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Political Science Essays

Nature of Political Science

POLITICAL SCIENCE, academic discipline, the focus of which is the systematic study of government in the largest sense, encompassing the origins of political regimes; their structures, functions, and institutions; all the ways in which governments discover and deal with socioeconomic problems—from dog licensing to diplomacy; and the interactions of groups …

Realism vs. Liberalism

The concern about possession of weapons goes back to the period between the world wars and has been a continuous concern since the early 1950s. After World War II The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was negotiated. “The NPT prohibited additional states who did not have already nuclear weapons from acquiring …

Academic Performance of Political Science Students of WMSU

This study intends to answer the following questions: 1. What are the effects of studying in an institution away from home on the academic performance of Political Science students? 2. How do these AB Political Science students manage their studies? 3. What are some of the difficulties these students encounter …

Karl Marx Sociology

While each of the sociological theorists make good points as to how society works and why, I was most drawn to Karl Marx and his theories on how Capitalism plays a large role in how society operates. Marx believed that he could study various conflicts that society have and over …

Realism and Liberalism Compare and Contrast

Many theories demonstrate insight into the concept of war, international relations and domestic relations. Realism and liberalism provide pictures that relate and coexist, yet are opposite in theory. Realism is conservative and pessimistic. Realists plan for permanence of the current international state of affairs. Liberalism is progressive and optimistic. Liberals …

Close Reading of Karl Marx’s Alienated Labor

For Karl Marx, every individual part is only relevant when taken within the scope of the whole. The paragraph on page 331 is emblematic of this notion because it arrives at the culmination of one of Marx’s major points in his theory of alienation: that by working in the capitalistic …

Liberalism: Capitalism and Basic Needs

Liberalism is the model of analysis in international relations stressing the capacity of states to coexist and interact peacefully and harmoniously. Socialism is the ideology that argues that citizens are best served by policies focusing on meeting the basic needs of the entire society rather than by policies focusing on …

Social Stratification Written Reaction

The varying forms of social classes and stratification inevitably cause conflict in a society. While each type of society has benefits, as I read, only problems came to mind. In an egalitarian society, every member has an equal opportunity for success. There are no limits on race, gender, sex, etc. Morgan …

Similarities and dissimilarities between liberalism, nationalism, and socialism

The first half of the nineteenth century called for powerful forces of change. This led to a series of political philosophies and ideologies. Liberalism emerged as a chance to further the development of oneself and to one’s own welfare of society. Nationalism was another important government style that emerged, was …

French Revolution Essay

The French Revolution was an important time in French History. Watching the colonies in the US succeed in their revolution, the French were inspired and desired similar success. The French citizens, especially the peasants, were tired of the French economy and the way it was run and decided to revolt. …

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