideas that conflict with the British are to blame, like the colonist are to blame because the Sons of Liberty threatened and committed acts of violence.
Another reason is that the colonist burned effigies, also tar and feathered British soldiers. In conclusion the colonist are not clean with what they did like they tarred and feathered, but the British are worse because they killed five people, and stopped all trades from Boston, and the British put too much pressure on the colonists because of all the rules and acts the British made. Editing Checklist (M) Check through each body paragraph and make sure that there is a topic sentence that links to the claim of the essay. (E) Check through each body paragraph and make sure that there are two detailed pieces of evidence in each paragraph. Is the evidence detailed? (A) Check through each body paragraph and make sure that you have provided an interpretation of the evidence that explains how the evidence is connected to the main idea. (L) Finally, check to see that each paragraph has an ending sentence that links the topic of the paragraph back to the claim of the essay. Check to see that you made a clear claim at the beginning of the essay. Does your claim make sense? Check through to see how you used quotes. There should only be a few small quotes, and they should only be from primary sources.
Check to see that you clearly explained each of the topics that your chose to discuss and how it relates to the claim. Check to see that you cited all the historical information that you included. Check through to see that your peer only used past tense. Check to make sure that you didn’t use the words – I, me, my and you. Check to make sure that you capitalized all proper names – this includes people, places or events. Check to see that you have used Arial, Helvetica, Garamond or Times New Roman, and that the essay is double spaced in 12 point font. If you use the word “they” make sure that it’s clear who you are talking about. Check to see that you used transitions words to switch topics. Grading Rubric Rubric Categories 5 4 3 2 1 Content and Analysis: the extent to which the essay conveys complex ideas and information clearly and accurately in order to support claims in an analysis of topics or texts —clearly introduce a topic in a manner that is compelling and follows logically from the task and purpose —demonstrate insightful analysis of the text(s) —clearly introduce a topic in a manner that follows from the task and purpose —demonstrate grade-appropriate analysis of the text.
Introduce a topic in a manner that follows generally from the task and purpose —demonstrate a literal comprehension of the text(s) —introduce a topic in a manner that follows generally from the task and purpose —demonstrate little understanding of the text(s) —introduce a topic in a manner that does not logically follow from the task and purpose —demonstrate no understanding of the text(s) Gathering, Interpreting and Using Evidence: the extent to which the essay presents evidence from the provided texts to support analysis and reflection —develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or examples from the text(s) —sustain the use of varied, relevant evidence —develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, details, quotations, or examples from the text(s) —sustain the use of relevant evidence, with some lack of variety —partially develop the topic of the essay with the use of some textual evidence, some of which may be irrelevant —use relevant evidence with inconsistency —demonstrate an attempt to use evidence, but only develop ideas with minimal, occasional evidence.
Which is generally invalid or irrelevant —do not support analysis and ideas with evidence from the text(s) Coherence, Organization, and Style: the extent to which the essay logically organizes complex ideas, concepts, and information using formal style and precise language —exhibit clear organization, with the use of appropriate and varied transitions to create a unified whole and enhance meaning —establish and maintain a formal style using grade-appropriate, sophisticated language and domain-specific vocabulary —provide a concluding statement or section that is compelling and follows clearly from the topic and information presented —exhibit clear organization, with the use of appropriate transitions to create a unified whole —establish and maintain a formal style using precise language and domain-specific vocabulary —provide a concluding statement or section that follows from the topic and information presented —exhibit some attempt at organization, with inconsistent use of transitions —establish but fail to maintain a formal style, with inconsistent use of language and domain-specific vocabulary —provide a concluding statement or section.
That follows generally from the topic and information presented —exhibit little attempt at organization, or attempts to organize are irrelevant to the task —lack a formal style, using language that is imprecise or inappropriate for the text(s) and task —provide a concluding statement or section that is illogical or unrelated to the topic and information presented —exhibit little or no attempt at organization —lack a formal style, using language that is inappropriate for the text(s) and task, such as “I, you, me, my, your, we, us, let’s” —fail to provide a concluding statement Used domain- Specific vocabulary from the unit to inform about the topic: The acts, Parliament, repeal, mercantilism, etc. —Incorporates unit vocabulary into essay and shows clear understanding of each term used; uses precise language throughout the essay —Incorporates unit vocabulary terms into essay in a way that demonstrates understanding of the terms —Begins to use unit vocabulary, but does not demonstrate an understanding of terms used, or describe their relevance to the essay —Begins to use unit vocabulary, but uses terms incorrectly —Uses no unit vocabulary