The Great Gatsby Essays

Daisy and Gatsby fell in love before he left for the war in 1917. Gatsby had lied to try to impress the girl he found so charming and elegant, and it worked. Daisy promised to wait for his return. However, two years later, desperate for someone to love her, she …
* Nick, is the narrator of this story. Every single episode is described as he sees it. This can be seen by the usage of the first person when Nick expresses himself “In my younger and…” (page 1). * As Nick explains us in the first chapter, he is from …
People always seem to agree that money does not buy happiness. I disagree. I can accept that I am materialist. People criticize this trait about people. I look at it from another perspective. People everywhere regarding color, religion or nationality are materialist whether they accept it or not. Of course …
The Great Gatsby is told through Nick Caraway’s perspective – this is mainly responsible for the way the characters are portrayed, and to say that the characters were on a path of ‘self-destruction’, as mainly viewed by many, is not only inaccurate, but undemocratic. By following events through Nick Caraway’s …
Cars play a very important part in the telling of The Great Gatsby. The Great Gatsby is a very dark, unhappy book, and the cars really exemplify this. “…cars change their meaning and become a symbol of death” (Dexheimer). Cars also give the reader insight into some of the different …
The Great Gatsby is observed as a social satire of the United States in the roaring twenties, where Fitzgerald exposes the American Dream as a flawed fantasy merely generated by over-indulgence. America was established in the conception of equality, where any individual could have equal opportunities and success on the …
Often, the perception is that Fitzgerald has certain hostility towards the ‘New’ post-war women of the 1920s. To some extent this is reflected within his novel, where he focuses on the symbolic significance of the young, American woman who represents a new philosophy of romantic individualism, rebellion, and liberation. The …
How does The Great Gatsby prove that materialism lead to moral decay? The 1920’s is widely perceived as the decade of materialism. It was a time of economic prosperity. In his book, The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald illustrates how the obsession of material wealth leads to moral decay. He uses characters …
In the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the events that occur at the character Gatsby’s parties and at his funeral are used to expose many of the negative morals the characters have. This reveals the values of the characters as well as the society’s, contributing to the …
Personal history as well as the backdrop of events surrounding that personal history are both significant to many works of prose other than fiction. In at least two works you have studied, discuss the use made of the interplay between personal history and the background within which that personal history …
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