Entrepreneurship Essays

The next step of any company after having set a firm stable ground is to go international to make the brand recognizable and make more profit. Having the company to be run in international level could be proven rather hard. Especially for the small business as the beginning are proven …
What type of arrangement is Edgar using in his business dealings with the firms in Australia, Singapore and Dubai? Be complete with your answers. Edgar sells its products to different parts of the world through a contractual agreement. Edgar has a strong association in Australia, Singapore and Dubai to sell …
A basic definition for entrepreneurship is starting a business from scratch, which includes everything from idea conception to managing the company for the long term; we understand from the definition that any new idea or a new way of implementing the idea is an entrepreneurship, while the definition of ‘Entrepreneur’ …
A business can create large sums of income for an entrepreneur or entrepreneurs. Most future business owners have an idea of what type of service or product to offer. Deciding the type of business organization to become can be a tough decision. Whether the it be a sole proprietorship, partnership, …
1. Terms of Reference The report aims to define the concept of social entrepreneurship in the backdrop of the traditional and contemporary theories and definition on entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. It studies the nature of social entrepreneurs and analyse the role of entrepreneurship in the economy and society. It highlights …
1.0 Introduction The European Commission (2011) defines the concept corporate social responsibility as a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. Hopkins (2005) argues that corporate social responsibility is concerned with treating the stakeholders of …
An indifferent attitude of government and negligence towards the welfare of the society, their poorer strategies towards the socially disadvantage peoples, this led to the emergence of social enterprise and social entrepreneurship. In past it was the work of NGO’s to set it right, but lack of funds kept them …
1. Background: An entrepreneur is a person who has strong beliefs about an opportunity and is willing to accept a high level of personal, professional or financial risk to pursue that opportunity. Entrepreneur often undertake and operate new enterprises or ventures and assume accountability for the inherent risks. In the …
1. Introduction In this assignment, I have chosen a case study of a Singapore entrepreneur, Charles Wong, whom together with his brother, Keith, established a popular Singapore brand, ‘Charles & Keith’, now an international chain valued at S$200 million with over 170 franchises worldwide, known for women’s footwear and accessories. …
Life of any human being is full of interaction. No one is completely self sufficient by himself/herself. In our daily life we go ahead by acquiring something from each other. Whatever we do and whatever we achieve during the course of our limited life is just not by or own …
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