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Odysseus Essays

Compare Odysseus and Oedipus

There are many legendary epic stories have been passed on from generation to generation in the Greek culture. Even though each story has different outcomes, every epic character has certain features in common. Odysseus in The Odyssesy and Oedipus in Oedipus the King are great examples of epic heroes with …

Vengeance in the Odyssey

In the Odyssey, vengeance is one of the most important themes, as it is why almost all the conflict in the story happens. First, Poseidon constantly upbraids Odysseus for blinding his son, Polyphemus, by making his journey home extremely difficult. Also, Telemachus and Odysseus need to get revenge on the …

Comparing and Contrasting Odysseus and Percy Jackson

Why are not all humans exactly the same? What separates humans apart from each other, aside from their external appearance? Each individual human being is unique and extraordinary, due to the different characteristics they possess. Granting the fact that humans having similar qualities is a frequent occurrence, no two individuals …

The Suitors in the Odyssey, by Homer

The SuitorsIn Homer’s Odyssey, it has been sixteen years since Odysseus left his home in Ithaca for war. Many men from other lands thinking Odysseus is dead, intrude his kingdom and try to take power. The suitors steal and plunder Odysseus’ hall, feast on his food, take his maids to …

Three “Codes” of a Greek Warrior

Homers The Iliad is a story that takes place during the war between the Greeks and the Trojans. The story is told mainly from the side of the Greeks and therefore serves as a perfect display of the 3 Codes of a Greek warrior. These are the Codes of Hospitality, …

The role of women in "The Iliad" by Homer

Throughout the ages, many people feel they have a statement to make, and make this statement through literature. Although at first glance, Homer’s “Iliad” may not seem to be a criticism of society, underneath all the violence and deep storylines there is a message dying to get out. In the …

"Quiet Odyssey" by Mary Paik Lee

Life in the United States was anything but heavenly for Asian Americans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. As vividly described in Mary Paik Lee’s autobiography, “Quiet Odyssey”, a very large majority of the Asian American population residing in America during this time period “never had enough money …

Lessons from Homer's "The Iliad"

Understanding the theme: The Great War, Foreshadowed Although most today refer to the great battles between 1914 and 1917 as “World War One” (WWI), those who lived through the turmoil referred to it as “The Great War.” “The Great War” stands as a great warning to how one can basically …

Jacob Vs Odysseus

Comparing Odysseus and Jacob Throughout literature there are characters that compare to each other. In the poems of the Odyssey by Homer and Genesis of the Holy Bible the central characters are associated. In each work they relate their character, lifestyle, and way of life throughout the poem. Odysseus the …

Character analysis of Odysseus in "Adventures of Ulysses" by Bernard Evslin

In the “Adventures of Ulysses” by Bernard Evslin the main character Odysseus goes through a series of exciting and dangerous trials during his trip back to Ithaca after the Trojan War. In this story Odysseus is portrayed as an epic hero. This can be seen through the fact that he …

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