Social Problems Essays

“The Slaving Voyage of the Albion-Frigate” 1. Who wrote the document? The author of this document was Jacques Barbot. He was born into a Protestant family around 1650 in Saint-Martin, France. Barbot’s family business was maritime trade, so he was bound to continue the family name in commerce. Barbot and …
How effective were the abolitionists in achieving their goals? Did they hasten or delay the end of slavery? Generally, while the abolitionist movement was successful in significantly curbing massive slavery in most countries, they were not able to completely eliminate it as various forms of slavery such as child trafficking, …
Because no real text exists for Social Studies, two historical books were chosen for this study in this class. One is entitled Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass and American Slave written by Frederick Douglass and published in 1845. The other text is entitled Vienna Prelude and was written …
In a period of 55 years, from 1775 to 1830, many African American slaves in the United States gained their freedom, while in other parts of the US slaves were rapidly increasing, faster than ever seen before. The reason for the simultaneous increase and decrease of slaver lies in the …
Colonizers utilize unethical reproduction as a form of domination against women– and in some cases of resistance, many women may refuse to bear children. Xuela, the protagonist of Jamaica Kincaid’s The Autobiography of My Mother is the representation of the colonized in the act of rebellion against their reproduction. Although …
The sociological approach toward social problems differs from other approaches in that the sociological approach includes a focus on self-consciousness and building awareness that an individual’s interaction with society can oftentimes be influenced by forces outside of the single individual’s control or area of power. The author of one of …
For my Internal Assessment I have chosen to do a review of Caryl Phillips’ post-colonial work of fiction, “Cambridge”. This novel published in the year 1991, explores the interlocking of a variety of forms of marginalization, displacement and dispossession that emerge from the experience of cross-cultural encounters. It persistently raises …
This paper compares the theme of oppression found in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston. Both the narrator of “The Yellow Wallpaper” and Delia are products of male influence, most of the time being negative ones. What is interesting is that in both …
The article “The Middle Passage”, by Daniel Mannix and Malcolm Crowley, is an overview of slave trade from 1507 until it was illegalized in 1808. “The Middle Passage” was specifically the obtaining, transportation, and sell of African slaves in the New World. This article discusses the horrible treatment slaves received …
Human trafficking is the possession or trading of humans for the purpose of engaging them in slavery and prostitution through the means of force and coercion. It is a thriving industry that continues to grow every year. It is feared, that illegal trafficking of humans may soon outdo the illegal …
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