Oedipus Essays

Sigmund Freud stated the play Oedipus the King is an immoral play and sets aside the individual’s responsibility and social law. Freud also states that divine forces in the play are partly to blame for the immoral conduct of the characters. This is not an accurate statement. Oedipus the King …
According to Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, the phrase “Oedipus complex” is defined as: “the positive libidinal feelings that a child develops toward the parent of the opposite sex and that when unresolved are conceived as a source of adult personality disorder.” The title of this story is said to …
Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles, and Fences, by August Wilson, are two great tragedies by two outstanding playwrights. The two stories seem intertwined by the great characters that they center around. Although the stories of Oedipus and Troy are separated by centuries, the characters are almost identical. Different backgrounds, different cultures, …
In the play Antigone by Sophocles, the two characters, Antigone and Creon, the king of Thebes both undergo character changes. During the play the audience sees the two character’s attitude change from close-minded to open-minded and it’s their close-minded attitudes that caused such tragic events. In the beginning of the …
In Sophocles’ inferential play, Antigone, the characters, and story line very much compare with the movie, “The Long Walk Home.” In the story, Antigone, a young girl named Antigone is stuck in the middle of a crisis in which she must make an important decision whereas in the movie “The …
In “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles we see many occasions where a reader or perhaps even a scholar can begin to get confused. However, Misunderstanding the Oedipus Rex takes time to look at some of the most debated events throughout the entire book. E.R. Dodd’s transforms Oedipus Rex into a descriptive …
In both plays Creon is of high social status. In Antigone he is the king of Thebes. In Oedipus the King he is the brother in law to Oedipus and becomes king at the end of the play. In Antigone, Creon is portrayed as a main character as the plot …
When reading the works of two great writers, a person can find many similarities between them. The underlying themes of Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Sophocles Oedipus King excite the reader yet leave us with the desire of wanting more. There are significant similarities between Oedipus King and Hamlet, especially when it …
Oedipus Rex vs. Hamlet Compare and contrast of Oedipus and Hamlet. Is Oedipus more a man of action? Or is he more a man driven by whim and sudden, rash decisions? Which character is more selfless? Does Hamlet show any signs of selfish motives in his actions or inactions? Which …
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