Tourism Essays

Tourism is an industry which belongs to the service sector. It provides services which enables people to visit, explore and learn about another country. People are brought to see natural or man-made attractions, sample local cuisine and experience life in a foreign country. Tourism is also a fast growing industry …
Advocates defines tourism as the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited and also refers to the …
Tourism is the activity carried out for recreational purpose during leisure time. On the other hand, tourism industry is the industry that used tourism in a way to get profit. It is one of the industry that every country counts on to achieve a certain level of fame and economical …
The Public Sector The public sector consists of regulatory bodies, conservation groups and public sector organisation which are funded by local, regional and central government, . A good example of a localy funded organisation would be Dover’s local tourist information centre, controlled and funded by Dover District Council and council …
New Belgium Brewing Company was founded on a pledge of environmental stewardship when Jeff Lebesch and Kim Jordan put their dreams of brewing beloved beer into forward motion and now, the company is iconic within the US beer brewing industry for its commitment to sustainability practices, supporting the local community …
Sex tourism is the term used for travel with the intent to engage in sexual activity. The United Nations World Tourism Association defines sex tourism in their Global Code of Ethics for Tourism as “trips organized from within the tourism sector, or from outside this sector but using its structures …
1. Identify the strategy changes that have taken place at Hard Rock Café since its founding in 1971. Since it foundation in 1971 Hard Rock that started as a London Café serving classic American food. It became a thematic chain selling memorabilia in tourist destinations. Ever since the company went …
The town of Puerto Galera in the province of Oriental Mindoro is located in the northeast portion of the island Mindoro, about 130 kilometers south of Manila. Mindoro is separated from Luzon, the Philippine’s biggest island by the Verde Passage. Puerto Galera, which was elevated to the first-class municipality from …
Nowadays tourism is widespread throughout the world. Millions of people travel to different countries all year round seeking rest, new experience, and impressions. Lately tourism has become quite a profitable business, which also brings benefits to a country’s economy and thus the well-being Philippine tourism is a significant sector of …
India’s annual earnings through Medical Tourism is all set to double to 8000 Crore Rupees [2000 million US dollars] by year 2012 according to a recent study. The main reasons the study claims why medical tourism would flourish in India include much more lower medical costs for various surgical procedures …
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