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Evolution Essays

The Continental Drift Theory

How has paleomagnetism influenced the transition from continental drift to plate tectonics?             The Continental Drift Theory of Alfred Wegener in 1951 was the first to come out as geologists and paleontologists of various generations diligently studying about the Earth and the significance and relativity of each continent with each …

Evolution of the Philippine Flag

The First KKK (Kataastaasan at Kagalanggalang Katipunan ng Mga Anak ng Bayan–The Highest and Most Honorable Society of the Sons of the Nation) Flag (1892) With the establishment of the Katipunan, Andres Bonifacio requested his wife, Gregoria de Jesus, and with the help of Benita Rodriguez to create a flag …

Natural Selection and Evidence for Evolution

The mechanism for evolution is called Natural Selection to distinguish it from Artificial Selection. Evolution occurs at the population level because genetics don’t change. The frequencies of different genetic types (genotypes) within a population do change over time & can create new species. There is genetic variation in all populations; …

Argumentative Case: Evolution

Have you ever thought about the things we teach at our public schools? How everything that is said to a student has an effect on the way they think or understand things. How are we sure that we teach them everything they need to know? And who decides the purpose …

Do Fossil Finds Contradict the Bible?

Europeans had been digging up strange-looking bones along lakebeds and riverbanks for hundreds of years before the 18th century (Strauss). Many of the finds confused the Europeans since they could not wrap their heads around where the bones were coming from. The intact skeleton of the marine reptile, Mosasaurus, was …

The Origin and Evolution of Coca-Cola’s Workplace Values

In May 1886 as a one man business in Atlanta, GA, Dr. John Pemberton, a Pharmacist who created the noncarbonated drink as medicine used as a medical elixir, nerve, and brain tonic during the origin(s) and subsequent evolution of Coca-cola started. Later carbonated dihydrogen monoxide was integrated into the drink …

Natural Selection and Patterns of Evolution Worksheet

Complete the worksheet writing 100- to 200-word short answers for each question. Format your references consistent with APA guidelines. 1. What is the direct evidence in support of the theory of natural selection? Include at least four examples. Paleontology shows us that organisms have changed gradually over time, as reflected …

Understanding Evolution in Technology Ecosystems

The current technological environment is becoming increasingly complex, and managers are faced with new challenges related to technology forecasting, technology investment and adoption, and new product development. The technology ecosystem model provides a principled approach to understanding evolution of technology artifacts and environment by taking into account the interdependent nature …

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

The theory of evolution through natural selection describes how humans and other animals have evolved over a long period of time. Charles Darwin made a hypothesis based on the different pictures of the same animal that were found over the years. There was a slight change in its features, which …

Verizon Wireless Marketing Strategy

Consumers need to communicate. But converting that need to the desire for certain types of communication requires skill. It also requires listening to what consumers want. Consumers demand for more cell phone and wireless services seems nearly unlimited, especially with the surge in social networking sites. This provides tremendous opportunities …

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