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Federal Government Essays

Edmund S. Morgan's "The Birth of the Republic"

Edmund S. Morgan’s “The Birth of the Republic” is an excellent overview of the major points of the history of America throughout the revolutionary period. To briefly summarize the book; Morgan first begins by examining the relationship between the American colonies and the English Parliament. He focuses mainly on the …

The Founding Father's Motivation in writing a new Constitution

The Founding Fathers were motivated by a variety of factors to write a new Constitution, including reaction towards the weakness of the Articles of Confederation, group attempts to establish a new national government and the desire to limit “democracy”. The Constitutional Convention was the result of a reaction against the …

The Division Of Law-making Powers In Australia

Australia’s Federal System is dynamic and the division of lawmaking power between the Commonwealth and State since 1901 has changed dramatically; Critically discuss, focussing on the major reasons for those changes. On the first of January 1901 Australia became a federation when the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act came into …

Problems with the Articles of Confederation

Since the birth of the United States, the issue over how strong the national government should be has always been a controversial one. While some believe that decentralization will inevitably lead to chaos, others contend that a powerful central government will inevitably become a tyranny. Although the United States would …

Marbury v. Madison

The case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) has been described as “epochal”, and for good reason. The case of Marbury v. Madison established the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review. Judicial review is the ability of the Supreme Court to “review a law or an official act of government employee …

Australia should become a Republic not a constitutional Monarchy

But what is a republic? A nation, where the head of state is a citizen of that country and was chosen because of their efforts and achievements, is a republic. If the head of state was chosen because of their birthright, then the system of government would be called a …

Centralization vs. Decentralization in America

Federalism has always been an issue for the USA since the 228 years ago we were declared a nation. Federalism is having two or more governments rule over the citizens of a country. A decentralized government is where the states govern the people, and a centralized government is where there …

Absolutism in France versus Constitutional Monarchy in England

In the wake of the Reformation, two countries experienced a century of great change, and whether growth or decline, this change was drastic. After Elizabeth I died at the turn of the century, James I took the throne of England and took absolutism with him. He and the next five …

Iron triagle and issue networks

1)Compare and contrast iron triangle and issue networks. Iron triangle and issue networks are made up of agency officials, members of Congress and interest group of lobbyist. Most of the time, they includes lawyers, academics, consultants, courts and public relations specialists. However, issue networks are constantly changing as members and …

Nevada Constitutions

Nevada, the “Battle Born” state, became a member of the Union in the midst of the Civil War. Its unique timing of becoming a state, along with an unsuccessful first draft, helped form the Nevada Constitution. Bills and amendments continue to shape Nevada into the state it is today. In …

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