Difficulties encountered by the BSIT students in java programming

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- Word count: 917
- Category: Computers Student Technology
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Order NowIt is the new century, the new beginning and always bring new hope, a chance for new possibilities, a time for resolutions, and for checking optimistic disposition about new technology in the educational system. In the 1997 Philippine Constitution (Article XIV, sec.10.), its states that, “Science and Technology is essential for national development, inventions, innovation and their utilization, and to science and technology education, training and services. It shall support indigenous, appropriate and self-relient, scientific and technological capabilities and their application to the country’s productive system and sectional life”. It is true that an Information Technology plays a great role in our society and very important in business world, offices, schools, hospitals, and in the field of education. But how could these Information Technology Professionals apply their knowledge about this course to different fields of learning and application?
If the presents students of course are experiencing hardships, trials and most of all, the difficulties they encountering in learning, analyzing and applying these ideas and high-tech procedures. The technology plays a vital role in society. For these years, lots of students are taking Bachelor of Science in Information Technology course. Some are shifting and some are quitting because many students of University of Cagayan Valley taking Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree do not perform well in Java Programming. This was proven through the results of both hands-on and written examinations, most particularly in their major programming subjects, specially, Java subject. In today’s modern year, students are growing-up at a time of great scientific and technological development.
Some of these are very interesting that a student wants to learn in computers, high-tech machines that manipulated by machines also. But because of insufficient supply of high-tech machines and computers, people are still in the the level of learning. That’s why the students of University of Cagayan Valley, who are taking Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, are suffering lots of difficulties most specially the problems they are encountered in Java Programming which is known as one of the most difficult subject in the program.
These are issues and situations which prompted the researchers to pursue in this particular study.
Conceptual/Theoritical Framework
The Framework reference of this study shows the difficulties encountered by the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Students in their Java Programming. These areas were presented in the paradigm: the input, process and output.
Under the input, it consists of the student’s profile.
The difficulties encountered by the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Students in Java Programming.
In terms of the output, the students will improve their performance of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Students in Java Programming.
Input Process Output
Paradigm of the Study
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to assess the difficulties encountered by the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students of University of Cagayan Valley towards the use of Java Programming in Different forms of application for the school year 2014-2015 Specifically it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:
Parents’ Occupations
2. Difficulties Encountered by Information Technology Students in Java
Programming Relative to:
2.1 Creating an object
2.2 Using command button
2.3 Using java layout
3. Is there a significant relationship between the difficulties encountered by the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students in Java Programming when grouped according to their profile ?
There is no significant relationship between the difficulties encountered by the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students when grouped according to their profile.
Importance of the Study
The study aimed to contribute to the development of computer programming for the school is general and the instructors and students, in particular. Administration. The administrators will be able to determine needs in the computer laboratory and give assistance to the computer instructors. Computer Instructors. The findings may serve as their basis in understanding the strength and weaknesses of their students in the phases of Computer Programming Subjects. Students. The results can make the students aware of their weakness and plan of action to overcome them. Future Researchers. This study will serve to broaden and strengthen their ability, to conduct more related studies regarding Java Programming. The Researchers. This will provide insights, for the researchers to improve and gain some knowledge in Java Programming.
Scope and Deliminations
This study was delimited to the Third Year students of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology of University of Cagayan Valley, for the School Year 2014-2015.
Definition of Terms
Computer. An electronic machine which, by means of stored instructions and information performs rapid, often complex calculations or complies
correlates and selects data.
Difficulties. Problems encountered by the students.
Information. Applies to the data that are gathered in any way, as by regarding observation.
Information Technology. Refers to the combination of hardware and software products and service that companies use to manage, access, communicate and share information.
Java Language. Is a form of language belonging to the low level language Learning. The process of acquiring knowledge or skill, the modification of behaviour through practice, experience. Programmer. A person who writes computer programming.
Programming. The act or process of planning or writing a programs. Science. Systematic Knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observationand experimentation. Society. A group of person regarded as a forming single community, especially as froming a distinct social or economical class. Technology. The system by a society provides its members with those things needed or desired; it is a manner accomplishing a task using technical methods or knowledge.