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Social Problems Essays

“The Book of Negroes” by Lawrance Hill

In the novel “The Book of Negroes”written by Lawrance Hill, Aminata, the main character, seems to be troubled with death. Why should she live so long and what supported her to go through all these difficulties? There are many factors that make her live longer than the others. The main …

Eritrea Human Rights Issues

Looking at the United Nations, human rights are freedoms that are believed to universal human rights that protect individuals and groups against actions which can interfere with fundamental freedoms and human dignity. According to the universal declaration of human rights in Article 5, “No one shall be subjected to torture …

Movement of people

The years between 1750 and 1901 saw the movement of large numbers of people around the world. Most of these migrations were carried out against the wishes of the people involved. First, Native Americans and, later, Africans were kidnapped or sold into slavery in the Americas. Later, British convicts were …

The Colonial Period

Slavery was a major part of southern colonial life between 1607 and 1775, and grew exponentially due to the encouragement of the economic, geographic, and social factors in the Southern colonies during that era. Things such as large plantations, cheap labor, and misconceptions of the African race greatly affected the …

African American Vernacular

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, the definition of vernacular is “of, relating to, or being a nonstandard language or dialect of a place, region, or country.” In terms of African American history, the evolution of vernacular is very important and a very unique part of the culture. The African …

Hesitant Emancipator- Lincoln

Never boring: simple words that describe the simple life of one of the greatest American Heroes of all time. Over the years we have come to understand the Great Emancipator’s struggles and his determination to push for a better future for his nation. In the blink of war, Lincoln came …

The African Slave Trade

The African slave trade has been alive for centuries. While most of us associate slavery with 18th and 19th century America, the truth is that the African slave trade started long before America became involved. It is still alive today in certain parts of the African continent, but that doesnt …

Convince Your Principal Letter

I think there is a great play our school can have about Robert Smalls, an African-American slave who disguised himself as a Confederate ship captain and dodge heavy cannon-fire to escape to the Northern states. Many people do not know about the history of the Civil War, which was a …

Social Problems in India

1 Overpopulation India suffers from the problem of overpopulation. The population of India is very high at an estimated 1.27 billion. Though India ranks second in population, it ranks 33 in population density. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, had implemented a forced sterilization programme in the early 1970s but …

How free were Blacks in North

“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one, I would have the other.” Stated by a freed Northern slave in his journal. The civil war affected the course of America and changed the World we know today. With the effect of slavery thousands of African Americans were …

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