Career Essays

The result from the Career Interests Profiler was that I was realistic, conventional, and artistic. It is interesting under the realistic list, it states “require working outside, and do not involve a lot of paperwork or working closely with others.” I do like to work outside with our animals and …
Throughout this course I have taken a series of Career Plan Building Activity, which consisted of the following: Competencies and Career Interests Profiler, Work Culture Preferences and Reasoning Aptitude. After taken these career plan building activities they have confirmed to be precisely beneficial skills that I plan to continue to …
Create a Word document labeled Career Research Assignment_YourName.docx, insert a title page as page one and include your name, your professor’s name, title of assignment, and date submitted List each of the following HEADINGS in your document Under each heading enter the information requested below Marks will be deducted for …
Within any organization, it is vital to provide solid employee training and career development plans for employees. Incorporating this into the process for every new employee will ensure the growth and success of an organization. That very success lies with the contribution that each employee makes within the organization and …
“It’s time to choose” was the repetitive statement my mind struggled with after I finished my high school governmental exams. Deciding my major was like trying to swim upstream. Being exposed to various subjects then trying to narrow your choices to a specific major was a bit difficult. However, winning …
In kindergarten, my class was asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I drew a picture of an army and that was what I wanted to be. To this day my parents won’t let me forget that out of everything I could have aspired to be, …
The career I chose to research is a pediatrician. I already know a little bit about this career because I am interested in pursuing it. A pediatrician is a doctor who specializes with working with children. I know that to become a pediatrician it involves going through a lot of …
Accounting is a very diverse career field. It continues to rank among the top chosen career paths in many universities. As one of the most successful careers in the business field, accounting has recently thrived on a continually growing demand. If need for education and skill are met, the result …
My name is Levan, I’m 23 years old. I was born in small city Dusheti, where i started learning. In 2000 I won the olympics in mathematics and I came to the school of physics and mathematics “Comarovi” in tbilisi, which I successfully graduated in 2005. I have obtained my …
In recent times, there has been growing interest in the interrelationships between career choice, peer group and parental influence. More importantly the focus has been on the factors that tend to move an individual towards a career. PARENTS Parents play a major role in the decisions of their children. As …
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