Ocean Essays

Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing the world today. Climate change refers to any change in global temperatures and precipitation over time due to natural variability or to human activity for example pollution. With a tropical climate that ensures predominantly sunny weather throughout the year, Mauritius, a small …
Overfishing is defined simply as the process of various fishing activities reducing fish populations in oceans, lakes, or any body of water. There are three major types of overfishing; ecosystem overfishing, recruit overfishing, and growth overfishing. Ecosystem overfishing maybe the type of overfishing that is the most popular type which …
Over fishing is a serious problem that the world faces today. With sea food consumption at an all time high and the oceans resources being fished almost to extinction. We have to look towards the future of maintaining our oceans resources. “Only 10 percent of all large fish-both open ocean …
The earth’s oceans provide an enormous range of resources and affect the quality of life as we know it. The oceans cover approximately 70 percent of the surface of the earth and have a cyclical effect on weather, e.g. temperature, precipitation and air quality. Regardless of your views on global …
All arguments have two sides to them. The global warming issue is not an exception to that general rule. I believe that global warming is partly natural process, but our industrial activities have majorly influenced the climate changes. These changes are causing extinction in some animals like the polar bears …
A country under totalitarian regime shows no respect for peoples individuality and freedom. The Handmaids Tale, by Margaret Atwood, and Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell, are satirical novels that illustrate the danger of a totalitarian government and the dystopia that is being constructed. Censorship, defined as The act of hiding, …
Imagine walking on a soft, moist bed of white sand. The cool breeze is gently blowing, the chirping of the birds flying around can be heard in the background. As you look down in the smooth white sand, slightly discolored by the cool, crystal clear water from the ocean, you …
Clown fish are remarkable creatures from their origin, to the habitat they live in, and even the way they reproduce. With their vibrant orange and white colors they are one of the most unique fish ever to be researched. They live in the most dangerous depths of water, with the …
The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the ocean between Bermuda Island, Maiami and Porta Rico in the shape of a triangle. Many different mysterious incidents and disappearances have taken place within the triangle which have claimed over 1000 lives in the past 100 years. There are many theories that …
There was much diversity between Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean trade. For example, in the Mediterranean, sailors used square sails and long banks oars to maneuver among the sea’s many islands. But the traders of the Indian Ocean built sails the shape of triangles and did not use oars. Another …
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