Evaluation of Job Analysis Methods
- Pages: 6
- Word count: 1309
- Category: Job
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Answer 1
Competency is defined as a quality of a person for being adequately or well qualified mentally and physically in order to have a superior performance compared to others. In other words, competency can be treated as a set of skills, knowledge, and behavior that enables a person to perform successfully and impressively compared to an average individual. On the other hand, competency modeling refers to the grouping of competencies required in a given job or profession which depends on the nature and complexity of the work plus the culture and values of a given organization. Competency modeling allows organizations to limit their applicants to those people would really “fit” into the culture, policies, and values of the company. Furthermore, competency modeling secures organizations with higher human resource productivity as the “competencies” of all the employees integrate with one another.
Answer 2
Quantitative job data is relatively more accurate and objective in nature giving a company with fix and tangible information about an applicant. Furthermore, it provides hiring companies with less risk since all of the quantitative job data describes a person without a bias and objective enough. On the other hand, qualitative is relatively subjective in nature and oftentimes based on observation by the person itself or of other people. Like for instance, recommendation letter of an applicant either from their previous boss or employers describing his/her performance as an employee, is a perfect example of qualitative job data. It is subjective since all of the contents of a recommendation letter only describes, based on other person’s point of view, the performance of an applicant. Qualitative job data provides a hiring company a bird’s eye view of the personality and skills an applicant has based from its performances on his/her previous employer.
Answer 3
Position Analysis Questionnaire [PAQ] is defined as the prearranged job analysis questionnaire that determines the job characteristics and the relating it to human characteristics instead of describing the tasks, technologies, or responsibilities of a work. One possible advantages of Position Analysis Questionnaire would be the ease of determining the hierarchy of jobs as well as its important dimensions. But one of the weaknesses of PAQ would be its inability to provide the job description as well as working training and mobility compared to Task Inventory Method. On the other hand, Task Inventory Method of Job Analysis is a method of analyzing a work/position based on describing the tasks, technologies, or responsibilities required (“Evaluation of Seven Job Analysis Methods by Experienced Job Analysts” 1). Moreover, this job analysis method is good for organizational purpose and practical concerns compared to PAQ, only that this cannot provide the job design and amount of Job Analysts Training required.
Answer 4
Performance assessment allows organizations to monitor if the behaviors of their employees/workers are still aligned with the strategic goals of the company since it provides particular situations as questions to demonstrate the margin of deviation of a given employee’s behavior with the strategic goals of the company. If the answer of a given employee does not cater anymore to the welfare/goals of the company, then, the company has the privilege to talk to the said employee and determine if whether the issue can still be remedied. Constant monitoring of the performances of employees would secure a given organization with total alignment of employee-behavior and strategic goals of the organization.
Answer 5
Ranking system of assessment provides the management with “clear view” of the performances of their employees by comparing them putting the most productive on the top rank and the least productive on the lowest rank. At first glance, one can easily determine who performs well relative to the others, and who performs badly and needed some attention compared to others. The only disadvantages of using this, especially if the ranking system assessment will be revealed to the entire organization, would demoralize those persons with lower rank leading to lower productivity. On the other hand, rating systems of assessments provides a review of one’s performance without being compared to others. The assessment will only encompass the individual itself and subjective in nature since the performance of an employee will be rated based from the perception of the evaluator between 1-100 percent. The advantage of this assessment system would be, it avoids de-motivating those employees with low rating their performance is not being compared with their fellow workers.
Answer 6
Most of the times, the main reason of job applicants for applying a job/job position would be to earn higher income, to have higher position, and other selfish reasons that way beyond aligned on the objectives of an organization for hiring job applicants. Organizations oftentimes hire job applicants not because they just want to complete their organizational structure but primarily because they want their applicants to work hand in hand in order to take the organization into the pinnacle of its success for the benefit of everyone working on them. The said reason of organization why they hire applicants requires teamwork and group effort, but the selfish reasons of some applicants only impede or slow down the performance of the entire organization in attaining the said goal for they find it hard to work as a team and promote group efforts on the floors of a given organization; this is how the conflicts between the objectives of organization and job applicants affect the success of the recruiting process.
Answer 7
The degree of structure in an interview or even in a questionnaire means how the questionnaires or interview questions are arranged and presented in order for the answer to be compared later on. During an interview, questions are being asked in the same order for all subjects in order for the questions not to affect the responses of the interviewees. The structure of an interview can easily affect the reliability and validity of the interviewee’s responses depending on how the interviewer will present the questions during an interview. An interview is said to be valid and reliable only if the standard structure of interview is followed; like, same wording on the questions must be presented to all the interviewees since there are times wherein the responses of the interviewees will become different if the wording of the question is also changed. At this point, by the time the wording of the questions is changed per interviewees then, the interview is said to be unreliable and invalid.
Answer 8
A human resource planner must determine the trend of work force composition on their country in order to provide the company ample time to formulate strategies in case the work force composition becomes unattractive to business environment such as less people belong the working age group and most of the population will fall under 15 y/o-below which only suggest that there will be a shortage of workers in the next coming years. It is also important to determine the trend of wage rate of the workers to enable the company to prepare their financial compositions and formulate company policies that would protect them in case the wage rate of workers in the labor market will increase. Knowing who among the working class and private class does the government supports in terms of policy provisions. If the government policies are pro-private class then the business environment in a given country is said to be attractive in the next coming years. In this regard, through forecasting the future trend of labor sectors condition would give organization advantages to either formulate strategies to offset potential negative impacts or find other attractive places for business ventures.
Works Cited
“Evaluation of Seven Job Analysis Methods by Experienced Job Analysts.” www.paq2.com. 13 May 2008 <http://paq2.com/paqcom.html>.