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Asia Essays

Dr, Abdul kalam

Dr. ABDUL KALAM INTRODUCTION : Dr. Kalam was a practical educational thinker and visionary who stands for integrating ancient and modern educational ideals for the development of a balanced Indian society. Being a top scientist of international reputation, his direct contribution to the advancement of science and technology is unique …

Impact of John Stuart Mill’s Philosophies on Philippines’ Society

John Stuart Mill’s social, political, and economic philosophies are widely applied in the Philippine setting. His conception of social liberty, feminism, political democracy and economic democracy is practiced in the country, although not holistically applied or not well-carried out at some cases. Philippines, as a democratic country, adapts the libertarian …

Situation of Economy of the Philippines

Jobless recovery has truly hit the Philippines. Despite being the 40th largest economy in the world and despite having larger GDP and GNP rates, the unemployment rate of the country rises more than ever as technology continue to be more advanced. The Philippines’ full year Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in …

Upper Canada - Pontiac

Pontiac the Ottawa chief was an ally of the French and when French forces were defeated by the British, he plotted, planned and fought to keep the English from overrunning Indian country. Brant the Mohawk chief sided with the King over Congress in the War of Independence and was finally …

Silk Road and Indian Ocean Trade

The Silk Road, once a popular trade route, slowly was overshadowed by the growing Indian Ocean trade. The Indian Ocean trade route was more efficient, easier to travel, and much faster. Meanwhile the Silk Road became less traveled because of its harsh geography, the spread of disease, and the fall …

India has potential to lead the world

INDIA HAS POTENTIAL TO LEAD THE WORLD Since times immemorial, India has firmly withstood its ancient glory! Who says we lost the Kohinoor to the Queen of England… our true Kohinoor lies in every Indian citizen worth his salt.,.Everything which was either discovered or invented in India was cleverly denied …

Anjon's the fashion house

 Request to accept the term paper on Overall Marketing Analysis Strategy of Anjan’s Dear Mam, We are from your course Principles of Marketing (section-06), are very glad to submit the given group assignment on an overall situation analysis of the fashion houses in Bangladesh: A study on “Anjan’s”. It gives enormous …

Subhash chandra bose

In 1927, after being released from prison, Bose became general secretary of the Congress party and worked with Jawaharlal Nehru for independence. Again Bose was arrested and jailed for civil disobedience; this time he emerged to become Mayor of Calcutta in 1930. During the mid-1930s Bose travelled in Europe, visiting …

The indolence of the Filipinos

The indolence of the Filipinos In this essay of Dr. Jose Rizal, he explained the behaviors of the Filipinos he had observed in the past and present with in his time. Here he admitted that indolence exist with in Filipinos, but was because of the troubles experienced by the country. …

Indira Gandhi vs. raj narain and its relation with Jeremy Bentham's sovereignty

Case Study : Smt. Indira Nehru Gandhi vs Shri Raj Narain And Anr. on 7 November, 1975 On 23September, 2013 Jeremy Bentham was among the first few philosophers to advocated equal status to both men and women. This quality was recognised in Plato’s republic, but after Plato’s republic it was …

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