Ethical Guidelines for Muslims in Business by Dr. Rafik Issa Beekun

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Order NowSome general guidelines govern the Islamic code of ethics with relation to both one’s daily life and business conduct. Muslims are required to behave Islamically in their business dealings because Allah Himself is witness to their transactions:
In whatever business you may be, and whatever portion you may be reciting from the Quran and whatever deed you (mankind) may be doing – We are Witnesses thereof when you are deeply engrossed therein. (Quran-10:61).
Here are some key business principles that Muslims should follow.
• Be Honest and Truthful.
Honesty and truthfulness are qualities which a Muslim businessman should develop and practise himself. Truth, for example, has a self-reinforcing effect. In a hadith reported in Sahih al Bukhari:
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise. A man continues to tell the truth until he becomes a truthful person. Falsehood(Dusta) leads to al fujur (i.e., wickedness(maksiat), evil-doing(ditimpa masalah), and al fujur (wickedness) leads to the Hell Fire, and a man may continue to tell lies till he is written before Allah, a liar.
Honesty is especially important for Muslim business persons. The need to make a profit and the temptations to enhance the attributes(sifat2) of their product or service during a sales pitch may distract(menganggu/mgalih phatian) them to exaggerate(mpebesar2kan). This is why the Prophet said:
The merchants will be raised on the Day of Resurrection as evil-doers(zalim), except those who fear Allah, are honest and speak the truth.
• Keep Your Word.
In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet is reported to have said:
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “If you guarantee me six things on your part, I shall guarantee you Paradise. Speak the truth when you talk, keep a promise when you make it, when you are trusted with something, fulfill your trust, avoid sexual immorality, lower your eyes, and restrain your hands from injustice.
• Love Allah More Than Your Trade.
We must love Allah even if we have to sacrifice everything else. Allah warns in the Qur’an,
Say, “If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that you have gained; the commerce in which you fear a decline; or the dwellings(kediaman) in which you delight(menyenangkan) – are dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or the striving(bjihad) in His cause – then wait until Allah brings about His Decision: and Allah .guides not the rebellious(derhaka). ( Quran-9:24). • Be Humble(merendah diri) in how You Conduct Your Life.
Muslims must not lead a life of extravagance(boros/mbazir), and must exhibit good-will in any transactions among themselves.
O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities(pkara salah): but let there be amongst you traffic and trade by mutual good-will: nor kill (or destroy) yourselves: for verily(sesungguhnya) Allah has been to you Most Merciful. ( Quran-4:29).
• Use Mutual Consultation in Your Affairs.
In describing the characteristics of those who will receive higher and more permanent gifts from Him, Allah stresses the importance of consultation.
Those who hearken(engkau patuhi) to their Lord: and establish regular prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation, who spend out of what we bestow(Merahmati/mgurniakan) on them for sustenance(rezeki). (Quran-42:38).
• Do Not Deal in Fraud.
Businessmen should avoid duplicity(tipu muslihat). They should treat others in the same righteous and fair manner that they themselves would like to be treated.
Woe to those that deal in fraud those who when they have to receive by measure from men exact full measure. But when they have to give by measure or weight to men give less than due. Do they not think that they will be called to account? (Quran-83: 1-4).
• Do Not Bribe(rasuah).
Businessmen may sometimes be tempted to offer bribes or baqshish in order to persuade(myakinkan) another party to give them special favours or to allow them to get away with dishonest adl. Allah emphasizes this point in the Qur’an:
Deal not unjustly, and you shall practices. The practice of bribery is forbidden in Islam.
The Apostle(Rasul) of Allah (peace be upon him) cursed the one who bribes and the one who takes bribes.
• Deal Justly(sama Adil).
The general principle that applies across all transactions including those pertaining(berkaitan/bhubung) to businesses is that of justice or not be dealt with unjustly. (Quran:2:279).