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Asia Essays

Religion and Economy in Medieval Europe and Japan

Religion and Economy in Medieval Europe and Japan Social Hierarchy after urbanization Religion did not have as much of an impact on daily life and the overall development of Japan as it did Europe. For instance the maximum of the wars were fought for wealth or power, not religion, but …

Language, Learning, Identity, Privilege by James Soriano

As a fellow Filipino I disagree to the piece of “Language, learning, identity, privilege”, even though English is primarily the language for learning in almost all parts of the world it does not mean that we should treat our mother language less. But yes he brings a good point in …

Economic Performance of Vietnam

Question: to what extent does the Sachs and Gallup analysis (1998) explain the economic performance of Vietnam? According to the Sachs and Gallup survey (1998), the economic performance is heavily affected by three factors. The three mentioned factors are location in the northern hemisphere, a temperate climate and access to …

Transit: Impact On Bangladesh

1. Introduction A debate has been raging in the country on whether transit facilities should be given to India or not through the land territory of Bangladesh. Some argue that it should not be given unless some core bilateral issues with India are resolved, while some have advanced the view …

The Second Backward Classes Commission (Mandal Commission)

By an Order made by the President of India, in the year 1979, under Article 340 of the Constitution, a Backward Class Commission was appointed to investigate the conditions of socially and educationally backward classes within the territory of India, which Commission is popularly known as Mandal Commission. The terms …

Hinduism and Monk Swami Vivekananda

In this world of over seven billion souls, sometimes we feel the absence of one man and then suddenly we find that he is there in all men. That is our Indian famous monk Swami Vivekananda. He is regarded as the patriot saint of modern India. He was the greatest …

History of Angeles City

In 1796, the gobernadorcillo or town head of San Fernando, Don Ángel Pantaleón de Miranda, and his wife, Doña Rosalia de Jesus, along with some followers, staked out a new settlement, which they named Culiat because of the abundance of vines of that name in the area. The new settlers …

How Much Land Does a Man Require

These forests are found in the areas of quite high temperature and rainfall. The forests are dense, multi-layered and have many types of trees, shrubs and lians. These forests are further categorized into 4 types depending on the degree of wetness in the area and the dominant life form in …

India and English

From 1857, when English was introduced by the Imperial Government as the only medium of education, the English language has played a significant role in the lives of Indian people. After a long struggle by national leaders, in the 1920s, the British rulers reluctantly permitted school education through the medium …

Rolando Santos Tinio

Biography Rolando Tinio is a Philippine National Artist for Theater and Literature. He was born in Gagalangin, Tondo, Manila on March 5, 1937.[5] As a child, Tinio was fond of organizing and directing his playmates for costumed celebrations. He was an active participant in the Filipino movie industry and enjoyed …

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