The Things They Carried Essays

“The Things They Carried”, a short story written by Tim O’Brien, displays an unfolding sequence of events that strongly examines the physicical, psychological, and emotional damage the soldiers beared during the Vietnam War. Not only did they carry the weapons needed for battle, but they carried personal items to get …
Passage: “Whenever he looked at the photographs, he thought of new things he should’ve done.” P.2 Small Meaning: In this quote, Lieutenant Cross is deeply in love with Martha. He carries a picture of her in his pocket. The one date him and Martha went on, he thinks he blew …
In the book titled, The Things They Carried, the author, Tim O’ Brien, depicts a world where traumatic memories and crushing emotional baggage are far heavier than any combat pack or assortment of weapons that has ever burdened the back of a soldier. The author, O’Brien, explores the physical and …
An artistic and poetic movement or style using symbolic images and indirect suggestion to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind.Example: “…hard to find any real emotion. It simply wasn’t there. After that long night in the rain, I’d seemed to grow cold inside, all the illusions gone, all …
Symbolism in O’Brien’s The Things They Carried runs rampant and plays a part in conveying the author’s message. O’Brien uses symbols to link ideas together. Symbols can be decrypted by the reader to unearth the true essence of the work. Symbols appear in all forms in the work, recurring as …
Tim o Brien’s work in the things they carried in which he shows himself as one of the main characters and the narrator is a classical mirror of life on the battlefield and through character development as he develops each characters image, a lot can be fortified and shown. As …
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