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Disease Essays

Breast Cancer

Attention Getter: Women survive breast cancer everyday through early detection and treatment, but have you ever place yourself in the shoes of someone diagnose with breast cancer? Specific Purpose: To inform the audience on the Symptoms/ Risk, Treatment, and how a person can possibly lower the risk of breast cancer. …

The Caine Mutiny

While watching this film, there are many things in Captain Queeg’s behavior that stick out as abnormal or even strange. After a period of time, even the Captain’s crew begins to suspect that he may be struggling with a mental problem. They use a mental disorder book to try and …

Care Plan Hip Fracture

Give pain medications prior to physical activity as pain impairs mobility and the patient is more likely to succeed in reaching her physical activity goals if her pain is under good control. Impaired physical mobility R/T recent surgery 2° right intertrochanteric hip fracture AEB pt. only being able to ambulate …

Concussions in Sports: Tackling the Issue

It happens every game, a player gets hit very hard and is injured in some sort of way. In the current days of football, concussions are the most common and most dangerous injury there is and should be given more attention to protect players and athletes. Whether it’s short term …

Scariest Experience Narrative

I live in a modern floor to ceiling glass house on the north east corner of the street looking out to the desert. There are no street lights and the closest neighbors are a few hundred yards away. At night the moonlight casts an eerie shadow over the desert foliage, …

The Black Death: How Different Were the Christian and Muslim Responses?

This paper discusses the responses of the Christians and Muslims during the Black Death. According to research Muslims tended to stay more calm and relaxed. While Christians started getting upset, this led to pointing fingers. In particular, this paper states exactly how the Muslims reacted versus the way the Christians …

Understand Mental Health

This unit aims to provide the learner with knowledge of the main forms of mental health problems according to the psychiatric classification system. Learners also consider the strengths and limitations of this model and look at alternative frameworks for understanding mental distress. The focus of the unit is on understanding …

What are the Causes and Effects of Childhood Obesity?

How can they best be addressed? Childhood obesity has become a big important issue over the years. This issue should be addressed immediately. The problems seem to be the food that the children and adolescents eat and a little to no physical activity. Many children lead sedentary life styles at …

Withdrawing/Withholding Life Support: Pros and Cons

When a person is being sustained by life support, families and loved ones are frequently confronted with the resolve about when to terminate these supports (Meeker, 2012). Recently it has turned into “pulling the plug” prior to death regardless of the tubes and machines keeping the patient alive. Withdrawal choices …

Antioxidative Property of Soursop Leaf Extract

Soursop or Guyabano, scientifically known as Annona Muricata Linn, is nutritionally rich in carbohydrates, notably fructose. Guyabano fruit grows from 7 up to 20 centimeters long, they are heart-shaped with pointed tip and form a cone-shaped mass of many carpels that conforms the body of the fruit. It contains indicative …

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