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Foreign Movies

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Countless Filipinos often appreciate foreign movies rather than be pleased about our own local works. Foreign film is not only foreign in terms of the country of production, but also in terms of the language used. We can see in our entertainment industry that art pieces from other countries are much preferable. As we all know, foreign movies are so popular here in our country, Filipino nowadays are getting interested in foreign films because stories were usually based from bestselling novels, natural phenomenon and futuristic plot.

We watch movies for relaxation from stress, entertainment, and learning or reinforcing one’s linguistic skills in relative languages. Films also referred to as motion pictures, involves projecting a series of images into the screen to create an illusion of motion. It is one of the most popular forms of entertainment, enabling people to immerse in an imaginary world for a short period (Olaleye, 2007). The popularity of foreign films in general can be attributed to the fact that they use the most modern technology. People often forget to realize how much of an influence films and the messages and images on screen can have on our day to day lives.

In response to this concern, the number of people who watch foreign films is much more than people who watch the local films. People are more willing to watch foreign movies instead of local ones is reflection of this issue. One problem that makes us surprised is that people tend to enjoy foreign films more than domestic films. Local people may consider the foreign films as a novel and interesting items as actor in it looks strange and different to other films. In face of the coming of foreign films, the government should put forward some financial support to the local film industries in order to spread local culture and provides more choices to local people.

In this study the researcher wants to find out the positive and negative effect of watching foreign movies to youth because as we all know there are some things that movies are able to drive the emotion, attitude and behaviour of people where the originality of movies purpose is for entertainment, educate or provide information to the public and act similar to mass media tools that mainly for influence, motivate and provide information to the public.

However, movies creators have created various type of movies that consist different type of values, perspective, thoughts, ideas and other values that to attract the audiences which it may be negative or positive influence to the public. According to Meltzoff and Moore (1977), heavy exposure to television is believed to be one of the causes of aggressive behaviour, crime, and violence in the society. The potential of the mass media for social mobilization, education, and attitude change has been recognized and has been exploited in different parts of the world with varying degrees of success. But the effect that the mass media will produce at given situation still remains a subject of debate even today.

Peril (1982:26) defines population as “all cases or individual that fit a certain specification”. The study population are the 2nd Year HRM students. The students of De La Salle University – Dasmariñas were chosen to represent the unit because of special importance that they are between the ages of 17 – 19 and the researchers know that they watch foreign films regularly Jen, (2004:59) defines study design as “the plan of how the study will be conducted”. The study design that would be employed in this study is survey. The survey research method is a suitable method of getting the views of the people about why they behave in a particular way and how have if given conditions.

Therefore, in this study, questionnaires will be administered to get information from the respondents’ form which conclusions will be drawn. The instrument used in the research is questionnaire, because it is easier to use in extracting information for data collection, a questionnaire is a data gathering instrument, which provide informed questions to be answered by respondents in written form, the questionnaire was self-administered. The descriptive procedure has been adopted for data analysis. This method was adopted so as to represent the qualitative description in a manageable form. Its aim is to reduce data to allow for easy interpretation. The answers to the questioner were analyzed manually, and presented in simple percentages for simplicity.

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