Biography Essays

Mikhail Gorbachev was a Russian politician who was born on March 2, 1931 in Privolnoye, a place near Stavropol. He served from 1985 to 1991 as the last General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. During his younger years, Gorbachev had worked in farms while studying. As …
A life guided by the virtues of honesty and integrity has always been the kind of life that my parents wanted me to live. Each day and every other day that I do my tasks, whether in the pursuit of my profession or in my private life, service, respect for …
Life details Yegor Timurovich Gaider is a renowned Russian economist and a politician with a lot of implications on the politics of the country. Yegor is a grandson of famous Soviet critical writers Arkady Gaiders and Pavel Bazhov. Yegor Gaidar was born on 19th March 1956 and has served as …
Leonhard Euler (15 April, 1707- 18 September, 1783) was a Swiss mathematician and physicist. Born in Basel Switzerland, later moved to neighboring town, Riehen, Euler attended a rather poor school that taught no mathematics. His father having studied theology at the University of Basil managed to teach him some, which …
Abstract. Robert Gilmore (R.G) LeTourneau is a man emulated by many for his amazing rise from a simple life to a man who made history through his deeds. Despite the challenges he faced trying to make ends meet by working lowly paid jobs his determination seemed to increase by …
The Controversial Dorian Gray What comes to people’s minds if they hear the title “The Picture of Dorian Gray” or “The Importance of Being Earnest”? It does not take a wide reader or a genius to know that these titles are given life and meaning by the great poet and …
“Mick” Jagger, has been a household name for many years for his singing/song writing, acting and most importantly, the Rolling Stones. If you have never heard of the lead singer of this 60’s band, you probably have. Jagger is well known for his performance style, which is recognized in the …
Sun Yixian (12 November 1866–12 March 1925), whose real name was Sun wen, the genealogical name was Sun Deming, the milk name was Sun Dixiang, the Cantonese pronunciation is Sun Yat -sen. He was a Chinese revolutionary, first president and founder of the Guomingdang and the Republic of China(ROC). So …
Fazle Hasan Abed was born in 1936 in Hobigonj. His father used to work as theDistrict Sub-registrar in Hobigonj. In his childhood when he was studying inHobigonj Government High School, his father got paralysis. At that point of time hewas sent to his uncle who was the district judge in …
Introduction The “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” was actually written by Alex Haley. Malcolm X coordinated with Haley to arrange and integrate his story to him. Haley became the medium of Malcolm X to share his ideas and experiences of his past as a black living with white. The …
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