Emerson Electric

- Pages: 2
- Word count: 356
- Category: Life
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Order NowEmerson Electric I will be talking about Emerson Electric, and how they are a good ethical company. The reasons being is how they faced ethical issues and how they better their self’s during those times. Also how they are doing in their industry and some of the pros of the company. And lastly how is the tract record of this company. Emerson is a very dedicated company to holding a good public being and looking appealing to the public, “Emerson is committed to maintaining a culture of ethical conduct and legal compliance.” This is a statement made on their home page of the website, they also have annual ethics training required for all employees.
They have no reports released to the public eyes to view about bad ethical issues that have accrued, however they do have a hot line and an email address anyone can report any issues they had with the company and they call it the and each case is reviewed by a real person and it is not automated. This company has had some pretty good CEO’s and higher ranking offers in its company, overall this company has had a pretty steady ethic plan of not trying to much and being safe and just working on slower gain and not trying to maximize profits by taking huge risks. This all changed after David Farr, Farr led this company through this worst recession, when nearly 20% of the workforce was laid off. But he said “The toughest decisions I had to make were to do with getting out of certain businesses. Appliance manufacturers were once our biggest customers but we decided to divest that part of our business, which was 100 years old.’
This company has went tough times and been around for a very long time but this company has figured out how to stay in business throughout all of it and it all starts with the CEO. This was a very interesting company to do ethical research over and I have learn a lot about the electrical power industry. Word cited page “Emerson Wins the Corporate Social Responsibility Ranking in China: CSR Innovation Award.”