Ecotourism Essays

Kerala is a state located at the Southern part of India. It is a place mentioned in many parts of the Mahabmarata, an infamous Asian epic. This place is a long shoreline with many serene beaches. It has an exotic and rich wildlife, picturesque waterfalls, sprawling plantations and fields. The …
Eco-tourism: Opportunity and Challenge in Nepal Rabi Kiran Adhikari, EMBA, AIM Nepal has been proved to be good destination for the tourism. The industry has been growing smoothly. The initiative for the expansion of the industry has been a priority of multisectoral organisation and people. But as expected; our economy …
CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Introduction The tourism industry is unlike any other because, instead of a product, you are selling a place and all the things it has to offer. You are competing with the entire world every time you promote tourism in a given destination, and this …
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