Jury Essays

Jury selection is laid down in the Juries Act 1994. While it is proven that there are reasonable alternatives to a jury trial and that there is no doubt that jury trial is both time consuming and expensive when compared with trial by magistrates or by a judge alone, however …
Originally, common law was customary law, folk law, based on precedent. There was of course statutory law — the king’s law — but common law guided how it was enforced and administered. No real common law exists today, having been entirely codified as statutory law throughout the English-speaking world. There …
The use of a jury is the traditional method within the common law for deciding the facts in any dispute between parties. The role of a jury is to determine question of fact. The jury is in a powerful method because ultimately, it determines whether a person is guilty or …
Headed home late one night, I came across a spray can near the end of the sidewalk, and as I turned the opposite direction there were a few graffiti tags. I touched the wall of the house onto which the tags were embedded upon, to find out it was recently …
The Billl of Rights are stated in the first ten amendments. This bill contains the rights of; freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of petition, right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures, right to bear arms, right to not give housing to soldiers during …
As the name suggests, the adversary system in Australia refers to a method of trial, which involves contestants or adversaries, that is, it is an adversarial approach in attempting to resolve legal issues between two opposing sides. There are five features of the adversary system in Australia; contest; party control; …
There are countless and innumerable arrears in High courts and Supreme Court, and one crore and more in lower courts pending disposal. It is beyond dispute that credibility in courts to administer justice is almost shaken. The impending causes of the backlog of cases are in built arising out of …
Introduction I will briefly describe role and function of the Federal, State Court System and including Community Justice Centres and including Legal Aid. I will report my visiting at the Downing Centre Local Court and seeking the information about summons or attendance notice by speaking one of the court officers. …
Using covert observations can both be useful but also unethical. As the judicial system is quite particular in what is in the public domain, and what is not, covert observation could be a great method to use to get an idea of what really goes on. Even though most court …
The criminal justice system is the set of agencies and processes established by governments to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate laws. There is no single criminal justice system in the United States but rather many similar, individual systems. How the criminal justice system works in each …
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