Alcohol Essays

Aim: The enthalpy change of combustion of a fuel is a measure of the energy transferred when one mole of fuel burns completely. A value for the enthalpy change can be obtained by using the burning fuel to heat water and using fact that 4.2j of energy are required to …
I attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. The meeting I attended was on a Monday night at 8:00pm and it was an open lead meeting. It was a very interesting experience for me. I have never been to an AA meeting, so I really didn’t know what to expect. When I …
PROBLEM Investigate the heat energy in a range of alcohol’s used as fuels. HYPOTHESIS I predict that octanol will release the most heat energy. This is because there is more bond energy in that molecule than the other alcohols. Within a molecule there are bond energies that are holding the …
This paper is an attempt to explore the possible research stances available to me involved in participant observation of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) of the Lehigh County. For this field study I chose to be a complete observer. I have to stay in many assignments I’ve done I never thought I …
ABSTRACT This experiment was conducted to synthesize methyl benzoate form benzoic acid and methanol by using the Fischer esterification method. The Fischer exterification technique is utilized in the academic and industrial settings due to the simplified synthesis and safety parameters of the overall reaction. Both benzoic acid and methanol are …
Abstract: The objective of this experiment is to efficiently perform a fischer esterification of 1-Hexanol to form water and hexyl acetate, and to confirm the esterification with a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. It was found that 0.3963 grams hexyl acetate was formed with a percent yield of 33.2%. The …
The consumption of alcohol is consumed by so many individuals, both male and females, young and old, on a daily basis. I’ve often heard the term “women can’t hold their liquor.” I think this, is because of their small frames and some of us don’t know when enough is enough. …
Women have become increasingly objectified in advertisements over the years. Alcohol advertisements especially objectify women by seeing them simply as objects. After analyzing four Skyy Vodka advertisements, I realized that they all dehumanize and objectify women. The discrimination of women is clearly shown in their advertisements by being sexualized objects. …
Drug is a substance used as a medication or in the preparation of medication. An alcoholic beverage, on the other hand, is a drink that contains 3 to 40 percent alcohol (ethanol). Reading these definitions sound trivial right? However, abusive usage of both the former and the latter may result …
Abstract: We treated 4-methylcyclohexanol with phosphoric acid, and after purification we produced the end product 4-methylcyclohexene. We determined we had a pure product based on the results of the tests with Br2 and KMnO4, as well as the IR absorbtion spectrum of the final product. Purpose: The purpose of this …
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