College Example Essays

James II lost his throne in 1688. He did try to fight for it in 1689, but was defeated at the Battle of Boyne due to lack of support and outnumberment. Why did James II lose his throne – why did nobody support him? The aim of this essay is …
In ‘Island Man’ written by Nichols and ‘Blessing’ written by Dharker, dreams are portrayed, but in different situations. The poets explore the meaning of dreams and the happiness they can bring if made true. ‘Island Man’ and ‘Blessing’ similarly show that the people they are about are not happy with …
Protease is an enzyme that reacts with protein to break it down into its constituents. Enzyme activity can be affected by the change of pH, temperature and the concentration of substrate or enzyme in the solution. The focal aim of this experiment is to see what pH our protease works …
Prediction: In this experiment there are two variables. Firstly, the pH. Changes in pH would alter or totally inhibit the enzyme from catalysing a reaction This change in the pH will affect the polar and non-polar intramolecular attractive and repulsive forces and alter the shape of the enzyme and the …
I predict that the best temperature for the reaction to take place will be at around 40 degrees. I made this assumption on the basis that 40 degrees is the closest to body temperature, and so this would have to be the best temperature for the reaction to take place. …
8. “Members of a society borrow from other cultures to solve problems that they face in common.” What does this mean? What is the significance to marketing?Because different cultures experience different events and hold different values, they provide a unique perspective towards a variety of problems. They may view a …
This article is about Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon. com. He is a very good example of a great business leader. He took a huge risk by investing into an ecommerce company in 1994 that was eventually launched in 1995. It started as an online bookstore that started …
‘An Inspector Calls’ was written by J. B. Priestley at the end of World War Two (1945) to express discontent regarding social barriers. The war had softened the ‘walls’ separating the classes because people were combined, working towards a shared aim. The war had brought women’s responsibility into society; the …
‘An Inspector Calls’ is a play that was written by J B Priestley. It was written in 1945, after World War II. However the play is set in 1912, which is known as the Edwardian Era, before both of the world wars. The Edwardian era was a time of division …
A laptop is a small personal computer designed for a mobile use. A laptop brings together all of the components of a desktop computer, including a monitor, a keyboard, a touchpad and a battery into a single portable piece of equipment. The battery can be recharged from a plug socket …
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