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Artists Essays

Soft Construction with Boiled Beans 1936

             The Soft Construction with Boiled Beans 1936 was one of Salvador Dali’s many surrealist creations. In order for us to know the implications it has on Dali and the conclusion we can get for this masterpieces, it is wise to understand the movement Dali was a part of.             …

Art Critique: Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

A full and in depth appreciation of Vincent Van Gogh’s Aesthetics entails a comprehensive insight of the principles behind art and philosophical foundations that emanates in the paintings that he made. The most conspicuous element of art to which the “Starry Night” painting is often used as an illustration is …

Picasso: Influential Modern Artist of the 20th Century

Art is an expression; and expression, for our own ends, is the putting forth of purpose, feeling, or thought into a sensuous medium, where they can be experienced again by the one who created it and to others who view its magnificence. This paper intends to explore the works of …

Dürer’s The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Nowadays

Albrecht Dürer was the first German artist to become an international authority during the Renaissance: science-oriented, well-traveled and widely admired for his visual and technical literacy, he appropriated the high ideas of Italian Renaissance into pioneering techniques and brought the modern Humanistic style and ideas to his own country. Graphic …

Van Gogh vs. Margaret Olley: Comparative Analysis

Margaret Olley and Van Gogh are two of the most well-known impressionists of their time. With more than a century between their eras, they both played significant roles in the progressing development of art today. Similarly painting still life’s and portraits, they also used the same media types and painted …

Frida Kahlo: The Wonders behind the Tragedies

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them,” expressed William Shakespeare. (G) Shakespeare knew not of Frida Kahlo when he made this statement, yet he wholly describes her by declaring this. For a woman who faced many hardships during her lifetime, she was not …

The Racial and Artistic Tension of Henry Ossawa Tanner

            In 1913 American painter Henry Ossawa Tanner, best known then and today as a “religious” painter, finished the oil on canvas “Fishermen at Sea”. The intense and captivating painting is considered by critic Will South as “one of Tanner’s boldest works and one of his most mysterious” (South 5). …

Rabindranath Tagore: A Most Prolific Artist

Born into a wealthy and influential Bengali family in Calcutta in 1861, Rabindranath Tagore “received his education in both Bengali and English.” (Rabindranath Tagore Biography, Pictures and Further Links). Later, at the age of 17, he was “sent to London for university education but he returned from there as the …

Personal Opinion

Japan-UK 150 is a series of events in celebration of 150 years of friendship between the two countries being conducted in the UK. The events start from autumn 2008 all the way through the end of 2009. The events include an exchange of culture, sports, arts, education as well as …

The Old Guitarist - Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso undoubtedly was one of the most famous, well documented and most profoundly original artist this century has produced. Picasso distinguished himself through his revolutionary art, experimenting throughout life with his originality of style, ever changing and evolving through his works spanning almost over a whole century. His freed …

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