Emotions and Interpersonal Communications

- Pages: 5
- Word count: 1235
- Category: Emotions Feelings Interpersonal Communication
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Order NowHuman Service workers usually have a strong need to help those in need. Within helping, treating and assessing patients it is very important to be aware of your actions. Clients are very attentive to the professional’s demeanor. Because most clients are apprehensive upon arrival they will not divulge of the information needed to successfully treat them. It is usually once a rapport has been established that the client will open up. However the professional must ensure that the client is comfortable enough to do so. In the Human Service Profession understanding your client’s feelings and emotions is critical to the outcome of the treatment. Professionals must be aware of their facial expression as well as the body posture. In many cultures a person’s posture and facial expression could mean many things. Despite how what a professional may feel clients can perceive your actions as something else. Professional often time have difficulty during initial meetings. These difficulties are not always at the hand of the Professional. Dependent on the clients emotions and experiencing clients may attend a session very guarded and on the defense Some clients are very private and can refuse to divulge any information that they may feel is embarrassing.
Gestures and body postures in many cultures can mean different things. In some cultures greetings are hugs and kisses and to deny this greeting is a form of disrespect. When dealing with a client of this culture the normal “goodbye” used by the Americans can make the client feel as if the professional isn’t empathetic. However the client should initiate this behavior to avoid any feelings of uneasiness. A head nod has many meetings across many cultures. A head nod in some cultures serves as a refusal, where as in others it serves as a greeting or yes as the answer to the questions. The hand gesture where the thumb meets the pointer finger and others fingers remain erect translate “ok” in the US but money, insult and zero in other countries. The proper behavior for a professional is to use words and not gestures and to always remain professional. Professional while considering their clients feelings must also be attentive to their feelings. There are feelings that clients may not express verbally but may exhibit physically. When these behaviors are noticed they should be addressed carefully. Professional may also take notice of the client’s appearance to offer services and assistance.
There are many things to take into effect when initially meeting and treating a client. The professional’s purpose is to help the client. The most important thing to remember is the atmosphere and the professionals’ behavior and appearance sets the scene and allows comfort and trust to be established within communication between the helper and the client. An emotional connection between client and the professional is necessary. This connection indicates that the helper shows empathy. Sympathy isn’t what client is looking for. They do not want the helper to feel sorry for them but to understand them enough to help them. The client’s professional and social skills will ensure a sense of security for the clients. Ultimately the beginning of every session should begin with an assessment with the Professional asking questions to determine the tone or the mood of the clients such as , “You look great today, how do you feel?” or “What have you learned from these session?” “Do you feel that they are helpful?”
Reflection helps the professional to understand if the techniques being used are effective for the client’s situation it also gives the client the opportunity to notice and record the differences in t heir situation and to remember what tools helped in the situation. The helper is to provide clients with effective tools and skills to continue to progress through their problems, having a discussion with the clients to indicate the methods used and the reactions and outcomes derived from them is a good way to help the clients to identify these things. A professional must always remember to consider the client in everything that they do. Helping the client to effectively manage their emotions and express themselves when in a helping environment and settings as well as providing a sense of security are all characteristics of a successful client helper relationship and successful treatment.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; CONSTANTS ACROSS CULTURES IN THE FACE AND EMOTION; Ekman, Paul & Friesen, Wallace V;, Vol. 17, No. 2, 124-129
http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/a-primer-on-communication-studies/s06-03-emotions-and-interpersonal-com.html This isn’t quite APA on your references. No webstrings only, and put all as Author (date). Title. Retrieval information.
Be sure to cite all references in the body of the paper. Cite even when you use ideas or information. I didn’t see any cites. Week 2 Emotions in Interpersonal Communications Paper
This assignment is due in Week Two.
Student discussed how emotions are used in regards to interpersonal communication. Student included the following topics in the paper:
How do emotions impact interpersonal communications?
Describe what obstacles an interviewer faces in dealing with the client’s emotions. How should you assess the client’s cultural considerations and their impact on the interview process? Student included an abstract and annotated bibliography in the paper. 5
The paper is 700- to1,050-words in length.
The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. The conclusion is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.
The paper—including the title page, reference page, tables, and any appendixes—is consistent with APA guidelines as directed by the facilitator. The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct. 1.5
Total Available
The Center for Writing Excellence has excellent software you could use to help find grammar errors in your papers before submitting. Using the software can help you learn more about grammar. And in the long run, use a lifelong learner attitude and make improving in composition and grammar a personal goal. We write a lot in human services. 6.5/8
A couple of reminder notes for everyone this week, on the APA on presenting your references.
First, be sure to always use hanging indent. You can’t do that by hand. Use format / paragraph / special / select hanging. Only the first word in a title, the first after a colon, or names get capitals in most titles in APA. Text begins at the left margin
Second, titles in APA on the references page look more like sentences. Only the first word in most titles, the first after a colon, or names like America, tend to get capitals on these titles. Refer to the APA manual for further detail, but this is the case for books and articles.
Third, be sure to italicize book names, including journal titles.
This is the order of information:
Author. (date). Title with first letter in capital: Or first letter after a colon. Retrieval information which might be a webstring.
GREAT start on your APA here. It could use a little polishing.
In any paper cite all references and reference all cites. It is good to use cites. Use them when you have used any information or ideas from any sources. If you didn’t use ideas or information, those are not references, because reference refers to how to retrieve a cite.