Harry Potter Essays

Daniel Radcliffe strides into action with a new confidence in his role of this dark, even sinister tale. And the result is a spellbinding two hours and 40 minutes which glides by as swiftly as his pal Ron’s fabulous flying Ford Anglia. Director Chris Colombus has stuck to the magic …
The heroic monomyth (also known as the Hero’s Journey) describes the common stages of a hero’s journey found in many stories. Joseph Campbell first described the monomyth in 1949 in his book “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”. Although the nature of the monomyth may not be appealing to everyone, …
While writing the bestseller Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone J.K. Rowling was struggling on welfare in a coffee shop. Like Rowling, the heros in her novel are social outcasts. Harry is an orphan; Ron comes from poverty; and Hermione comes from a non-wizard family. Harry grows up in the …
Ever since I first began to read, books have always been a major influence in my life. My childhood was full of many memories of reading many wonderful books. I remember spending hours upon hours going from shelf to shelf, looking for new books. The library became almost like a …
Novel writing requires imagination, creativity and talent. In fiction writing, there has to be consistency in the “character, description, experiences, background, behavior and actions of the character”, says Elizabeth Young, a London-based literary critic and author. Consistency, as defined by David Farkas in his study entitled The Concept of Consistency …
Chapter One: the Dark Lord reigns Snape and Yaxley appeared out of nowhere. They went inside the house of Malfoy. They came into a room. Voldemort sat in the chair at the fire, surrounded by Death Eaters. Voldemort needed a new wand because his was broken at his last fight …
Whether it is the Wizarding World of Harry Potter or the vampire-filled Forks, Washington they both are home to a teenage obsession. The magical powers and leading trio are found in both movies. The Harry Potter movie series and the Twilight Saga have many similarities and differences. First, The Wizarding …
One of the most pondered questions in human existence is whether our lives are determined by forces which are beyond our control or by our own free will. It is widely believed that one’s own destiny is created by fate. However, some also consider the possibility that one’s own choices …
This book report is on the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, by J.K. Rowling. I would highly recommend this book to any reader, of any age. It is exciting, intriguing, and action-packed, and never ceases to entertain. The book is based on a character named Harry, who is …
Summary Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the story of a boy named Harry Potter – a wizard attending the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is the second book in the Harry Potter series that corresponds with his 2nd year of school at Hogwarts. This year, …
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