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Plantation Essays

Biology Lab Report on the extraction of Chlorophyl from Plant Leaves

This experiment focused on extracting and separating pigments of Chloroplast. For the procedure green leaves were grinded in a mortar with some chemicals and the fluid was filtrated to use for further analysis. Stripes of this solution were put on a filter paper and later, after dried placed into a …

27 Wagons Full of Cotton

Summary: The story is about a man named Jake living with his wife Flora on a cotton plantation. The story starts to develop when a fire breaks out in one of the cotton gins and flora’s husband is accused of the crime. Afterwards, Flora is confronted by the owner of …

Jackfruit- Background, History, and Origin of a Unique Fruit

Jackfruit, Artocarpus Heterophyllus, is said to originate from the Western Ghats although no one is definite on this. It grows in rain forests and along low-elevations through out India, Burma, Ceylon, Southern China, Malaya, some small parts of Australia and the East Indies. It was introduced into Florida in approximately …

The effects of Superphosphate on plants and the environment

Superphoshate is a fertilizer produced by the action of reacting concentrated sulfuric acid on ground phosphate rock. Calcium sulfate is a considerable waste produce of this process. Ca3 (PO4)2 + 2H2SO4 β†’ Ca (H2PO4)2 + 2CaSO4Superphosphate used world wide by as a fertilizer the farming industry and gardeners. It increases …

John Smith's "A Description of New England" and William Bradford's "Of Plymouth Plantation"

In the two literary works, “A Description of New England,” by John Smith and “Of Plymouth Plantation,” by William Bradford, the two authors represent New England differently. One way they represent New England differently is by the tone of how they tell their personal stories, varies noticeably. Both authors use …

The Grassland Biome

Did you know that Grasslands are found on every continent except Antarctica? Grass lands first during the Eocene Era. Grasslands supported the development of communities of gazers that are the grassy plains on our planet. There are about 11,000 species of grass and each one adapted for survival to survive …

Photosynthesis lab report

Photosynthesis is a food making process for algae and plants. The photosynthesis process rate varies from different wavelengths and intensities of light. This lab will evaluate the optimal wavelengths and degrees of intensity during photosynthesis when chloroplast is exposed to light. The mixtures of DCPIP with water, PO4 buffer, and …

The Scarlet Letter Essay: How nature plays a role in the novel

Overlooked in many books, nature plays a huge part in the novel The Scarlet Letter. It plays its own character that seems to show emotions as well as its own likes and dislikes. It is where Hester and Dimmesdale first committed their sin and it also seems to be the …

Explication of Alice Walkers "a woman is not a potted plant"

Walker writes this poem using a potted plant as metaphor describing a woman’s role in the 20th century. The speaker in Walker’s poem describes the great depression of women during this point in time, by unfolding the difference between a potted plant and a woman. The 20th century was a …

A world without plants

Plants; probably the most ignored organism on this planet. People walk past plant and cut them down but nobody ever thinks about what they do for us, what the world would be if there was never any plants or photosynthetic organisms. If the world never had these organisms the world …

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