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Zoology Essays

"The Rocking-Horse Winner" by D.H. Lawrence

In the short story of “The Rocking-Horse Winner”, a boy named Paul is gifted in picking the winners in horse races. He currently is concerned about obtaining money to earn his mom’s love. The moral of this story is about luck and money. Paul’s mother introduces her speech about how …

Unequal Value Thesis

In the article of the moral standing, the value of lives and specieism Frey presents his “unequal-value thesis”. From his point of view he explains why and how proving the equivalence of animals and humans is impossible through his statements of autonomy, rank and “human morality”. Frey declares that humans …

Seven ways the animals survive and respond to their environment

All animals survive and respond to the environment in seven different ways. Animals carry out the following essential functions: feeding, respiration, circulation, excretion, response, movement, and reproduction. Feeding: Animals have evolved a variety of ways to feed. Herbivores are animals that eat plants, including roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. …

Rhetorical Analysis of Orwell's "Shooting an Elephant"

While reading the essay Shooting an Elephant, first published in 1936 by Eric Blair under the pen name of George Orwell, one gets captivated by the intricate web of rhetoric that Blair weaves throughout the piece. Surely, the reason this essay keeps the attention of the reader so well is …

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Influences On Maya

A Lifetime of Influence Marguerite Johnson had a harsh childhood growing up in the South during the days of cotton picking and slavery. All of the adversity she encountered when she was young inspired her to write the book I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. In it, she depicts …

An analysis of William Blake's "The Tiger" and "The Lamb"

“The Lamb” is one of the poems in the Songs of Innocence, which was published in 1789. As the contrary poem to “The Lamb”, “The Tiger” in the Songs of Experience came 5 years later in 1794. In the fifth stanza of “The Tiger”, there is a question asked by …

''All The Pretty Horses'' By Cormac McCarthy

All The Pretty Horses By Cormac McCarthy Often in literature, authors use the novel’s setting to add certain significance to the story’s plot. Cormac McCarthy does this in his novel All The Pretty Horses. There is great significance in the setting because the story takes place in two contrasting locations, …

Appearance vs. Reality - Was Piscine (Pi) Patel's Journey

Most members of a society experience a tragic event; for example, the loss of a friend, loved one, etc. Yann Martel’s novel Life of Pi tells the story of Piscine (Pi) Patel, an Indian boy named after a pool in France, who sets sail with his family towards Canada, with …

Comparing Animal Farm to the CUBAN Revolution

One could find hundreds of books concerning the Russian revolution; however, it was George Orwell’s Animal Farm that shed light on the corruption of the revolution. Even though Animal farm is clearly a satire on the Russian Revolution, it can easily be compared to many revolutions, especially the Cuban. Both …

Animal Imagery used throughout ''The Pearl'' by John Steinbeck

John Steinbeck in his parable-like novel The Pearl embraces the dark power of greed, which ultimately results in destruction. Kino, a simple Mexican pearl diver who provides for his wife Juana and baby boy Coyotito, finds a pearl, which he hopes will provide his family a better life, but instead …

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